Chapter 2

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"Mr. Song good morning! How are things?" I walked straight to the restaurant’s bar and seated myself on a chair near the counter. The old man gave me one of his sweetest smiles and pushed a warm tea towards me.

Mr. Song: Everything's good child. How about you? You seem to be in a good mood, care to share?

I laughed at his statement and held the warm cup of tea smelling the aroma of the freshly brewed leaves, "I got a call from home, apparently the agency where I applied for work called my mom yesterday. They're already finished with all the paperwork and I'm good to go!" I grinned at the old man and took a sip of the tea, "They will be sending my plane ticket thru email and I'm off to go on Sunday this week!” The old man gave me one of his brightest smiles and hugged me while patting my back.

Mr. Song: Well, that's good news child! I'll surely miss having you here in the restaurant. You better leave behind one of your drawings here so at least I can have a little remembrance from you.

I smiled cheekily at him, "I still have 2 days left Mr. Song, don't worry, I'll draw a most amazing masterpiece for the restaurant!" The old man chuckled and patted my head.

Mr. Song: Well, then how about we celebrate? I'll cook you a dish fit for a princess!

I laughed and nodded, "I'll help in here a bit Mr. Song since I don't feel like visiting the pier this morning and besides I haven't seen the place at night.

Mr. Song: Are you running away from them again dear child?

The old man looked at me quizzically and I gave him an amused look. "No I'm not Mr. Song, I just wanted to see the pier at night and I met them again yesterday. I'm proud to tell you that I wasn't hostile to them though I was able to rant at them about how I feel when they left the group. But in a tactful way!" I defended myself when the old man gave a baffled look.

Mr. Song: And pray tell child, what is your standard when it comes to being tactful?

I looked at him sheepishly and recalled the event of yesterday. After I was done, he just sighed and bobbed his head in disagree.

Mr. Song: You are really something child. But it's nice to know that you are an outspoken person at least people will know that you are a true friend.

He smiled and patted my head, "Mr. Song?" He looked at me quizzically, "Do you think you could just make the food to go?" He smiled at me and nodded.

Mr. Song: I'll make it good for four and on the house too, dear. 

I smiled and thanked him as he cooked the food.

It was around quarter to 11 when I left Mr. Song's restaurant. I trekked the familiar way going to the pier. I chuckled when I saw three figures seating by the ledge near my favorite spot. "Are you kids stalking me or what?" I laughed when they abruptly slide off the ledge and stood. "I was just kidding guys. No need to be self - conscious." I placed the food, packed by Mr. Song, on the ledge and looked at them, "Wow, you kids look like you came out from a magazine. Are you guys attending an event?" They gave a shy, uneasy smile while rubbing their hands on the back of their necks.

Zi: Yeah... we kind of went to a family event that's why we are dressed like this. Um... can we ask you something?

I raised a brow and sat on the ledge, "You are kind of asking me now, you know." The youngest chuckled shyly.

Zi: Why weren't you here this morning? I mean, you seem to be present every morning and leave the pier before lunch.

"Wow, now I do believe you kids are stalking me!" I laughed when they started to stutter some protests while shaking their heads. "I'm just teasing kids! I just felt like going to a friend rather than go straight here in the pier and I was lucky I did." I pointed at the packed lunch, "He cooked food good for 4 people and I had a shrewd idea that you guys will be here. So, are you guys hungry?" I cocked my head to the side and looked at them quizzically. They beamed and nodded as I unpacked and handed them an individual food box. They thanked me and we started to dig in the food.

Lu: So you won't be drawing something right now, Miss Ai?

I shook my head and took a bite of my dumpling, "No, and don't call me Miss. I feel like I'm your teacher or something even though I'm older than you guys."

Yi: How can you tell that we are younger than you?

I choked on my food and the youngest started patting my back.

Zi: Gege look what you did?! Lu - ge hand her some water!

The oldest of them frantically opened a water bottle and handed it to me. I gulped down a mouthful of water and thumped my chest as I catched my breath, "I thought that was too obvious? Isn't it?" I mentally slapped myself for the lie I did. "If I'm wrong though then I stand corrected but I was born on the year of 1989."

Zi: Then you are indeed older than us, which makes you our jiejie. Um.. is it okay for you to be called jiejie?

I pondered a bit but nodded, "I guess it's alright. Jiejie is fine than Miss." I continued eating the dumplings and started on the mini meat buns. The three fell silent again which made me wonder but didn't do anything, until the tallest of them spoke first.

Yi: Um... Ai - jiejie have you visited the markets here in Qingdao? 

I shook my head, "Nope, I haven't gone to any of the markets here. My routine just comprises of the pier, my friend and the hotel I'm staying at. I guess I was too engrossed with the pier that I didn't bother looking for other places."

Zi: Then how about you come with us jiejie? We planned on doing some shopping later at 6 in the evening. It is best to shop at night because of less people and you can haggle the prices.

Lu: We can treat you to dinner too! As a thank you for the lunch, it was tasty.

Yi: And maybe you can have an inspiration to paint or draw something... um... less gloomy? Ow!

The youngest nudged the elder on the stomach making the other one grimace. I laughed at them, "It's okay Zi. He is right my drawings are all gloomy. You kids wanna know why?" The three nodded, "It all started when Tao (The youngest choked on his water causing the eldest to thump his back), you know one of the persons who left EXO that I ranted about with you guys yesterday, left the group. He was one of the members that I liked because of his somewhat childish attitude and he seemed different from the other members. I really got heartbroken when the news came out and mind you I was at the office that time. I was so depressed that I just started drawing gloomy stuffs". I took out my phone and showed them the drawing, "I did these drawings at the office and my co - workers were thinking of sending me to a psychiatrist after seeing it. I mean, they do have a point. Just look at it! It seems like I drew a girl that was violated or something". I grimaced as I looked back at the drawing. "Gosh, I should stop drawing these kinds of things. It is definitely creepy and disturbing". The youngest politely took the phone from my hand and looked at the picture.

Zi: Maybe it was just your way of showing how hurt you are? You should have tagged this to that person to let him know.

I laughed and took the phone back, "I did but of course I wasn't hoping he would notice, you know. I'm just like one of the millions of fans who are also tagging him with pictures, quotes and whatnots. But don't worry I'm getting over it gradually". I put away the phone and continued to munch on the food creating, yet again, a pregnant pause. I glanced at them and saw that they were pondering some thoughts. "So, it was 6 in the evening right? I think I could spare some time. I don't want to leave China in regret and maybe I would get some inspiration to draw something more festive. I did promise my friend a drawing". I smiled at them and they nodded back.

Lu: Where is your hotel? We can fetch you there.

I shook my head, "There is no need for you kids to go at the hotel. We can meet here, at the pier. I also wanted to see the place at night time. What do you guys thin

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EmiNubbins #1
Chapter 2: Ooohh ♥ this is too juicy!! Can't wait for the next chapter O(≧∇≦)O
EmiNubbins #2
Chapter 1: I love the plot twist. This is already one of my fav fanfics. Chapter 1 Bravo!! ♥