Chapter 14

Come To Me (Kyuwook Fic)
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"Eunhyuk hyung?" Eunhyuk heard Donghae whisper his name that day after they had all followed him to bed. Despite going to bed an hour earlier than everyone else, Eunhyuk still lay awake, unable to sleep and drowning in his own thoughts. "Yes?" he whispered back, wondering if Donghae wanted to talk about the kiss they had shared.   "Why did you kiss me? Do you like me?"   Crap. Eunhyuk thought, I have to lie to him. "I was gonna kiss your cheek but it landed in the wrong place." he stumbled out his excuse.   "Oh, okay." Did Donghae sound ... dissapointed?   I just can't tell the truth. Eunhyuk thought sadly, despite what Ryeowook had said, he still felt ashamed for liking his own brother.   "Hyung?" Donghae's hushed voice came to him again.   "Yes, Hae?"   "I think Yesung is different these days. I don't really like him as a friend anymore. He's no fun, he just snaps at me." Donghae confided. Eunhyuk knew this must be hard for him, after all, Yesung was his best friend.   "Maybe it's just a phase." Eunhyuk said doubtfully.   "I don't think so." Just by listening to Donghae's voice Eunhyuk could tell he was pouting. Aigoo! he thought. Donghae continued, "And he isn't nice to Ryeowookie either." Donghae and Ryeowook. My two babies. Eunhyuk thought fondly, his two brothers really did act very young, Eunhyuk wondered if they would ever act their age. Even Leeteuk acted like a 5 year old boy sometimes. Eunhyuk found that he was the maturest person here.   "Hyuk hyung? Why is Yesung being like this to Ryeowook? I don't like it, I don't want them to be together anymore."   "I know, and who do you want our Wookie to be with?" Eunhyuk asked, interested in getting Donghae's opinion.   "Kibummie. I think Kibummie really treats Ryeowookie like a prince."   "What about Kyuhyun then?" This conversation is getting more and more interesting. Eunhyuk felt all warm and fluffy inside because of his conversation with Donghae.   "I think it's a bit too quick."   He acts like a grown up when it comes to protecting Ryeowook. Eunhyuk thought, impressed. "You mean too soon?"   "Yeah. Kyuhyun and Yesung are both weird over Ryeowook. I don't like it."   Eunhyuk hated to disagree with Donghae, but he did, "I think Kyuhyun and Ryeowook would be good together. But maybe you're right, it needs more time."   "I like Kibum." Donghae said stubbornly, "I think he's the best for Wook."   Eunhyuk wondered aloud, "Do you think they talked it out?"   "I don't know, but they both seemed happy when Kibum brought Wook back. Maybe they're dating!" Donghae said excitedly, jumping to conclusions.   Eunhyuk grinned, "Hold your horses, Hae. I don't think we should think that far yet." Secretly he too was wondering what Ryeowook and Kibum had said to each other. Had they, as Donghae put it, 'talked it out'?   "Go to bed."   They both jumped at Leeteuk's voice, they hadn't realized that they had gone from whispering to speaking to in normal tones. Eunhyuk desperately wished that Leeteuk hadn't clearly heard what they were saying, or he would be embarrassed.   Suddenly, Donghae whispered to him yet again, "Hyung? Good night hyung, I love you."   Eunhyuk's heart filled with warmth, "I love you too Donghae."   ***   Kyuhyun let loose his emotions once he got back home to his room. The door locked, he flung his notebooks and pens against his bedroom wall with rage. He wasn't mad at Jaejoong or Ryeowook. He was mad at himself. Mad at himself for not being able to keep his friend, he did not blame Ryeowook like Jaejoong did. Instead, he was worried for Ryeowook. If Jaejoong blamed him, Jaejoong wouldn't let it go that easily, would he? Somehow, he thought this was all his fault. If he had tried to change Jaejoong's mind ... maybe he would still have his friend and Ryeowook wouldn't be blamed any longer.   But for now, since Jaejoong had left, he was powerless to change anything. This was one of the many new feelings that he had felt since he had turned back to his old self. For the first time, he couldn't control the situation, it was spinning wildly out of his control and he could do nothing to change it.   He looked at the mess of books and pens and other junk on his floor. He sighed, the maid could clean it up tomorrow, but he would surely be questioned about what he had been doing that could've created this mess. He racked his brain thinking for an excuse, but the best he could come up with was that he had been looking for something, which wasn't a very good excuse at all.   Defeated, he turned off the lights and lay down on his bed, hoping an idea would come to him in the morning.   ***   Kibum thought back on what Ryeowook had said to him once he had woken up from his nap.   *Flashback   "Kibummie-ah." Ryeowook said, "I don't know ... I'm confused."   "It's alright," Kibum told him, "You'll be able to work out your feelings soon. I can try to help."   *End of Flashback   Kibum sighed, again, he had offered to help Ryeowook. Which meant that in the end Ryeowook would probably still see him as a best friend and choose Kyuhyun. Even if Ryeowook himself couldn't sort out his feelings yet, Kibum could, he could see it plainly just by looking at how Ryeowook had looked at Kyuhyun earlier. With that adoring look in his eyes, brighter than ever, it was obvious to him. He knew he was the one who had complicated Ryeowook's feelings just a few hours ago with his confession, but he could not hold it back anymore.   Eunhyuk and Heechul seemed to like Kyuhyun. No one looked like they supported Ryeowook's relationship with Yesung anymore. And no one had said anything about him dating Ryeowook either, unless they had said it behind his back.   As far as he knew, the score in the battle for Ryeowook was Kyuhyun-2 (Heechul and Eunhyuk), Yesung-0 (He had lost all his supporters with his bad attitude) and him, Kibum-0.   He did not know yet that Donghae was on his side.   The true score? Kyuhyun-2, Yesung-0, though technically Ryeowook was still his, and Kibum-1.   ***   Kyuhyun quickly escaped his house once he had gotten up so he could avoid answering questions about his room. He was too lazy to clean up the mess he had made himself, that was what he had a maid for. But then he thought of Ryeowook's small yet spotless home. They didn't have a maid to do everything for them. Kyuhyun began to feel guilty. He had purposely trashed his room to let out his anger and then ran away to let someone else clean it up. But Ryeowook wouldn't even have done anything like that no matter how mad he was, because he knew that he would have to clean it up himself. Looking at this comparison, Kyuhyun was obviously spoiled, and now he could see it quite plainly too. It wasn't too late for him to turn back and help clean up, but he kept going, too scared to go face his family.   He didn't even know where he was going. His feet just kept walking, he looked at the ground, not caring to see where his feet were taking him until they stopped. He looked up. He was in front of the building where Ryeowook lived.   Would it be considered bad manners if he visited them without calling first? Maybe not, since it was already 11, but he wasn't close to them, so was it okay or not? As embarrassed as you will be when they see you, just do it. They are understanding people. Kyuhyun knew that they were a very friendly family, and Ryeowook had acted fine and cosy with him the day before. It was
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hebteuk #1
Chapter 41: I can't see teukie tops at all!! It just sounds so wrong!! Maybe heechul is a little feminine, but he's stronger than teukie..he always wrapd his atms around him and hugs fits much more ehrn he ptotects him^^♥
ateena1618 #2
Chapter 41: I think tukie should top!! I.dunno!!.i don't mind anything!! Thank you for the update!! Loved it!
Chapter 40: Awww everything is settling rather well! I love the kyuwook fluff and overprotective hyungs! I can't wait to see kyu's present!!:D btw that last scene//kiss was sooo sweeet!!!!<3
Thanks for updating!!
Chapter 39: Baby Wook is now anywhere and getting evil.. tsksktsktsk.. bad Kyu! thanks for the update!
Chapter 38: ck, ck horney couple always make out anywhere n any time kkkkk

aaaaa wookie so cuteeeee...

btw, could you make heeteuk part?? pleaseee^^
Chapter 37: Yehey!!! YeMin finally meet! I hope YunJae will fix their problem.. I wonder who Kibummie will end up with? KyuWook are so adorbs in this.. Ehehehhehhe
ghostyTrickster #7
Chapter 12: I absolutely love your writing !! *0*
ghostyTrickster #8
Chapter 2: Ah!! This is so interesting,I can't wait to read more ;v;
Chapter 36: Hahahha.. I was wrong.. It wasn't Minnie at all but his half-brother.. Scheming Kibummie!!! Way to go in setting up Yunho.. I hope Yunho and Jae will see each other then.. YunJae moments please!
Chapter 36: Lmfao so it wasn't minnie but he's jae's cousin!!!:P
Lol the enemies bonding was cute.. Kibum is a dork xD lol kyuwook<33 stop squeezing wook's in public!:P