Part 2

Loving You 1.0 Seulgi Ver

3 days later... 


         Seulgi reached Incheon International Airport. She was about to check in at the counter when she felt something grabbed her shirt. She looked down and it was a little 

girl who slightly pulled her shirt down to grab her attention. The little girl was lost. She was waiting outside a random restroom when she got distracted by something and she got

lost in the middle of finding the restroom she was supposedly to wait for her mother. 

         Seulgi was dumb but she was also a warmhearted bear. Seulgi checked her watch to confirm there was still left some times before her flight and decided to help the 

little girl to search for her mother. 

        They was in their way to the emergency counter, The Lost and Found station, when she found out that the little girl’s mother was headed to the same direction as well.

They greeted each other and Seulgi decided to have a little chit chats with the middle aged lady since her flight was still an hour ahead, and not to mention, she was extremely 

friendly and loved to have a chat with strangers more than with her loved one, Irene. Weird, but that’s just her. The dumb, weird, warmhearted, coward Kang Seulgi.  

        As they were chatting, Seulgi noticed something odds with the lady. The lady was wearing a black glasses, she was blind. She expressed that she was once a happy housewife 

before her husband died in a car accident two years ago. Seulgi was shocked and sorry at the same time when she found the reason for her blindness. 

        “It’s okay. That was two years ago anyway. You don’t have to feel sorry about it.”

        “O..Okay..” Seulgi replied.  

        “So, tell me young lady, do you, perhaps have anyone in your mind right now? Anyone that precious to you?”

        Seulgi paused a second before replying to the elder’s question. “No. I don’t have anyone precious with me.” She was lying and the lady could felt it. There was a short 

silence but the lady immediately killed the sudden cold atmosphere with her next attempts to dig something out from Seulgi. 


        “You know, sometime when you needed a talk, there is always someone you bumped into whether it’s a friend or a stranger, intently or coincidentally. Andnow it’s the time.” 


She might be blind to the light of the real world, but she could see the dim and emptiness filled inside Seulgi and she knew that she have to talk to this young lady before she did 


something that she’s going to regret it later in her life. 

         With a second pause after that, she turned to Seulgi’s direction. “You have anything to tell? Or maybe needed some help in something, some guides? Advice perhaps?”

         “No, I’m fine, thank you for your concern.” Seulgi insists of getting her mouth shut. 


         “I see you don’t wanna talk about it. Perhaps it’s too private. I was too blunt about this anyway, I’m sorry.” The lady was half apologetic, half testing the water. 

         “No, it’s okay. It just.. It’s gonna end soon, so just let it be the way it was supposed to be. Beside, there’s no more turning back anyway, so what’s the point of still holding on to

it when it was never been there in the first place?”


         “Do you want to talk about it? Or you want to hear some stories of mine before you decided whether or not to talk about yours? Seulgi looked at the lady in curiosity. 

         hear that silence. I shall startfirst then” She stopped and smiled for a while before started her story. She sounded so sad and Seulgi swore she saw tears in the lady’s eyes

but her face strangely and somehow tells the opposite. It was tears of happiness perhaps, Seulgi thought.


        “I was blessed with a handsome yet caring husband back then when I can still see the light of the sunshine 5 years ago. My life was so smooth and perfectly fine;

I got a warm husband, a stable job and a wonderful family. There is nothing else I could ever asked for more.” She stopped for a while before continued with her story.

        “My husband, he was everything to me. My source of light, my source of happiness, my future, my all. We met in our high school time. He was a silly boy and I was the class

monitor. We never liked each other but see how funny we were 10 years later, ended up as a lovey-dovey couple that got jealous by people everywhere. He promised to marry me the

moment after we graduated and he kept to his promises. We got married. If there were one thing he couldn’t fulfill and never will again, is to continue loving me and grow old with me.

But I know he is still love me, don’t ask me how, I just knew.” She let out a chuckle and quickly carried on with her story.

        “It was a wonderful Sunday morning when we went to the nearby church as usual. We were chatting and laughing at some old stories when a lorry suddenly hit the side of my

husband’s seat and our car did some flips over before it ended up on the other side of the road. I was wearing a seat belt, and therefore I was still alive now. He didn’t. He never not 

to wear his seat belt but he just forgot to wear it that day and all this happened. All I can say, he was in his worst day ever, and the most horrible day of my life ever. I was in half

conscious after the flips over and he was holding tight on me, like he was protecting me not to get hurt by the broken glasses caused by the front mirrors.” 

        Seulgi left out a gasp, almost could not believe the horrible turned of an event from the lady in front of her. 

        “We were rushed to the nearest hospital as fast as possible. I was saved, but my husband, however didn’t made it, he passed away in the middle of the rescue. I only get the

news after back to life 3 weeks later and.. all I know was... I loss a husband.. and I can’t even see him for the last time. That was the worst day of my life, to be honest.”

        “I’m sorry..” They were both in silenced for a moment before the lady continued on her story. 

        “And that was also where I loss my sight forever. I was later diagnosed with depression illness. And oh, I was pregnant at that time. My family was so worried about me. They

told me to stay strong and always think about my baby. I was so carried away with my husband’s death that I almost killed myself when I can no longer hold onto my depression. I was

so broken inside back then, not until I met my now husband, David, and... he was now standing behind you.” 

        Seulgi was startled. She quickly turned to her back and there really was a middle aged man, almost same age with the lady, standing behind her all this time. She quickly bowed

to him, showing her gratitude to the older generation. The lady’s husband chuckled at the cute responds from Seulgi, and bowed down as well. 

        “How did you know..?” Seulgi was amazed by the wicked lady and being curious at the same time. 

        “I can’t see but I still can smell”

        “Opps.. My cologne.. My bad...” The four of them laughed at the reply. 

        “Sorry to interrupt you ladies.. But we have a plane to catch.. It’s time to go honey..” The husband explained the reason why he hurried her wife up. 
        “Ahh it’s okay.. Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs.. 

        “Kim. The name is Kim.” The husband replied in a good manner. 

        “It’s a touching story of yours Mrs Kim.. I was really moved.”

        “So the lesson of the story is, you will never know what it truly feels like until you lose something or someone that means so much in your life while all of this could have been

easily prevented by taking the right step at the right time. Think about my story carefully miss. If I would have choose to kill myself back then, I wouldn’t have meet my now husband,

the one standing here beside me and I wouldn’t get to know that I have a lovely daughter coming to see the world with us and I would definitely lose the one and only last gift from my

late husband, our love child.” Seulgi remained silence afterwards. 

         “You are one smart girl. I’m sure you will take my advice and think thoroughly about it. Till then, if we happened to meet each other again in the future, let’s treat us a lovely meal 

together. I’ll tell you all of my greatest stories and make you cry out loud like a baby. Goodbye.” 

        “Sure! I’m looking forward to see you again, goodbye.” Seulgi bowed to the couple. They bid their goodbye and the couple soon left the empty seats with Seulgi zoning out in her

deep thought. That’s when she finally get to digest all the stuffs happening this early morning and left the airport before the announcement of her flight. 


In the park


        Irene was sat down on one of the available seat in the park and staring at the people feeding pigeons nearby. She was aware of the date, of that day, and was zoning out like the

previous days after the last meeting with Seulgi. She looked down to her own hands when she suddenly felt a few raindrops hit her shoulder and her head. She did not bother to take a

leave anyway. She was just stay there unmoved until she felt no more raindrops felt on top of her. 

        She looked up and saw a figure standing in front of her with an umbrella. It was blur at the first sight but then slowly comes to a clearer version of a familiar girl looked down at

her. It was Seulgi. She stayed. 
        Irene was so shocked and does not know what to do and how to respond to the sudden meeting with her loved one. She remained in shocked when Seulgi took out a box of a small

present and opened it up infront of Irene.

        “Bae Joohyun.. Will you marry me?” 

        It was a ring. It was a ring from her love, Kang Seulgi. Their eyes met and in a speed of lightning, Irene stood up and hugged her dumb bear. They were in love with each other

for so long and finally get together in the end. This is the best present she ever had in her life, Irene thought. They kissed under the rain and live happily ever after as Mr and Mrs.



The end. 











Hey, so this is my very first time writing a fic over here. And this is also my very first Seulrene fic ever. I usually writes in Chinese, well I'm a Chinese, so yeah pardon me if there's any grammar mistakes, because English is not my First Language so yeah... And as you all can see, I am obviously still not familiar with the setting over here and I got lots of troubles while posting the story, yupe I did this in microsoft word but then I realized there is no such thing as 'copy and paste' system over here, okkkkkkk..... so yeah I have to reedit everything all over again~ If anyone happened to come across to this fic, and you're reading this, please, please guide me, your noob maknae here, so that I know what to do and how to improve my font or whatever style that I still not discovered yet but I should, please tell me.. Thank you very much.. I really appreciate your helps, your comments, upvotes perhaps, if you think that I did okayyy in this, well I did put a lot of efforts in this one and there is one coming up next. So yeah stay tuned and grab your popcorns, I'll be back soon~ Till then annyeong~ :) 



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Sir_Loin #1
Chapter 1: The format of this…. Is not making the reading enjoyable. That angst tho. Feeds my soul 😆
_seulrene_ #2
Chapter 2: My heart?
Chapter 3: Aww I liked this story :3 More SeulRene please? :3
marielsoshi9 #4
Chapter 2: Aww so lovely! Dumb dumb seulgi make an epilogue or something. Iwant more!