One of a Kind...Mess

A Hot Mess

Somehow this chapter got hidden. So.... that's a problem. Anyway, here it is?

Jiyong and Ji-Yeon had a wonderful little fashion show that consisted of no less than eight outfits – and yes, he took pictures of every look just to show Daesung and Seunghyun. (And Ji was absolutely convinced that his sense of style was absolutely perfect for the little princess. Far better than the boring little t-shirt and pants she had been in.) He finally settled on pleated coral dress with a Peter Pan collar that was dripping with rhinestones; the perfect look for a perfect princess. And since it was a little cold outside, the addition of gold leggings was totally justifiable. Once he had finished with his beautiful model, he picked her up and bounced on her on his hip. “Neh, you are so perfect, Ji-ji. I don’t know how your daddies could ever worry about leaving you with me. You’re an angel.”

He pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before waltzing into the living room. And that was when the first disaster struck. Little Ji-ji looked around the room, clearly searching for two beloved figures. When they were nowhere to be found, her bottom lip gave a dangerous wobble. Jiyong mirrored her pout with one of his own. “What’s wrong, princess?” Before he could even complete his question, though, the princess was crying like someone was beating her. Confounded, Jiyong began to bounce her with renewed fervor, which only seemed to egg her on.

After twenty minutes of her crying, Jiyong at last convinced her to gnaw on the ear of his limited edition One of a Kind teddy bear – though her eyes continued to search for her parents. Desperately using the moment to get dressed, Jiyong reveled in the brief peace. How does Seunghyun put up with her screaming? he wondered. Daesung, he knew, was the more saintly between the two and could survive the crying, but Seunghyun had always reveled in silence… Ji-ji’s tantrums were the opposite of silence.

Once completely dressed, Jiyong checked the binder to see if there were any tips on how to get her to stop crying. His lips twitched. There, in neat handwriting, were the clear instructions, “When she misses us, play one of us singing. It calms her down immediately.” Jiyong sighed. So maybe he should have checked the book sooner. Just in case, he flipped through and read a few more entries before going to pack a travel bag for the princess.

“I hope you don’t mind, Ji-ji,” he told the girl, “but you get to be my date on a talk show today. Uncle Taeyang will be there with us, since we’re promoting our new cd. You’re going to be a good girl, aren’t you?” Ji made sure to download Seunghyun and Daesung’s discographies onto his iPod, just in case an emergency arose at the studio.

Hearing the knock on the door, Jiyong slung the bag over his shoulder and went to open it. “Youngbae. Thank heavens you’re here.”

The man, who was yet again sporting a mohawk, blinked. “It’s only been two hours. What’s happened?”

Jiyong slung his arms around Youngbae and leaned his weight into the man’s toned body. “The moment she realized they were gone… I’ve never heard someone be so upset. I thought she was going to literally flood the living room she was crying so much.”

Youngbae looked over to where the girl sat gnawing on the bear, looking for all the world like nothing amiss had happened. “So you gave her your bear?”

“It was all I could think of,” Ji sighed. “And it worked.”

The dancer nodded slightly. “Well, at least it worked. Did Daesung and Seunghyun leave any sort of instructions for us?”

“You mean the baby bible? Yeah, it’s sitting over by Her Majesty.” Jiyong walked over to the couch and picked the binder up. “I’ve not had the chance to read much of it.” Without a word, Youngbae took it and tucked it under his arm. He was going to read it cover-to-cover before the night was through.“Right. So, you grab the car seat and I’ll grab the girl?”

Youngbae snorted. “Why is it you always get the girl?” he drawled, moving to grab the car seat.

“Because I’m so pretty,” Jiyong quipped, picking up Ji-Yeon in a practiced movement. “You can carry her into the studio.”

When the trio arrived at the studio, the entire staff fell in love with the shy little girl, who buried her face in Youngbae’s neck like it was the last safe haven on Earth. For what it was worth, Youngbae was grinning like a fool that Ji-Yeon would snuggle into him. Of course, it probably helped that he and Daesung wore the same cologne, so he at least smelt familiar to the baby. Stopping at the sight of Youngbae holding a baby, Jae Suk proclaimed, “Taeyang, who is this?”

The dancer bowed his head to the older man. “This is Choi Ji-Yeon,” he said easily. “Daesung and Seunghyun’s daughter.” A myriad of expressions crossed Jae Suk’s features in a heartbeat; he was not certain of how to handle the information. “We’re watching her for them while they take a vacation.”

Jae Suk nodded slowly. “She’s very beautiful,” he said after a moment of thought. “Would you two like to bring her on stage with you?”

Jiyong hesitated. “Do you think the Korean people are ready for two gay men’s daughter to appear on television?” he asked frankly.

The way Jae Suk handled that question was quite admirable, all things considered. He managed to keep his smile and even moved over to offer Ji-Yeon his finger. “They love Daesung and Seunghyun,” he said simply. “It’s up to you two whether you keep her back here or not. She’s welcome on my stage.” Ji-Yeon caught his finger and considered his features, scrunching up her face thoughtfully. Jae Suk laughed a little. “She has Seunghyun’s eyes, doesn’t she? Aish, that’s terrifying on such a pretty girl. She’s going to break everyone’s hearts.”

Once Jae Suk had left, Jiyong turned to Youngbae. “They’d kill us if she made a public appearance without them, wouldn’t they?”

Youngbae shrugged. “Call them and ask? I mean, Ji-ji is their kid. If anyone should have a say, it should be them.”

Nodding, Jiyong pulled out his phone and dialed Seunghyun’s Korean mobile number. When the phone began to buzz on the nightstand, Seunghyun rolled over to bury his face against the shape of Daesung’s neck. “Ten more minutes,” he mumbled, his hand splaying across Daesung’s bare stomach.

Daesung raised an eyebrow. “Love. You weren’t even asleep yet. We literally just laid down for a nap.”

Seunghyun sighed gustily before sitting up, giving Daesung a sad pout. “I hate when you bring up reality. We’re supposed to be lost in the throes of passion not snuggling for a nap.” But, he reached over and answered the phone. “Hello?”

“Wow, you two aren’t shagging like crazy right now? I’m shocked,” Ji drawled.

With a roll of his eyes, Seunghyun put the phone on speaker. “What do you want, Jiyong?”

“I’m calling because Youngbae and I have a question.” He could feel Seunghyun’s glare through the phone. “So, Youngbae and I are appearing on Jae Suk’s show this morning to promote, and he invited Ji-Yeon to appear with us. We were calling you guys to ask if that’d be okay or if you’d rather we leave her in the green room.”

Daesung pulled a fabulous number of faces before settling on filling his cheeks with air and shrugging. Seunghyun rubbed a hand over his eyes. “Why would he even want her on the show?”

“I don’t know. Because she’s your adorable baby who will melt the hearts of literally everyone?” Ji offered. “And because he’s a parent and he knows leaving a baby alone is stressful?”

“Jiyong,” Daesung cut in, “do you... do you think it’d be an issue? That she’s ours? Or that it might lead to them asking you about us?”

The leader hesitated, considering that. “It’s possible, yes. I mean, they would need to explain who she was. But I don’t think it’d be an issue. Everyone knows about you two, and it might be good for the public to see your baby. Might mean they finally invite both of you to appear on a show with her.”

Seunghyun and Daesung engaged in a conversation that took place through looks. Ultimately, they both sighed. “Ji, if you feel comfortable taking her with you… go ahead,” Daesung said at last. “But only if you feel comfortable.”

“Yes, master,” Jiyong drawled. “Don’t worry. We’ll take good care of her. Youngbae and I have been handling delicate situations for years. I mean, we put up with Seungri every time we take him on a show.”

Seunghyun’s only answer was a grunt. Shaking his head, Daesung took the phone. “Just be sure to record the interview for us, Ji. We’ll want to see our baby’s first celebrity appearance.”

“Don’t worry, Dae. We promised to document everything. We’ll even get a picture of her with Jae Suk.” When the phone call ended, Jiyong grinned at Youngbae. “It’s a good thing I dressed her today. Otherwise, her first public appearance would be in something tacky Seungri had picked for her or your baby gangster-wear.”

Youngbae, rather than answering Jiyong, looked down at the baby in his arms. “Don’t worry, Ji-ji. I won’t let him dress you like this for the rest of the week. I know you’d much rather have your own little leather jacket and bandana.”

Jiyong reached over to very, very gently shove Youngbae’s shoulder. “Jerk. Why would you put a little girl in such things? Are you trying to turn her into a miniature CL?” He rolled his eyes. “Come on. Let’s go through make up. We’ve got to look our best if we’re not going to be outshone by Princess Ji-ji.”


So, by virtue of the fact I am in grad school, I did not get this entry completely finished this evening. Please look forward to the…excitement of the interview tomorrow. I frequently question Jiyong’s life choices. Especially in this fic.

Also, welcome all of you new readers! I’m glad to see you about. I jumped by nearly ten subscribers in the past day, and I’m so happy you all believe in me. At the moment I’d like to give a very special shout out to meypyong and the BB-fanfic-           quotes blog on Tumblr. They’ve been kind enough to feature two of my stories on there, and I am very grateful. It fills me with lots of warm fuzzy feelings when I see my stories recognized. Maybe I should get a Tumblr so I can post ToDae things and behind-the-scenes for my fics. … Maybe.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I will see you tomorrow! (Three days to Dae-Day!)

For the curious, this outfit was the inspiration for the GD selected Ji-gear

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Chapter 3: I love how you had Jae-Suk handle the entire situation. and IMO probably close to what he might actually do. He is such an amazingly kind hearted man, and he truly loves Dae and a brother. (I saw that GDYB sneak you put in there BTW<3)
I do hope you find the inspiration to finish this one day
Chapter 2: This is super adorable, I love how Ji-Ji snuggled into YB, since IRK kids love him so much
Chapter 1: OMG, I can't wait to see what kind of trouble they get up too!
pikachu79 #4
Chapter 3: I wonder why I didn't leave a comment earlier haha...I really like this story and read it a number of times! I have gay couple frens and it has always been an issue for their families, let alone move on to have their own ur story really touched me...fiction as it is...I really enjoyed it!
Zimmy02 #5
Chapter 3: I cant wait for the next chapter with seungri joins the party!
nanaxoxoxo #6
Chapter 3: Finally you updated.... im waiting and always checking if you update this story or not and finally its here the chapter 2!!

Cutie baby jiyeon do you want to meet unnie? Unnie want to meet you and kidnap you! Hahaha

I love how you put it that our national mc (kekekeke) being so supportive with todae, idk i just can imagine it how he will be really supportive with todae relationship...

Hope you will explain how the korean or mostly korean media viewing their relationship tho, ^^

I cant wait of course for the next update ;)
Chapter 3: Sweet ~ And Ji-Yeon is cute >_< I look forward Todae parts too ~
Chapter 3: And didn't miss the possibility of Gdragon and Taeyang together in the future hint.
Chapter 3: Absolutely awesome. So glad you did this chapter. Love Jae Suk and I know he would be supportive of ToDae too. Especially Daesung. Yes, I not so patiently wait every week for the new Running Man to be available to watch!!! Lol!!!