
Dear Best Friend
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M O V I N G D A Y //


I was moving to Boston. 

The day I've been dreading ever since I told Sehun I was moving. We spent a lot of time with each other since that Friday night. We wanted to treasure every last moment we had until the day of my flight. 

My father left a few days ago, to settle everything with the real estate agent and with the school I'll be attending.

Now all I had to do was leave for my flight. My home was semi empty, we were still sending a few more things to our new house in Boston which Mr. and Mrs. Oh were gonna take care of when we left. 

I stood by the front door, observing the emptiness of my soon to be old home. I frowned how I had to move, leaving a lot of great memories here.

I finally brought up my rank at school.

But that meant nothing now because I'm already withdrawn from the school's system. 

And I was leaving my best friend here.

That was going to be the hardest thing for me to do.

Sehun is suppose to accompany me to the airport. 

Something we were both dreading to do. 

Saying goodbye is extremely hard to do to your best friend.

I half heartedly walked out of my home the empty house and went inside Mrs. Oh's car, where Sehun was sitting in the back seat waiting on me.

It was a quiet car ride to the airport. 

Mrs. Oh tried to make conversation with me and Sehun about how my soon to be exciting life in Boston was going to be like.

It wasn't going to be so exciting if my best friend wasn't by my side. 

Mrs. Oh soon gave up ten minutes later when she recieved very short answers from both Sehun and I.

I so badly hoped for a really long traffic line to the drop off section of the airport so it could make me late for my flight.

Oh but the heavens weren't on my side today when Mrs. Oh smoothly drove through the drop off lane. She stopped the car and turned around to look at Sehun and I. "Alright, go ahead and take her inside Sehun. I'll be waiting here." Mrs. Oh knew how tough saying goodbye was going to be for us, so said she her goodbyes earlier; therefore, Sehun and I could have more time to say our farewells.

Slowly, Sehun and I took out two of my big suitcases and helped me carried them inside. He helped me check in my luggage at the check in area and walked me to the security gate.

This is the moment we've all been dreading. 

We had to separate here.

I bit my lip, using all of my strength and power to not cry in front of Sehun again. 

But I guess I can't hide my tears from Sehun that well because he pulled me in for a long embrace. He rubbed my back to comfort me from the situation of saying goodbye.

"Park Chohee, you're always going to be my best friend. Remember that day when I got detention for disrupting lunch?"

I remembered as I nodded my head when tears were beginning to fall from my eyes. 

"I told you at the playground that I would always

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Chapter 16: Yeaayy,, i love this story of yours a lot, dear..
When Sehun knows about Chohee keeps her secret about Dylan's status... Oh Lord~~~
He must be....

Congrats for your degree, dear author!!
Chapter 16: This story is really cute! Her friendship with Sehun is so precious. He's like a prince seriously :3
Chapter 16: Omo i almost forgot this story.
Chapter 15: I have missed Sehun and Chohee's interaction. I wish I had a handsome best friend like Sehun. Thank you for updating!
sheilla_2410 #5
Authorniiiimmmm u gud man?
Have you forgotten this story?????
Where r yuuuuuuT.T
yunjae23 #6
Chapter 14: Update please
Charizune #7
I cant not like Dylan unless his character turns out to be rude af later lmao

Funny thing is 2 years ago, I liked someone with the same name omg
kpopfan102 #8
Chapter 14: Oh my god I'm scared for Dylan lol Ges not going to be with her anyway in the end lol
Chapter 14: sehun be jelly plsss hoho
Chapter 14: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO nonononononononononono no boyfriend for herrrrrrr!!!! she is going to have like a love triangle square rectangle hexagon! why do you do this to me author-nimmmmmmm!