



Okk first thing ...

1- Warning - inculdings mentions of abuse, panic attack, depression and suicide

If that doesnt bother you please read on XD

2 -i wrote this because i cant seem to find any BTS Maknae angst which just focuses on the bromance aspect of BTS ( if you know any hook me up ;) love me some kookie angst ).

Because lets admit it, he might be the golden maknae but hes still the baby of the group that they do all so clearly love and care for--- but they are also all friends. the relationship between the members is so real and i love that so much <3

3- i have no idea if im just going to leave it at this beacuse i do have another fic im in the middle of but this is just a filler so ill let you know if i will however if any body wants to write something that goes along with this chapter please message me and we can talk it out :D i love inspiring people...not that im a good writer but i count myself as decent.

4- its 1:30 am here and i was getting annoyed not finding any jungkookie centric ot7 bromance fics so i decided to write one...i am tired and running on my 4D mind so ...thats what this fic is made from...

enjoy my lovelys <333


'jungkooks thoughts'

"speech of anyone"












Something so natural.

Thinking about trying to remember how to do it was just stupid, right?

'So why can’t i do it?' The teenager thought.

Maybe it was the stage fright. Not that he was on stage, but being in the centre of the room with six pairs of eyes watching you can be a bit nerve wracking. Especially when you only had your boxers on.

'Breathe damn it! god stop being a pathetic kid'

Or maybe it was because of the bruises, in the shape of two large hands, around his swollen neck.

The damn bruises. The ones which had put him in his current predicament. Maybe if he had managed to hide them better, they wouldn’t had noticed. Maybe if he thought of a better reason for them being there, they wouldn’t have started asking questions. Maybe if he had ignored the questions, he wouldn’t have been forced to strip until he was practically in front of the 6 people who he loved and respected over anything.

But maybes are pointless and stupid and he thinks that he might just hate the word maybe just as much as he hates himself.

Hurriedly, wiping a tear that had managed to escape from his eyes, he continued staring at his feet. Refusing to look up. He didn’t know which was worse - the current shameful embarrassment and overwhelming guilt that pulsed through his veins or to look up and see the disgust and resentment in his hyungs eyes.

Two of the many emotions he’s been of the receiving end of for months now.

The maknae is at breaking point. Or perhaps he has already crossed over it. Jungkook doesn’t know, no ones ever taught him how to deal with this feeling. Does the fact that he wants it all to end make him a bad person? Or how about the fact that he’s tried to end it all, does that make him selfish ?

The golden maknae. This time he doesn’t even try to stop the tear which proceeds to roll down his face.

The nickname that has been making his nightmares and reality merge together until he can’t differentiate between the two. He couldn’t help but feel the irony. How could he be the golden maknae thats able to achieve anything, when he can’t even bring himself to end his own life?


The cold and worn out laminated floor is now on his face and he didn’t know that floors could become vertical until realisation hits him through his own husky dry sobs that its not the floor that had changed positions, but him.

And he still can’t breath.

He does however feel the two hands that gently pick him up and set him on the couch. His ears are buzzing and he can’t make out much apart from a few words and phases ...

“..panic attack…”




...and one voice, clearer than the others, from behind him which he finds weird because he’s sitting down “..just breath..”

..and he wants to scream because he can’t breath and he feels stupid and useless because now he knows that he’s clearly sitting on someones lap and that just makes him cry more because he really does not want to be touched. So he struggles and kicks and punches, in fact he might have even bit a few times until he’s finally allowed to be released.

He's barely breathing now, and with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach he knows he’s going to die. Finally he can get what he wanted, escape. However he doesn’t want to. Not now. Not in front of his hyungs. Cause even if they don’t care about him - having to see someone die in front of you can haunt a person. He doesnt want that to be the last memory of him. Not to them. it was meant to make everythng ok again.

Yes, he was going to die and Jungkook couldn’t hate himself any more if he tried and oh god he hated himself for it.

A horrific scream pierced through his ears, yet even in his state, it shocked him that it had also pierced through his own chest and burned his throat. Maybe it was because he knew death was close. 'I’m going to die'

“..copy me Jungkookie..” a voice, far but close, begged.

”...its your hyung.."

'hyung? '



“..i won’t hurt you.."

'..i know'

"..i promise, breath with me, in then out. in then out..” someone was pressed up against him, hugging him.

“In and out." the voice repeated

'in and out' 

“In and out." in the same soothing manner.

It was working, Jungkook knew that, his thoughts were becoming clearer and he breathing wasn’t as strained. As he started acknowledging his surroundings, the maknae found that he was indeed sitting on the floor, whilst he had his head pressed against a kneeling figure in front of him.

The smell of apple and cinnamon entered his nose and he instantly knew who it was.

'Yoongi hyung' 

With this senses returning too him, reality hit the youngest member full force.

Jungkook buried his head further into his hyungs chest and let it out. His heart wrenching cries echoed in the studio.

He cried for many things. He cried for his hyungs, for his beaten body, for his secrets and for his uncertain future.

He cried until he had no more tears. Until he went limp and his sleep deprived body had finally decided enough was enough.

Then, and only then, did Jungkook sleep.



The morbid atmosphere between the 7 members was one that they had never encountered with each other before.

All the members were separated throughout the room, minus the two in the middle, yet they were all close enough to watch as there maknae had what seemed like a long awaited breakdown.

“He's asleep.” Yoongi's voice croaked.

It seemed like hours had passed since TaeHyung and gone over and innocently Jungkooks neck, which had him discovering the secret the maknae had hidden, under his black turtle neck and baggy bottoms.

As if on instinct the majority of the members gathered around the sofa as Yoongi bought the sleeping figure closer.

Namjoon went and gathered the cloths of the youngest member.

When he had asked if there was more bruises, he knew right away that the maknae was lying. Using his seniority to force him to strip might not have been the wisest thing the leader had ever done, but he needed to see. He was being selfish, maybe, but the anger once he saw the bruises overwhelmed the leader to the point that he didn’t care.

That anger integrated itself with shock, as each article of clothing was slowly removed from Jungkook, revealing the mess his body had become.

Some parts were so discoloured that it was clear not only had someone used their hands but other objects to beat their maknae, the thought downright sickening and so disturbing that the six awake minds struggled to think anything other than what they wanted to do to the person who had hurt Jungkook so badly.

The leader had never seen anything like it and he’s not afraid to admit it was an image that will definitely scar him for life. The now dressed (but still asleep) maknae lay down on the couch, unaware of the 6 pairs of eyes watching him .All afraid to even blink, in the unlikely yet still possibility - in their minds- scenario that he will have another panic attack or more bruises will appear on his young body.

"Hyung, what do we do?”. Which hyung Jimin was referring to didn’t matter. His eyes seemed just as red rimmed as the sleeping figure on the couch.

“We help Jungkook heal.” Jin stated the obvious, various emotions dripping deep within each word spoke “We also find out who’s been hurting him. Then we deal with it.”

Silence yet once again enveloped the small group of men. All standing or sitting protectively near the injured member, stances all but daring anyone to try and get close.

Someone had been senseless enough to mess with their friend, their baby brother.

All barriers were down. All bets were off.

You don’t mess with a member of their family and get away with it and theres no point even trying when dealing with six angry hyungs.

No. Someone was going to pay.

That was a promise.




remember if you know any jongkook, angst ,ot7, bromance fics 

pleaaaseee let me know 


thanks for reading

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Blue_Fire #1
Chapter 1: AHH! I've read this so many times and it's so good, but I keep wondering what happens next! I WANNA KNOW. I've made up countless scenarios in my head, but it's not the same, ya know? I guess, just please finish the story? I would totally appreciate and I'm sure lots of others would too.
Chapter 1: I really liked this... will this story ever be completed?
ZaneWalker #3
This was great! Have you found any stories you were looking for? Care to share? Lol
Annawa #4
Chapter 1: Wow! You are talented! Really, I like your style. By change, aren't You considering writing another stories or updating this one?
MoonShine89 #5
Chapter 1: I wonder who did that to him. Please update I really want to find out
myyy11nh #6
Chapter 1: Beautiful story and I love Jungkook-centric ❤
But reading this fanfic was sad
AjSummer #7
I've read this multiple times. It never gets old. We definitely need more Kookie-centric ot7 angst in this fandom
meemow123 #8
Chapter 1: This is so good!!! I'm crying already .. This is so sweet ... I would want you to carry on!!! This is great so far authornim!!! And no pressure to update soon but just DO update ... Whenever. :)
Pantaoris #9
Hello~~ The story is amazing~~~ really hope you update soon~~ pretty puhlease~~ ☺
wah902 #10
Chapter 1: Hello! I just wanted to say that this fic is absolutely amazing so far!! Finding good angst is such a struggle. I hope you can update soon! Life right now is kind of a hassle with final exams and such. I hope you're doing well!!