It's all about surviving


Hellooo! So I decided to write my first actual fanfiction! I'm huuuge fan of Luhan and huuuge fan of The Walking Dead as well, so I guess that's just where I got the idea? And yeah, there might be some other fics influenced by The Walking Dead or just fictions with zombies, but as I searched I couldn't find any with Luhan or exactly what I had on my mind. So this is purely my own idea, just inspired by The Walking Dead!


Would you survive if the zombies attacted? 

Grace, 17

little cheeky, but still nice and mostly friendly. addicted to asian music and tv shows (before the apocalypse tho)

Lu Han, 20 (had to make him little younger lol)

says things like they really are and well, is just Lu Han

others will come better known in the story 





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