
the meaning of you

“I really don’t understand why this is such a problem for you. Just pick a chair or something.”

Seulgi rolled her eyes at Wendy, who was currently juggling between four different takeout menus trying to decide which one she would order from that night.

“It’s not that simple. I can’t just pick something. If I have to draw the same exact thing five different times using five different styles, then I have to be inspired. If not it’s just going to come out like . And if it comes out like , I fail the class. How would that look on my record? An art student failing an art class?”

It had been exactly a week since her professor gave them the outline for their final project. Pick one subject and paint them using four different styles. Their professor also promised to exhibit the best submissions at the department’s annual showcase at the end of the semester. Not only did her grade for the class hang in the balance; the possibility of getting her name out to the public hung too.

Seulgi sighed again and ran her hands over her face. “I don’t know what I’m going to do...”

“Well I do,” Wendy answered from the bed of her dorm. Seulgi looked up with a raised brow. “I’m going to order pizza.”

“You are absolutely of no help.”

“What? Pizza is pretty damn inspiring.”

“And we’re done with this conversation.” Seulgi stood from her spot on the floor and grabbed her bag that was resting on the chair. “Enjoy your pizza.”

“Oh, I will.”


The walk back to her own dorm building had been filled with inner turmoil. The majority of her class already had a subject. Most had even already started on their pieces. She knew that she had to start soon. If she didn’t, there was no way she would even be able to finish. And even if she did, they wouldn’t be her best. She needed time to make sure they were all just right. But before she could do that, she needed something to draw!

She put her hands behind her head and blew air from her lips. It had been a while since she was this art blocked. And it had been even longer since she had been so uninspired. She didn’t know if it was because she was being pressured, or just because she was pooped out from the semester. She had never pushed out so many pieces in such a short amount of time before. Maybe she just wasn’t cut out for it…

The sound of laughter coming from nearby pulled Seulgi from her thoughts. She wasn’t sure why the sound was significant enough to make her look, but she did.

And she was glad that she did.

She was being pulled along by a girl shorter than she was. A delicate smile was on her lips as she looked down fondly at the girl.

She wasn’t sure what it was that made her legs start moving toward them exactly. She couldn’t decide on the specifics. But she was sure that she was one of the most beautiful girls she had ever seen. And she knew that she had to draw her. She had to recreate it on paper because if she couldn’t she would go mad.

She stopped in front of the two, her eyes locked on the nameless blonde that was now starring up at her with confusion and a bit of fright.

Any other sane person would have introduced themselves. Any other sane person would have explained themselves. But right now, Seulgi only had one thing on her mind. And that’s exactly what came out of .

“Be my model.”



A/N: a super short and kind of rushed intro chapter but i wanted to put it out before i lost my own inspiration completely 

(this is going to be a very short chaptered fic btw.)

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Chapter 1: good story..hope autornim will update soon
Chapter 1: Freakin Seulgi!!! XD I just died from that bear, I mean I saw it coming but I still slapped myself when I read "Be my model". How much not awkwardly blunt can you be Seul XD This is nice~ I likes already :) Can't wait for the next chapt. :D