Missing and found

Meeting in the Internet II


i was walking with my unnies when many girls crowded over us and i got pushed to the floor, i dont know what was happening, i tried to go inside the crowd but i see no one that i know

Yes, they are gone.. What am i gonna do?

i looked around started walking, where am i going? I dont even speak Korean, how can i ask them?

Tears were forming up in my eyes, im LOST!

KEY! Where are you?!



DAMN IT! How can i be so irresponsible and also to my girlfriend!

She is ING LOST! I am so scared! Someone might grab her somewhere and do something on her!

Without thinking i quickly opened the door and walked back inside the airport

" Joo Chan " i shouted

" Key! " Gayoung shouted

" Lets split up! I will go by myself! " i said and walked off

I dont care who they want to be paired with but for me, i want to find Joo Chan


Its been 1 hour since Joo Chan got seperated and everyone started looking for her.

Joo chan sat in the chair just finished crying and someone tapped her shoulder

she looked at the man and suddenly grabbed her arm.

" Sorry, i dont know you " she said in english

" hfdkghkgjhhkilkgjflj " the man said korean and he tightened his grabbed

" OUCH! KEY! HELP ME! " Joo Chan shouted


Rae and Minho was still looking for Joo Chan, they sat for awhile and took a drink.

Then someone catched their eyes and followed him, they saw him went to Joo Chan.

They quickly went to her but then the man quickly grabbed her and pulled her away.

" Sorry but i dont know you " they heard Joo Chan said

The man ignored her and they still followed them then Rae started calling everyone

" Yeobosaeyo? " Key answered

" We found Joo Chan! come quickly! " Rae whispered

" Really? Where are you guys?! " he asked and his voice was happy yet scared.

" We are here in _________! Come quickly! " Rae said

Then suddenly they heard Joo Chan started shouting

" OUCH! KEY! HELP ME! " Joo Chan shouted

Neither Rae know, Minho quickly punched the man and grabbed Joo Chan

" Dont you dare touch her! " Minho shouted then the man started running away from them

" OMG! Joo Chan are you okay? " Rae asked and Joo Chan started crying

Rae couldnt help but to hug her little ongsaeng.

" Shhh... dont cry " Rae said

Then everyone came and also Key who saw everything and felt really happy yet jealous and sad.

He is happy that they found Joo Chan and he is jealous and sad because he is not the one who saved her but he shrugged it off.

" KEY! " Joo Chan shouted and hugged him tightly and he hugged her back

" What happened? " Gayong asked

" A man grabbed her and she started shouting " Rae explained

" Oh, thank god you guys came " Sohyun said and sighed in relief.

After a long hours everyone went to their own room in hotel,

AUTHOR'S NOTE : Hows the chap? Boring? and short? so tired today :/

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The rivals will be introduce soon :))

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Hey you want a poster chock out this!!!!
She will appear soon, sorry for waiting...<br />
I thought that she will come out on the 1st sequel
Nice chapter.. Update soon! xDD
thediva_18 #4
update soon please! ^^
first chapter = awesomeeeeee!!!<br />
update soon! :)<br />
btw.. i'm a rival! sweet, finally! lmao. =P
butterfly555 #6
omo love the chapter test it like a teaser ah so want a update soon pout
Aznamii #7