
Road to Solace


Kai couldn’t keep track of how many times he’d rolled his eyes the past half hour. Finally excused from the Principals’ Office he pulled the next door neighbor outside with him, roughly letting go of her once they were away from the front doors and curious eyes.

“Why the hell are you here?!” Kai yelled. “I told you not to come!”

“How can I not when that girl did this to you?!” the woman fought back. Then shamelessly reached her hand up to touch the marks on his face, “Look at this…just wait till I get my hands on that wench again…”

Kai shoved her hand away, “Don’t touch me!”

“Oh what are you going on about?” she asked innocently. Even if she detected the annoyance in his voice, didn’t let it bother her the least bit.

Irritation blew up inside him with how obnoxious she was being, acting as if she was some important woman in his life. “Would you leave already?!” A glare erupted in his eyes.

“All right then. If anyone else lays their hand on you I’m not letting them go.” She warned. “I’m going to get the school to expel her or better yet, get your father to transfer you. There’s an even better school on the other side of town. Go back in.”

Kai hated how she took to sounding like she was his mother…even a disgusting protective older girlfriend. It gave him shivers.

When she started walking toward the street he called out, “Don’t touch her again. And I’m not transferring.” Turning around he started back toward the school, but didn’t enter.

Thinking about how that Aunt had slapped Namjoo somehow made him feel embarrassed. Who the hell did she think she was to do that in his place? Some freaking scratch marks on his face wouldn’t stay on his face forever, not like he cared much for it anyway. And it wasn’t even a big deal!

Kai kicked at the ground and twisted around to stare at the front gates. And never had he imagined that Namjoo was parentless. The fact was daunting and he couldn’t stop thinking about the way she’d said it before walking out. But where had she gone? Did she even have any place to go?

“What the hell am I thinking?” he muttered to himself before heading back into the classroom, but even when he sat down and classes started again the empty seat beside him remained all too visible from the corner of his eye. He suddenly realized that Namjoo hadn’t missed a day before, even if she didn’t do the homework.     

She really didn’t come back. Not even for her backpack.

When they were finally let out, the rest of the students packed up while whispering among themselves, but Kai didn’t get up to eagerly leave as he would. What the hell should he do with her backpack? Leave it there? Should he?

He turned when a shadow appeared over him and turned to see Sehun. Without saying anything he walked around his chair and grabbed Namjoo’s backpack before walking out with it hoisted over his shoulder. Kai stared, refusing to allow himself to become curious.  


It had almost been a decade since he’d come here. Sehun could still remember how in the past the friendly grandmother invited him over and gave him free treats, and how he’d watched that young girl manage the business by herself. Now that young girl was grown up and alone here.

“Thank you, please come again,” he heard Namjoo say friendlily in a tone he thought she’d stopped using. It was pleasant to the ears.

Through the gap of the opened front door he watched Namjoo smile at her customers and as they headed his way, she too, saw him. Once they were out of earshot he walked in and toward the counter, but Namjoo was already headed out from behind it.

“What are you doing here?” she hissed, immediately grabbed his arm, and dragged him outside of the bakery. She made his presence feel parasitic. Shoving him a step away from her she continued haughtily, “You’re not welcomed here.”

“Your backpack,” he said, “you forgot it.”

Namjoo’s eyes swerved toward the bag he was holding out and snorted, “Is that your lame excuse for coming here?” Then snatching it out of his hand, “You should’ve left it there.”

She readied to go back into the bakery and close the door after her, but heard him say, “Tomorrow…you’re coming to school, aren’t you?”

As expected, Namjoo closed the door shut in his face. She was tough…so tough. He knew she’d come here after walking out of school. This bakery was her haven. Besides this place, Namjoo had nowhere else to go.


Kai groaned and about turned to walk away when he saw the Aunt coming out of his house. She’d been waiting for him. Probably had her eye out the window in wait of her prey.

“You’re home?” she scurried out toward him and grabbed his arm.

Yanking his arm out he yelled, “What do you want?! Would you stop coming around here?!”

“I was just worried about you,” she told in that soothing voice of hers. “Come in, I bought some really good healing ointment from the store. They say it’ll fix up every possible injury, so you’ll no longer have to worry about those scratch marks scarring.” Again grabbing his arm she led him toward the house. Kai didn’t withhold his annoyed sigh and pulled himself back.

“Look here, old lady,” he began and watched her stare up at him innocently, “I don’t like you coming here. And don’t ever come to my school ever again. Go take care of your old man at home or find some kind of hobby to keep you occupied. My father and I don’t need you coming around here. You understand?!”

Shooting her a warning glare he adjusted the strap of his backpack over his shoulder and continued on into his house, slamming the door behind him. Just looking at her made his blood churn.


Stepping out of the shower Kai pulled on an old t-shirt and plaid pajama pants before wiping the steam that fogged up the mirror away. His hair needed combing, maybe t. If his hair got into his eyes when he fought that would end up badly. Turning his head to the side he peered at the scratch marks on his face. They were starting to heal and would disappear in no time.

The sound of Namjoo getting slapped and how her voice quivered with all the hatred possible flashed back into his head. He groaned and stepped away from the mirror.

“That stupid woman,” he muttered, wishing he could rewind time to stop that old Aunt from coming to school. Now how the hell was he supposed to face Namjoo without feeling like a sore loser? She would probably think he was a low dimwit for telling on her to some old woman next door for revenge.

Tossing his head back he groaned even louder.


It was unbelievable, but he was at school earlier than usual. Only a quarter of the students were already seated at their desks – each doing whatever kept them occupied until class started. Kai was already in his seat, sitting as low as possible with the back of the chair gnawing into his upper back. Like usual with hands jammed into his pockets he stared ahead at the board before peering at the empty seat beside him. He was certain the rebel would come to school no matter what, but when she walked in…just the thought about having to see her and feel her sit next to him made him feel stupidly embarrassed and tense.

What the hell…was he supposed to apologize to the little gob who always jumped him? But why!

Kai bit his lip as feelings of confusion, pride, and guilt swam inside his head like a tornado. A commotion suddenly started outside the open door and footsteps rushed down the long hallway, sounding like a stampede of wild bulls. Kai turned to stare out the door and heard the others shouting, “They’re fighting!” “Sehun and Namjoo are finally fighting!”


Sehun arrived earlier than usual. He was afraid that if he came late Namjoo would have already made it to class, so he waited by the stairs for her. As he thought, she came with her backpack at her back. Relief flushed through him that she wasn’t skipping out.

Stepping forward expecting to talk to her he was ignored when Namjoo passed him, as if he was a ghost. Quickly spinning around he caught up to her and blocked her from going any further.

“You’re here?” he greeted. Namjoo didn’t so as much glance at him. He knew he’d made her angry for showing up at the bakery yesterday, but he wouldn’t let that get in the way. Resuming to what he was doing he held up the copies of his homework he’d made for her, including the ones she hadn’t gotten yesterday.

“I made some copies for you. Turn them in and say you’re making up for late assignments,” he told and watched her lower her head to look at the papers. He barely smiled when she grabbed them from him. A second later she slapped them across his face and listened to the papers scatter to the ground around them.

“Did I ask for your help?” Namjoo asked. “Do you think you’re so great?”

Sehun’s brows crossed when he raised his head to lock eyes with her. Aggravation lubricated the hard stare in her eyes.

“Namjoo…” he began, but she grasped his jacket into her fists and shoved him against the wall. “Hey…” he began again, grabbing onto her hands.

“Did I ask for your help? Are you trying to be a savior?! Don’t do something you’re incapable of! How many times do I have to tell you not to get my business?!”   

Heat rushed through him with how stubborn she was being with him. Every time she acted all mighty and high with him he felt his string of patience become thinner.

Determination ached through him and stepping forward drove her into the wall opposite them. Squeezing the bow around her neck he subconsciously raised his fist up, but Namjoo didn’t cower. She raised her head even higher, challenging him.

With widened eyes and firm lips, persuaded, “Hit me. Do it.”

His fist shook in midair. The students that had now gathered in the hallway cooed and pulled out their phones. Namjoo made him so angry. With each rejection she only pushed his buttons even more. How dare she…

Namjoo continued to stare at him defiantly before he let go and stepped back, chanting to himself mentally to calm down his rage. Footsteps scurried down the hallway and one of the teachers appeared.

“What’s going on? Are you two fighting?” then noticing the papers on the ground, picked them up and read the name at the top, “Kim Namjoo? Are these yours?”

Namjoo shot him a glare before the teacher walked over to hand her the sheets. “Take them. Class is about to start. Everyone get to your class.”

Sehun shot her a glance before joining the students as they split up to go to class.


Kai turned again when the students filed in. He noted the blank expression on Sehun’s face before watching Namjoo come in. Rage was written all over her face and without looking at him sat in her seat. Once class started he watched her rip up the sheets with her name on them. Catching him watching she turned to give him a glare and resumed her devious task.

The suddenly resolution to almost apologize to her for his Aunt’s scrutiny slowly disappeared as the day wore on.


Once lunch break began Kai left for his bathroom break like always. Namjoo shifted away from the classroom to stare out the window. The wide yard outside came into view, but seeing it only made her think about how that pathetic woman beat her up yesterday. Namjoo groaned from deep inside and wondered why every male in the school pissed her off.

Then the thud on her desk made her turn. That idiot Sehun was at it again. The milk carton sat on her desk, but without word he walked away and sat down into his desk. There was hell of a reason why he didn’t join the others in the cafeteria when he was able to purchase lunch for himself – even the whole school if he wanted. Namjoo wanted to kick him out of the room.

Seeing the milk sit there as if she’d asked for him to feed her made her blow up inside. She never asked for it, so why the hell was he doing this to her? It didn’t make any sense. They weren’t friends.

Snatching the milk up she slid out of her seat and started toward Oh Sehun. Once she arrived at his desk she saw that he was studying out of his textbook. She wanted to laugh at how he even tried to get his grades to stay up. It was funny how he even tried in the classroom when she knew he was actually trying to please his parents so they’d come back home more often and reward him.

Namjoo tossed the milk at him and watched him lift his eyes up from the book before slowly turning to look at her.

“I don’t want it. It’s dirty, so take it back.” They stared at each other for a mere five seconds. Namjoo was forced to a stop as she turned to start toward her desk when he threw the milk at her back.

“You take it.” he demanded.

The few students who were chatting it up in their classroom suddenly turned quiet, their focus now on them. The atmosphere swarmed with heated tension when Namjoo turned back toward Sehun. Their exchange of whose glare was more threatening ensued for seconds.  

“You already touched it.” he stated. “Don’t give me back something of mine that you’ve already touched.”

“I don’t remember asking you for it,” Namjoo stepped toward him. “Anything bought with your money is as dirty as your family. Don’t give me your . I won’t pick up your trash.”

Sehun’s eyes flared and he growled, “Kim Namjoo.”

“Go spend your time crying over how to bring your parents back instead of prying into my business, rich kid.”

Sehun bit his lower lip in his fight to maintain his patience with her. “I gave you that because I know you don’t have lunch. Instead of eating expired bread, eat something healthier.”

Namjoo snorted, “Are we playing the pity game? Then I pity you too, for your parents care more for their dirty cash than for the son they had out of wedlock. For someone who has so much time on their hands; worry about yourself. Bastard.”

“Is that all you see me as?”

“Should we speak in proverbs?” Namjoo asked then kicked the desk behind him. “Actions speak louder than words. Don’t they?”

“Does it?” Sehun questioned before grasping her jacket. Namjoo tugged herself back, but he refused to let go. Angrier, Namjoo shrugged her jacket off violently. Their irate eyes challenged each other for the worst.

Grabbing her lower arm he said before dragging her, “Come with me.”

“Let go! Let go of me!” Namjoo screamed, struggling to pull herself back against Sehun’s undefeatable strength as he lugged her out like an object.


When Kai returned from his bathroom break Namjoo and Sehun were going at it in the classroom. Surprised, he paused by the door and watched. He knew they fought, but never so violently before.

“Oh my God,” one of the girls gasped out of shock when Sehun dragged Namjoo out of class. Kai watched them go; part of him shocked with how Namjoo was suddenly being manhandled by one of her other enemies in class. For all he knew, none of the boys in class acted toward a girl in such a manner.

“What do you think he’s going to do to her?” another whispered.

“Should we go get the teacher?” another girl panicked and as they turned, their eyes landed on him. 

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Will update tomorrow!


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theluckyone #1
Chapter 6: Thank you for writing.
theluckyone #2
Is this discontinued? TT
mastarr_jenn #3
Honestly, I think this story deserves way more attention! I love it! Please update whenever you can!
Chapter 6: hunjoo please heheehhe yehet <3
Blehin #5
Chapter 5: Kaijoo kaijoo kaijoo! Hahaha! They seem so cute and fun together~ but hunjoo is fine too. ;D
Chanjoo #6
Chapter 5: Hunjoo!!! They're my favorite but kaijoo is ok too haha
dingdongdeng #7
Chapter 5: I hope you are always in writing mode, authornim..kekeke :p
Aagggh i can't choose between KaiJoo or HunJoo ><
Actually i want KaiJoo but in this story i love HunJoo *Sehun is so sweet here* but if you decided KaiJoo it will be also interesting because naybe he is never thinking namjoo as woman so it will be more funny ♥~♥
But in this last chapter, i want yes for the answer from their clasmate and it will come from Oh Sehun mouth *then i'll be imagining namjoo reaction, she'll be shock and angry as hell, the furious namjoo will be funny*kekeke
Thanks for updating authornim, i'll be waiting for the next update, fighting \(^^)/
Chapter 5: I want KaiJoo because it feels like their r/s will be more fun since Kai thought nobody would date someone like Namjoo. But Hunjoo is fine too, whatever you think is right, author-nim!
Update soon!! <333