Help me, noona

I'm Sorry We Love You

The room looked like a basic gymnasium with different types of equipment except the only difference? It was the size of a football field. The gym had different sections depending on what someone wanted to practice but the majority of the room had matted flooring for sparring, one of Jangmi’s favorites.
“Jangmi unni!” she heard a shrill voice scream before she was enveloped into a hug. Jangmi laughed before wrapping her arms around the tiny figure that latched themselves onto her body. “Lami! What are you doing, running up and hugging me? Don’t you have a sprained ankle?” Jangmi quickly realized as she squatted before the small girl. Lami was one of the youngest kids to ever be in the orphanage program. “BoA unni said it wasn’t sprained! I just bruised it a little, see?” Lami reassured Jangmi as she balanced herself on her good foot and lifted her slightly bruised ankle. Jangmi sighed in relief, “Oh, thank God. I thought you were badly hurt.” Lami gave Jangmi one last smile before her instructor called her over.

Walking towards the infirmary inside the gym, Jangmi continued to look around the enormous room and spotted familiar expressions of determination and strength on each of the orphans’ faces. These children weren’t training to become singers or actors…they were training to become fighters. The scent of rubbing alcohol invaded her senses as she peered into the infirmary and saw one of her favorite trainees.
“Jeno! How are you doing?” Jangmi asked as she squatted in front of the young boy. “Hi, Jangmi noona! I’m doing okay…I still can’t do hand to hand combat but Wendy said I could participate in weapon training again!” he excitedly told her as Wendy walked in with a clipboard. A friend of Seulgi, Wendy was the head nurse of the orphanage and had been taking care of Jeno who was dealing with a broken wrist. “I said you could start participating tomorrow, so don’t get too excited.” Wendy said as she sent a warm smile towards Jangmi. As Jeno started whining about starting a day early, Jangmi took it as her cue to leave and check on the rest of the department. Jangmi started walking around the entire gym, watching kids no younger than 11 participate in basic military training that ranged from far range shooting to hardcore endurance training. She would input her advice to kids who seemed like they were struggling or weren’t doing an exercise properly. As she reached the wrestling mat used for combat training, the entrance doors opened and revealed D.O. and Baekhyun in their training uniforms. As their wandering eyes reached her still figure, they both smirked simultaneously before looking at eachother. Jangmi rolled her eyes because she knew what those hidden smirks meant. They had caught her right next to their mat and wanted her to partake in their lesson.

So here Jangmi was, in her own training uniform standing in between D.O. and Baekhyun and before a group of 10 young boys and girls with similar uniforms. “Now that you have all passed the defense lesson with Baekhyun, it’s time for the offensive class with me.” D.O.’s authoritative voice boomed before the students. “And I will have my lovely assistant here demonstrate with me.” he finished while the of students cheered loudly as they got to witness Jangmi fight. It was well known that Jangmi was like an angel sent form heaven, but it was even better known that she knew how to fight like the devil.

“The first move we will be talking about is called a takedown. Now there are multiple takedown techniques such as the leg takedown and the legsweep. Takedowns are one of the most effective moves that you can use. It momentarily disrupts your opponent so it gives you an opportunity to fight back.” D.O. started off as all the students and Baekhyun cleared the mat. Jangmi and Baekhyun faced eachother and both took a deep breath, “Now in this demonstration, I will be on the offense while Jangmi here will be on defense.” D.O. stated as he got into his fighting stance. Even though Jangmi has trained multiple times, it still gave her the nervous yet exhilarating rush. “Whenever you’re ready, sweetheart. “ Jangmi taunted with an innocent smile. Before the students even reacted, D.O had already sprinted forward and aimed a fist at her left side. She swiftly dodged to the right before ducking as his leg went up. This went on for a couple minutes, D.O. continuing his offensive attacks while Jangmi swiftly avoided or counterattacked in her defensive position. Now if this was a real fight, both Jangmi and D.O. would know who the real winner would be, but since it wasn’t, they continued. Wanting to end the demonstration, D.O. quickly wrapped his arms around Jangmi’s torso as he tackled her to the ground. He immediately straddled her so that both his knees were beside her hips and his hands on her forearms as he pinned them to the mat. He brought his head above hers as he peered into her eyes. She looked like a beautiful mess under him, as he felt her quick and shallow breaths hit his panting mouth, “Nice job, Princess.” He said as he placed a kiss on her forehead. She sent him a smile before he grabbed her hand and helped her up.

The lesson went on with her and Baekhyun and D.O. taking turns teaching the students how to properly execute certain strategies and moves. They continued until a sound of an alarm reverberated throughout the entire gymnasium.
*Armed unknown inside building. Please take precautionary actions an-* The rest of the alarm was unheard as shouts filled the room. Jangmi and everyone else quickly turned towards the outdoor entrance where the screaming was heard. From where they were, all they saw was a figure in all black standing in the doorway with a shiny object in their hand. Jangmi’s eyes widened before she immediately reacted. “CODE DELTA! I want all the kids to the infirmary! Now!” she screamed the code names as she started sprinting towards the stranger. “Wait, Jangmi! No!” she barely heard Baekhyun and D.O. shout for her as she whizzed past children running in the opposite direction as her. She came to an abrupt halt as she saw who the intruder was and who he was holding. “D-Doyoung? What are you doing?” Jangmi asked as the unwelcomed quest held a young boy hostage with a knife to the throat. She took in the distorted appearance of the trainee that had gone missing last week: his ratted and dirty clothes as well as his unwashed hair and face. But what stood out most were his emotionless and rage-filled eyes. “Hi, noona. Missed me?” he asked with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes as he swiveled the knife through his fingers before placing it back to the child’s throat. “What the hell do you think doing, kid?” Baekhyun’s voice asked next to her. She looked behind her and saw D.O., Xiumin, and Sehun running towards them. As she turned her attention back, she realized that Doyoung’s gaze had never left her. “I came to fulfill a mission. Isn’t that what I’m supposed to do? Execute my mission wholeheartedly with everything I am?” he asked while keeping his eyes on her. “And what is your mission?” Jangmi asked boldly as she saw his posture change slightly. “You.” He said with a robotic voice as he added pressure to the knife which in turn, caused blood to seep out of the wound. Jangmi winced as she saw the young boy’s face cringe as a tear slipped from his fear indulged eyes. “Then let the boy go and we’ll deal with your mission. Your mission has nothing to do with him, right? It’s about me so let him go.” Jangmi said as she took a step forward. “Jangmi. What are you going to do?” Xiumin whispered next to her as he grabbed her wrist before she could take a step closer. “Don’t worry. I can handle this.” She turned to him and sent him a reassuring smile as she pulled her hand from his grip, “Trust me.”
Jangmi inched closer to Doyoung who still had the young boy at knife point. His grip slowly loosened until he finally let go of the boy who ran right to Wendy who checked his wounds. “You know, noona. I always envied you. Yeah, your earlier years . I mean your parents were killed right in front of you and you were abused and beaten but why do you get to have it good now? Is it nice to have all the attention now? What about the rest of us?! WHAT ABOUT ME?!” he shouted as he pointed the knife to her. Jangmi stiffened at the mention of her childhood and at Doyoung’s harsh words. This was so unlike him. Doyoung was another one of Jangmi’s cherished trainees and would always get excited to see her and train. And he never complained. “You little ungrateful-“ Jangmi cut D.O. off before he could yell at him. She knew that if Doyoung wanted her, he would only deal with her. Jangmi was not one to back down from a challenge.

“So execute your mission then.” She said with a cold voice. Everyone stared at her with wide eyes and frightened expressions as they watched her step up to him, “Or are you going to stand there and fail.” Doyoung’s face was full of shock at her taunt but turned to one of anger as his stance changed, “HOW DARE YOU!” he went at her at a blinding speed but Jangmi was ready. She was always ready.
She swiftly missed the knife as she grabbed his arm and bent it at an odd angle before sweeping her leg under him, making him lose his balance. He screamed at the piercing pain from his twisted arm and dropped the knife and tried swinging his fist towards her face but she blocked it with her forearm as she pushed his body down to the ground so he laid on his stomach. She placed her foot onto his hand and her knee on his shoulder so he was immobile before she bent down and spoke to him, “What happened, Doyoung? Why are you acting like this?” Who did this to you?” she asked gently but sternly as he continued to struggle under her. “N-Noona…” Jangmi’s eyes widened as Doyoung tone of voice completely changed and she looked to see his expression full of regret and confusion. “H-Help me.” he whispered as a tear slipped out from his left eye. Jangmi’s grip loosened as she slowly let go of him, “Doyoung, what’s going on?” she hesitantly asked as she got off of him. But before she could take another step back, Doyoung had grabbed the fallen knife and threw it at her.

It happened in a span of a second; the knife flew towards Jangmi the same time as the bullet that came from Xiumin’s handgun.

Screams filled the room as two bodies fell to the ground; one dead and one alive.

Jangmi’s entire body was stiff as she stared at the body in front of her, staring at her with empty eyes and a bullet hole lodged onto his forehead. Doyoung was dead. Doyoung, her beloved trainee had tried killing her. Doyoung was dead. The sound of the gunshot still echoed in her head. She was brought back to earth when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her blood covered body and her head was put on their lap. Two glove covered hands found their way to her cheeks as a familiar face appeared above her. She stared at his lips as they seemed to be shouting words of worry and question but Jangmi couldn’t hear anything other than Doyoung’s last words…help me.



I don’t understand what just happened. Just 10 minutes ago I was in the middle of teaching with Baek and Kyungsoo…how..why am I covered in blood? Why is Doyoung laying there..dead? Why was he so disturbed and why did he need help?

My thoughts were cut short as someone pulled me into their lap and someone’s hands were on the side of my face. “Jangmi!? Are you okay?! Jangmi, can you hear me?!”  Sehun? What’s he saying? Why is everyone screaming?
My head was exploding with questions before my body couldn’t take it, and I fell into an overwhelming cloud of darkness.


Sehun sat next to his and Kris’ bed as he stared at the figure sleeping peacefully with both of his hands gripping onto hers. It had been a couple hours since the incident with Doyoung and Sehun still couldn’t believe what happened. He was so disappointed in himself that he couldn’t keep her safe. After Xiumin shot Doyoung down and Jangmi fell to the ground, Sehun found himself with Jangmi’s head on his lap as she stared blankly up at him. He remembered the look in her eyes as he asked if she was okay, how they were filled with confusion and sorrow. Not a second after, she fainted in his arms. “Damn it.” He harshly whispered as he brought his left arm under the back of her neck and her knees as he picked her up as if she weighed nothing and quickly ran towards the infirmary. As he barged in, he saw a group of huddled kids by the corner and Wendy tending to the boy who was held hostage by Doyoung. “I heard a gunshot outside, is everyone ok-“ Wendy stopped mid-question as she took in an unconscious Jangmi and a panicked Sehun. “Put her on the bed.” She instructed as she gathered all the materials she needed to tend to Jangmi. Xiumin, D.O., and Baekhyun all ran into the room panting and eyes quickly scoping out to find Jangmi. The room was filled with questions of “Is she alright?” “Where is she hurt?” “Is she in pain?” but all of them went unanswered as Wendy sternly commanded them to be quiet and guide the students outside of the room.
After about a minute of assessing Jangmi’s condition, Wendy found that the blade the Doyoung threw had barely missed and just left a large cute on the left side of her torso.
That’s how Jangmi ended up in Sehun and Kris’ bed, torso bandaged, and unconscious. Sehun had stayed in his seated position for over 2 hours now, hovering over Jangmi like a guardian angel. Even when Jangmi was brought back to the house so Lay could officially look her over. Although Wendy was the head nurse of the orphanage, everyone knew that she was taught by Lay who studied at Stanford University in America to get his bachelor’s degree and PhD. After giving Jangmi a kiss on the forehead and Sehun a pat on the back, Lay left to go and talk to the autopsies specialist to study Doyoung’s brain activity and what caused him to act this way.
Sehun continued to the back of Jangmi’s petite hand in his large ones as he placed a kiss on her wrist every so often. He kept thinking back to the moment where Jangmi had loosened her grip on Doyoung. After knowing her for so long and training with her, Sehun knew that almost nothing could disrupt Jangmi’s concentration easily. But how was Doyoung able to by saying a couple of words? No one but Jangmi was close enough to actually hear what Doyoung said but whatever it was Sehun knew it had to be very shocking for her to lost focus.

A groan interrupted his wondering mind and the hand in his started moving. Sehun immediately got on the bed and embraced Jangmi in the most loving yet gentle hug he could give.


A soft touch on my wrist woke me up. My eyes opened to the familiar bed canopy that I woke up to this morning. Wait…was it this morning? What day was it? I could feel an oncoming headache as well as a sharp pain on my left side. Before I could stop it, a groan came out of my mouth as I felt a pair of hands release my left hand. Before I knew it, I was engulfed into a pair of warm arms who held me with so much care. Just by inhaling their scent I knew it was Sehun. I didn’t say anything as he dug his face into my neck. I adjusted my position so i was straddling his crossed legs as he wrapped his arms tightly but softly around my waist. “Please. Don’t ever do that again, noona. Please don’t scare me like that.” He said as I brought my hands to the back of his neck and played with the strands of his bleach blonde hair. I didn’t speak as I nodded and placed my chin on top of his head which leaned on my chest. I felt droplets of wetness on my skin as I looked down and realized he was crying. “Hey..” I whispered as I placed his face in between my hands that held him there. He closed his eyes as he turned his head so that his lips touched the inside of my wrist and leaned into the warmth of my touch. “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.” He said in a broken voice that tore at my heart. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and brought his head back to his rightful place which was next to mine. “Don’t ever say sorry for something you didn’t do. You did protect me by staying with me. It doesn’t matter if I got hurt, what matters to me is that you didn’t let me get more hurt, okay?” I said to him reassuringly as I his neck. I didn’t feel him nod so I brought his face back up and urgently placed a firm kiss on his lips. I placed both my palms onto his tear stained cheeks as I massaged his soft lips with my own. Only after  a moment did he immediately respond with the same pressure I was giving him. His hands found the curve of my waist right above my bandage as I rolled my body on top of his. The sound he made at the back of his throat only encouraged me as I gently pushed him down so his back lay fully on the bed. He stared up at me with a mixture of love and lust as I brushed the fallen strands of white from his face. “I love you.” I murmured as I tilted my head so that my hair fell around his face. “I love you more.” He responded before placing a kiss on my chin and continuing his assault all the way down to my collarbone. “I love you most.” I sighed in absolute pleasure.

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heejunpark #1
Chapter 4: Ahhh, I miss this story.... TOT
se_xing #2
Chapter 4: Omg u need to update!!!! This is so good!!!!!
Mintymk21 #3
Chapter 1: Please update please!!!!!!!!!!!
Karamammamia #4
Chapter 4: Update pleaaaaaaaase
Updateeeeee!! Jeballl
Chapter 4: pls update soon authornim
Live_JasmineV #7
Can't wait for the next update! I love the idea your going for and THANK GOD SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS HOW I FEEL ABOUT SAD ENDINGS! Ahem. Anyways, hope you have a great day! Xoxo l.o.v.e., Jasmine
Chapter 4: Thank you for the update, Author-nim! Wahhhhh~~ This story is really JJANG!! Great job! Thanks again, Author-nim!~ Much love from the Philippines. Muah~
heejunpark #9
Chapter 4: Thank you for the update~~~^.^
I'm really liking this story and I love how every chapter will be dedicated to one memberXjangmi, then will show when they first met~~~>w<
Hmmm..... I wonder why that boy was targeting Jangmi, maybe someone brainwashed him o.o
And I want to see how Exo reacted after receiving the news that Jangmi got hurt~~>.<
Really loving this fanfic~~~ please update soon!!!^w^