Enchanted Moments

Lifetime After Lifetime

Being decorated by silver lining orange clouds, the evening was mesmerising. Employees, employers, etc and etc were heading to their relative homes after working so hard for that day. The roads which were clearer and quieter before were starting to be filled the vehicles and sounds making the traffic jams. The setting sun was emitting the last rays of golden sunlight for that day, peacefully and slowly disappearing behind the massive amount of buildings of Seoul. 


Inside of an apartment building, Kyuhyun was groaning to the white pink mixed dress which his future mother in law ordered for him in one day for tomorrow engagement party. Spreading out down from his waist, the dress was just making him hot literally and he guessed the waist of the dress was a little small for him.


Five children? Aish screw her! What kind of mother is she? Throwing her son right to a woman without many questions? And what sort of dress is this?! Cinderella's?! So tight and hot. I am a cold blooded being! How can I wear this on this warm spring month of May?! And why I've got a feeling that the zip is not working?


Kyuhyun was in front of a full length mirror, squeezing his face, clenching his teeth, arching his body and fumbling his back to reach the zip but the zip seemed to be playing catch me if you can with him. 

Sweats seeped from his forehead. He sat down on the bed and was fagged like he gave birth a child. He breathed exhaustively swearing at Sooyoung in his mind.

He needed help.


He straightened his hands down to reach the end of the gown and held it up. He finally stood up unstable but managed not to loose his balance. The boy stepped very carefully as he went out of the room for help. He looked into the nearest room, the bathroom, but he saw no one. He passed and looked for the one whom he could get help from in every room but there was no one. Not until he escaped to the balcony. 


Once he got into the balcony, he found the left side of the other person who just took a sip of liquor from the glass he was holding looked like thinking. The yellow rays of the sun rested on Siwon's face making him shine. At that time, Kyuhyun felt something in his mind. Something that was mixed with both happiness and sadness. What are you thinking, Won? 


Kyuhyun cooed. " Hyung."


Siwon retreated. "Hmm?"

He just couldn't keep his eyes away from Kyuhyun who had not finished putting on the dress. He gulped while staring at the milky shoulders and smooth collar bones were exactly fit for love bites. He cleared his throat and rolled his eyes for a second. 

" Hyung, can you zip my dress? I can't reach to it." Kyuhyun moved back into the living room and faced his opened back to Siwon.


Siwon could not help but walk to Kyuhyun with anxious heart. The closer he got to the pale tender back of Kyuhyun, the clearer he could see how the back was desirable.


He held the zip with trembling hands. Then he realised Kyuhyun's back was revealing almost to the end of the backbone. The back looked so smooth and snowy like he wanted to touch it. No, what are you thinking, Choi Siwon? 

He coughed a few time to get rid of his thoughts. " Hyung, what are you doing? Are you gonna zip it tonight?" Kyuhyun ly his head to see nervous Siwon and asked impatiently. 


" Aw.." Siwon slowly zip the dress up as Kyuhyun breathed in deeply to make his back and waist smaller helping Siwon to zip it amenable.

Kyuhyun exhaled deeply and turned around because he got fulfilled. 


" Hyung, how is it?" Kyuhyun grinned cutely but all he received from Siwon was a huge aligator mouth. 


Kyuhyun kitted his eyebrows together. "Is it not good?"


Siwon panicked and shook his eyes immediately. "No no! You look... " Siwon paused because seeing Kyuhyun's glittering eyes made him stop.



Kyuhyun wrinkled his nose and eyes hiding the red cheeks formed for a couple of seconds. "Then why your mouth was opening so wide? Let it be. I will watch myself in the mirror." Kyuhyun turned back and stepped to Siwon's bedroom again. 


Awkwardness came to Siwon, made him stood still, made him looked at Kyuhyun's back. 

There must be some sort of explanation for this heavy mind. And then he rremembered he was going to ask Kyuhyun a question. He whistled to himself and followed the slow motion walking Kyuhyun before him. 


" So, is Lady Jessica really your aunt? You are a part of an impersonating group?" Siwon smiled and stopped nexr to Kyuhyun who was watching himself in the mirror. Although Siwon was smiling when he asked that question but Kyuhyun got to hold the table nearby preventing himself from falling down. I didn't see that one coming! Is he suspecting me?! What should I answer?! His calm and clear mind of lake became so shaky.


" Actually no. She's not my aunt. And yes, I'm a member of an impersonating group. It's not a big deal." Kyuhyun was trying his best to hide his fear by putting the fake s right into his chest place.

Siwon sat down near Kyuhyun stretched his arms a bit.

" Aww. That's why you are so good at crossdressing and all tjis stuffs. So what? Are you gonna use someone from your group to act like Lady Jessica on tomorrow event?"


Kyuhyun retreated and chuckled. "You monther knows the real Jessica. How can I swing that? The real one is comin as my aunt tomorrow."

Siwon was quite shocked because of the information he just got. "How? I mean, how did you do that? I'm confused." He began to felt like the whole situation was ridiculous.

Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes, covered a drops of tear fell down from his eyes. Why are asking me so much. I can't tell you. Not right now. I can't tell you that I'm a snake, that I'm an immortal, can I?

"IIt's complicated. I have my ways. I'll eventually tell you sometime. It's a long story." Siwon noted to himself. He is something. The rolling eyes, the shaking hands. He is making excuses. Why?"


"So, about the place. What shoul we do about the living? Do I need to move into your place when we get married?" Kyuhyun smoothly changed the subject before Siwon could ask him another one. He sat down beside Siwon, frowning to the latter. 

Siwon pouted. "I think so. You know, my mother could have popped out in front of the door. I can't let it happen." Besides, I want to see your face everyday everywhere everytime. . No. I'm nuts. What the hell am I thinking?


Both went silent. All they did was looking blankly at the floor and the ceiling, sitting next to each other and talking nothing.


"Well, alright. So let me call my sister to pack my things for me." Siwon's eyes bulged out by Kyuhyun's words. Does that.. does that mean he is gonna start to stay with me tonight? 

"Hey, Kyuhyun. Are you planning to move here tonight?" He got a nod from 


Kyuhyun flipping himself to grab his pants on the bed which cause him to lead another reply. "Isn't it too fast?"




Kyuhyun giggled. " I'm a go-getter. I'm not the type who would sit and wait for things to come toward." Siwon blinked and dived into his vocabulary. What does that even meaning? Is he go-getting me?

Then Kyuhyun shoved his hand into the side pocket and drew his phone out. Siwon however started to peel his shirt off since he acknowledged that he had been wearing that shirt almost the whole day feeling sticky with sweat and hot.




"Ah Yoona? Can you pack my things for me? Because I am..."



Two males got distracted by the door bell of Siwon's apartment. Siwon watched the clock right above him. It says 5 after 7. Who could that be?  Siwon turned to Kyuhyun. " Stay here. It could be anyone like my mom."

Siwon, still on half of his way of taking off his shirt, went out to answer. Kyuhyun as well still talking Yoona over phone peeped only his head out of the bedroom curious of who was the guest. He could see straight at Siwon opening the door.




Kyuhyun thought that was a cat's voice at first as the voice was so unpleasant and piercing his ears.


He couldn't help but his eyes and mouth both widened. And then his eyes changed from dark brown to white with slender black pupils. He could feel his head was buring that an egg could be fried. His face turned red as a tomato because of anger and rage and jealousy. Yoona could also hear his heartbeat through the phone.

"Oppa? Are you ok?"

"Just.. pack my daily things and.. a few clothes and.. bring along with you here." 

He hanged up. 

This was his reaction for seeing a sobbing girl threw her hands around Siwon's nape when he opened the door. I . will . kill . that . . right . now.


"Liu Wen?" Siwon called her name.

The girl was still crying on Siwon's shoulder. His shoulder was wet with tears running down from her holes. "Oppa. Is it true? You are gonna engage tomorrow?" Liu Wen left the shoulder and looked up to Siwon. Siwon bruoght his hand to Liu Wen's face and wiped out the tears. "Yes, I am. Tomorrow I will.." Before Siwon could end his words, Liu Wen whined very very out loud.

"WAHHHHH!!!!! Oppa, do you know how many times I wished the news not to be true on my way to here?"

"I know. I know. But we are.. over. And.."

"WAHHHHH!!!! Don't say that. I won't let you go!" Both trars and mucus came out of her.

Over? Kyuhyun surprised. So she's an ex? And she's still attaching to him?!!!? I will kill her. I will. No. I can't. I won't let my hands get dirty to kill that . I am smart. This is you and me now . Kyuhyun smirked vengefully. It was the time a bulb of light formed over his head when he saw Siwon's bathrobe near him.


" Oppa~~"

Hearing another voice from beside them, Siwon and Liu Wen turned to the direction of the voice. Well, they saw someone. A girl. A dripping wet girl with only a towel was leaning onto the wall. Siwon mouth literally dropped. Tongue got out. Liu Wen formed a pair of owl eyes.


"Oh my. There is a guest. Hello aunty." Kyuhyun smiled brightly pressed the word *Aunty* and bowed at her.

Liu Wen shocked. "What?! How did you call me?!"

Kyuhyun repeated. "Aunty."

Liu Wen transformed into a tryant. "Yah! I'm only twenty seven! "

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you real age. I'm sorry, grandma!" Kyuhyun squeezed his face and put his tongue out. 

Liu Wen could bear it. "Yah! Who are you?! Why are you in my Siwon oppa's towel?!"


Kyuhyun smirked evily and walked to the startled Siwon who could not even talk. Then Kyuhyun gave Siwon a peck on the cheek right in front of Liu Wen causing the girl to scream like hell.


"Shut up. I'm his fiancé. See? We were about to shower together. We've got a lot of things to do tonight." Kyuhyun grinned at Siwon showing aegyo eyes to the handsome one. Siwon could see butterflies around his head and halo around the pretty who was smiling at him. Kyuhyun retreated to the stunning girl then.

"Now you know our status. Then leave, you Miss Big Cheek Bones! Or else I will cast you out with salt!" Kyuhyun held up the package of salt from behind and started to exorcise the girl.

" Ahh hey don't throw at me! Siwon oppa help me!" Meantime Siwon froze and watched the show of two person in front of him without helping anyone. The end of the show was Kyuhyun succeeded in chasing out Liu Wen and he could shut the door. After defeating the girl Liu Wen, Kyuhyun directly shot a glare to the Choi guy.


Siwon gazed at Kyuhyun. Do I need to give him an explanation?  But the rampaged boy went straight into the bedroom. "I'm sleepong in the bedroom! Don't come any closer! I'm not having dinner. If Yoona arrives, get my things from her! Good night!"  Then the next sound was a loud bang on the door.

Siwon mmurmured. " Good night." Where do I have to sleep?




Next morning, 

"Wake up, babe." Siwon whispered softly into the ear of the sleepy head. Kyuhyun purred in his sleep. "Hmm"

Siwon chuckled. "Wake up, my Kyu." Kyuhyun maoned. "Ahmmm" he was still in his sleep.

Siwon tried again. "Kyu, wake up. It's already 8. We should go prepare for our engagement party." Siwon the plump cheeks of his Kyuhyun. 

Kyuhyun wanted to say something. But his tongue became so small so he could only say this. "Ssssssssssh..." 

Because of his voice, Kyuhyun shocked and snapped out of his sleep by opening his eyes. Then he saw Siwon smiling at him like a big sun. " Wow, babe your body is so milky and huge."

Huge? By the time Kyuhyun tilted his head to look at his body, it became all cleared. 

He was in his original forty meters long white snake form, filling the whole bedroom with his curls.

"Oh my god, your split tongue is so cute." Siwon started to bend down and Kyuhyun's tongue with his own.

No. How can this be?! I have an eengagement party to go. I have to be in my human form. Though Kyuhyun concentrated on his desire, his body did not changed. My powers. What happened to my powers?! 

No. No. NOOOO!!!!!!!


"Wake up, Kyuhyun! It's already 8." 

The violent knocks on the bedroom door made Kyuhyun sat on the bed. 

Am I? My body! Kyuhyun rubbed his body begining from the face passing the middle and ended up on the legs. Then his both hands landed on his heart place trying to take the fear and trembling heartbeat down. Thanks God. Dream. Pheww.






A couple of hours later,

Siwon was in a underground car parking with his family and friends waiting for his fiancé to come down here from the beauty salon. Over thirty people were congratulating him, making him realized that he was one of the main characters of today. He then received a phone call. 

"Hello? Yes. Ah.. ok. No problem.. just rest. Be careful." Well, that made hom sighed. He quickly ran into his friends. 

"Can someone drive the couple to the venue? Hee hee. Because the usual driver is sick and I shouldn't be driving in this mood."

Leeteuk teased. " In what mood?" 

Siwon chuckled. "Like I got a gold ring on the merry-go-around."

Kangin walked to Siwon. "I will drive you guys there."

Siwon grinned. "Hyung, thank you."

Ryeowook pointed to the opening elevator. "There she is."


Everybody turned around to see the queen of today. Kyuhyun went out of the elevator with his hypnotised aunt Jessica and his sister Yoona supporting him and his dress.

Siwon looked away from Kyuhyun as he could not help but think about how Kyuhyun was pretty. He needed to behave in front of eveyone. Sooyoung came to near him. "I think you choose the right person. She just as gorgeous as me." Then he saw Kyuhyun whispering to Yoona and giggling as they walked to them. Yoona smiled and went upstairs again. 


Siwon then started to introduce Kyuhyun to Kangin before they climbed into the car. "This is my brotherly friend, Kangin.Today he will drive us to our house. Hyung, this is Kyuyeon."



They bowed at each other. "Hi, Kyuyeon-ssi, tell me if he does something bad to you. I will teach him a great lesson." He grinned and gave his right hand to Kyuhyun for a handshake. 


Kyuhyun smiled brightly and shook Kangin's hand telling, "Don't worry. I will let you know. "


But the skin contact made them to shock all out of sudden. They both murmured. " You're not human."


Kyuhyun's eyes glowed white with slender pupil. He span his own body spreading a form of petrifiying wave making the humans in that large parking place to stun and freeze like statues. Kangin jumped backward surprisingly as he was not effected. Kyuhyun jumped forward and kicked Kangin in the chest multiple times.What is he?! What is he doing here?! Does he want to hurt Siwon and me? Capturing him must be useful in getting answers. 

Kangin tried hard to axe Kyuhyun's severe kicks with his hands. This lady is far more powerful than me. What is she?


Kyuhyun landed to the floor and torn out his uncomfortable long dress into pieces and took the male form with white filmy chiffon robe. Kangin surprised. She's a man. Kyuhyun created a short gun out of thin air and began to shot countlessly and furiously at Kangin who was running among the petrified people to prevent himself from the bullets. Why is he attacking me? I didn't do anything to him. 



uhyun closed his eyes. I have to capture him. He opened his eyes again changing his lower body into a huge white snake body. 

Kangin jumped onto a car and looked back to see petrified people except Kyuhyun. He glanced into the people carefully but no sight of Kyuhyun. Where did he go? Then he heard a sound of hissing above his head. He frightened and looked above to see Kyuhyun wrapping a pole with his snake body looking at him with venomous white eyes.


Kyuhyun took the chance of Kangin stunning at him by leaving the tree, dropping onto Kangin's body and constricting Kangin with his long huge body.


Kangin could not breath and became blue. Kyuhyun faced Kangin. " Kangin-ssi, what are you?" Kyuhyun asked calmly.


Kangin yelped. " You.. ahom..are ahooh ahooh.. constrict..ing meee.. aham.. t..his...mww. much..an..d you..are. hop..ing.. to.. aww..hea..r my vo..ice!"


Kyuhyun realised he winded him too much and loosened a few loops. " Say!" Kyuhyun raised his voice. Kangin started to breath heavily and hardly. " You..pheww. . are a white snake. Are you THE white snake who flooded the whole town a thousand years before? "


" I am THE white snake. Guilty." Kyuhyun smirked and continued his hissing voice. "Now show me your true form before I sallow you!" Kyuhyun constricted even tighter than ever.


" I'm a demon!" Kangin struggled a few times to free from Kyuhyun's wrapping body.


"Oh?" Kyuhyun moved his eyes to the edges. 


"From hell?" Kyuhyun brought his hand to Kangin and lifted his face.


" Then, why aren't you in hell torturing the sinners or collecting the sinners when you are on the earth?" The deadly cute boy came nearer to Kangin's face looking strongly into the tied one's eyes without a blink. 


" What the hell are you doing here at my engagement party? " Kyuhyun asked again.


Kangin blinked as he could not take Kyuhyun's piercing eyes anymore.


"Ah..I'm just a friend of Siwon. I'm just here to congratulate him because we have known each other for almost ten years. Ah.. that's the reason." Kangin chocked.

Maybe he's telling the truth. Kyuhyun sighed and released Kangin shifting back into his human form with his engagement dress. "You. If you tell Siwon about what I am, I will instantly kill you." Kyuhyun dragged Kangin back to their positions before Kyuhyun made eveyone froze. Kyuhyun waved himself again releasing a wave out of his body making everyone woke up again. 

Siwon grinned at Kyuhyun beside him leading the way to the car. Kyuhyun smiled back at him and came a heavy sigh. Without being noticed by no one, Kyuhyun looked back to the demon behind him.




Phewww finally I've managed to update a new chapter. Thank you everybody and next chapter will be up around 20th. Love you guys.

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Chapter 6: Why the hell is Kangin dragging Siwon to Hell! I wonder what will happen next?
Chapter 6: someone who really like hell ady come and damaging everything. Oh lordd..... Please don't!!!
What the hell is he doing?
Chapter 6: someone who really like hell ady come and damaging everything. Oh lordd..... Please don't!!!
What the hell is he doing?
Angela17 #4
Chapter 6: Racoon... You naughty man...
Please update soon...
HaruCho #5
Chapter 6: The storms was coming...
Btw, what's song did you used in this chap??
Dilly, dilly... hahaha
Chapter 5: This chappie was fun, although the part where Yoona and Kyuhyun talked was heartbreaking T.T thankyu for the update! I'll be waiting for more~
Chapter 5: I hope 9th time's the charm because I don't want Kyu to get heartbroken again :( But lol at Siwon being so sneaky and giddy to share a room with Kyu.
Angela17 #8
Chapter 5: Interesting... This is going to be happy ending right...?
Chapter 5: omg this is so sweet or so on to describe their moment before enganged, they should run to came into his place XD
so kyu had magic power? Wowwww.........
Chapter 4: I love wonkyu fics like this, funny and with a hint of fantasy. Not familiar with the white snake legend but i hope it has a good ending ;)