
Of Dog Walks and Tangled Leashes

They first meet in the park during a warm, spring day. It's neither too windy nor too hot, the slight breeze calling for a walk outside.

So that's just what Jonghyun does, except, he takes his dog with him. Her name's Roo, a trustworthy four-year old German Shepherd.

He's walking through a small alley, dog leash in one hand and phone in another, when he feels a strong tug on the leash. Jonghyun almost drops his phone and thanks whatever higher being is up there for his reflexes. The silver-ash haired male looks towards the direction the tug's coming from - an action which causes him to sigh in annoyance.

Roo's leash has tangled with another dog's. Again.

Jonghyun clicks the restrict button on his black leash and runs towards Roo. From the distance, he can hear the other person's growling Pomeranian.

When Jonghyun reaches his destination, his first instinct is to scold Roo, but he gets interrupted by a sweet, high-pitched voice.

"Oh god, I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention..." 

The first thing Jonghyun sees are white sneakers, followed by lean legs clothed with black jeans, a white T-shirt and then-

Jonghyun almost gasps because this just might be the prettiest person he's ever seen. Ever.

Adorable cat-like brown eyes are staring at him in an apologizing manner, a blush marring high cheekbones as the light wind ruffles black locks which fall upon pale snow-white complexion like a curtain.

Jonghyun doesn't know how long he's been staring at the pure beauty in front of him, but another harsh tug from his leash wakes him up from whatever daydream he was stuck in. He shakes his head and coughs to cover up his embarrassment. It's rude to stare, Jonghyun. 

The cutie (how else is Jonghyun supposed to address him?) seems troubled as he tries to untangle the dogs' leashes without moving around Jonghyun.

"No, I wasn't looking where Roo was going neither, I'm at fault as much." Jonghyun remembers to reply and resists to chuckle at the sight in front of him.

The raven is obviously panicking as his dog runs in circles around Jonghyun, the pink leash still tangled with Roo's and tying Jonghyun's legs together. A jumbled mess of 'oh my god' and 'I'm so sorry' and 'Mickey, don't do that!' leaves the boy's bow-shaped lips.

"It's okay, don't worry about it really." Jonghyun assures when he's free from the evil grasp of the pink leash (which, Jonghyun notes, is the same pretty shade of pink as the boy's lips.)

The taller finally seems to gather courage and move closer to Jonghyun while trying to untangle their leashes. Jonghyun realizes that there's a book in the other's hand, it being the only thing to stop their hands from touching each other as the boy runs after his dog, attempting to keep it away from Roo. Finally, Jonghyun takes pity on him and clicks the red button on his leash, disconnecting the cable; letting Roo run free and untangling the Pomeranian's leash.

"Ah, thank you!" The raven's tone is cheerful as he bends down to pick the small dog in his arms. Jonghyun admits he did check out the boy's . Who wouldn't, with those tight jeans he's wearing? "I'm sorry for the inconvenience." Kibum almost bows but he's stopped by Jonghyun who noticed his intentions.

"Please don't apologize, I told you it's as much my fault as it is yours."

Jonghyun thinks that the light tint of pink which dusts the boy's cheeks is his imagination.

(He's wrong.)

They exchange names and phone numbers after that. It's terribly awkward at first, but in a few weeks' time they're practically inseparable.

After three months, Jonghyun asks Kibum out, and Kibum gladly accepts.

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Awww it was really good! But the end seemed a but rushed. Anyway, good job!