Other Perspectives

On A Rainy Day - Angel Wings
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The door softly clicked and it closed. A tall, young woman exited the room and gravely shook head; she sighed and looked sad while still grabbing the handle of said door.

Ryeowook stood still in his place, opposing the woman and desperately trying to change those very little promising signals into a bigger hope of mere misunderstandings. Yes, she might be wrong in her judgements, right? Or, well...it didn't cost him anything to just believe she was reporting a wrong news. He could have double checked...together with Kyuhyun, if only...

A loud noise exploded, it banged and echoed from the other side of the door. It was so disturbing, so heartbreaking...that Ryeowook shut his eyes almost immediately and ducked his chin, as if able to protect himself that way and push away the source of said noise.

"Stay close to him. Even though he kind of knew that it could have happened, he still had high expectations" the woman explained after placing her hand on Ryeowook's shoulder and gently squeezing it.

The noise kept going on. It seemed as if the whole content of the room was being thoroughly broken, shattered into million pieces...like Kyuhyun's heart.

"Thanks, Kim" Ryeowook mumbled, a blow little more audible than a whisper.

With a last sigh the woman walked past the boy and left him standing in the corridor, in front of the closed door, which he still didn't know whether to open or not.

He wanted to barge in and reassure Kyuhyun, like the man had always done with him before, but at the same time he considered his like a troublesome intrusion into someone else's deception. Ryeowook, more than anyone else, knew that in this case boiling rage should be left untouched so it could cool down. However, he was sure that he had never ever seen Kyuhyun so furious in those first three weeks after starting to live together, under the same roof.

Kyuhyun was so calm, quiet, discreet, he rarely spoke too much - which could let him appear a little gloomy and defiant sometimes - but otherwhise he was truly good, too good to be true, actually. He didn't deserve anymore deceitful challenges from the steep roads he decided to walk on, just to get closer to his dreams. Someone like him, who even helped a stranger to sort out his issues, was too precious to be betrayed by fate.

The noise stopped. Abruptly. Silence returned and wrapped Ryeowook as if it were the fluffiest and warmest comforter in the world, though it just sprung from exausted resignation.

Once again he decided to break that atmosphere. The click of the door was enough to breach into it and Ryeowook carefully stepped inside, a bit scared to confront with what he might have found.

Easels were pushed, just like the chairs from the practice room in his former university, and left to lay down, unmoving; blank paintings were torn and left in smaller pieces of canvas rather unusable; buckets of paint colors overturned with spreading pools on the floor, palettes and other tools scattered around and Kyuhyun knelt in the very middle of that chaos with two halves of a brush in his hands. Blood emerged from those little scratches on his palms, where wooden splinters had hurt him, and he couldn't do much than staring at his empty hands with void eyes.

"K-Kyu-hyun?" Ryeowook stammered, uncertain about what to do.

"I'm...I'm useless" the man muttered, his shoulders lifted and dropped in little spasms. His voice was so low, yet definitely understandable in his growing hysteria "I'm out of the contest. I never made it in, actually"

Ryeowook bit his lips. He knew it, of course. He could tell by the serious frown on Kim's face, when she exited the room after reporting the news to her friend. However he didn't know what to do in order to comfort Kyuhyun, who looked so lost and hurt but that rejection. It wasn't simply telling him that he wasn't eligible to join the contest, it was more like denying he had any artistic potential flowing in his veins, whereas the boy knew better.

Kyuhyun was a genius and used his brushes as if they were just an extension of his own fingers. He painted whatever thing happened in his mind; his fantasy was the source of such magical power and he didn't need to have guidelines in a seen shot, event or landscape view to simply pour his heart on the canvas. He could build a world with eyes perfectly shut, because his true world laid beneath his eyelids and was moved by whatever strong sparkle of a feeling he could find concealed in the deepest bottom of his soul.

It just happened that he wasn't as good with camera in hands. Dull and simplicistic, without angles nor ratio for dimensions. That was what Mr. Kobayashi - the photography professor in charge of the contest - said about his work to screen beforehand.

Kyuhyun knew he had very low chances to get chosen, but still he nurtured very high expectations, deluded to be able to win his long desired scolarship to complete his studies.

"Kyuhyun, don't be sad about it" Ryeowook tried his best, sounding stupid for being so predictable in his words.

The older one scoffed, turning his head slightly on his right side, stubbornly averting eyes with the approaching boy.

Ryeowook walked up to where Kyuhyun was and knelt in front of him. His hands first roamed on his knees, upwards on both his thighs and lightly squeezed them before Kyuhyun reached for them and pushed him away, looking bothered that a youngster like Ryeowook was actually daring to lift his mood.

That hurt. Acting like a stubborn, giant baby hurt. It hurt his pride, but what was he supposed to do? He really wanted to participate in that contest and try to win. Kyuhyun sniffled with his nose and coughed, faking in every way a method to keep his tears from falling down.

Ryeowook persevered. He didn't want to feel defeated by that strong disappointment Kyuhyun was feeling in himself. He wanted to be useful for once and show him that he could take care of Kyuhyun, even if it was merely half the work the older one was conducting while looking after Ryeowook himself.

"There's always another way. Do you remember? You told me some time ago" Ryeowook whispered. His hands had successfully reached again Kyuhyun's and now his fingers even threaded with the slender ones of his crush. He didn't mind some little stains of blood to dirty his own palms, as long as the soft pressure applied between them could actually help Kyuhyun to feel a bit more at ease and comforted.

"For you. Not for me. I'm out of the contest and I don't know any other method to pay those fees. University is like a compulsory stage to pass, in order to reach for my dreams, Ryeowook" Kyuhyun's rushing words explained. He had that effect, whenever he began to talk too much. There was no between. It was either too much, or too little for him. 

The man was already dealing with his flushed face. At the beginning it was purely anger, now his cheeks tinted of a lovely pink shade, which added up on to his skin to manifest the natural way he felt for having his hands held that way by Ryeowook. What was wrong? It wasn't the first time he blushed that way whenever he was too close to the kid, he noticed. It wasn't normal either.

"We'll find a solution" Ryeowook tentatively smiled. His smile got wider and steadier when Kyuhyun was forced to lift his chin and met the boy's shimmering eyes. Strangely, there was hope surfacing in those wells of darkness, and it shone brighter than ever, which made Kyuhyun's heart melt in a pool of ice cream forgotten under the burning August sun.

"You always tell me that hardworking people find a way to have their wishes granted, right? I know yours will come true too! If you fall, you're bound to get up. And if you can't, there will be someone to help you on your feet" Ryeowook explained, turning all those little suggestions - he had previously heard from Kyuhyun - to his legit owner. He stood up and held out both hands to Kyuhyun, who finally pushed himself up and responded to the boy's smile with a shy one.

"You with pictures, we got that. Then why not looking for something at your standards? Perhaps a painting contest would suit you better" Ryeowook grinned, wanting so bad to snatch from Kyuhyun one of his trademark smirk that he loved to see appear on his plump lips.

"If there were really one..."

"Never despair! Let's look for it!" Ryeowook hopped enthusiastically, swinging his still connected arms with Kyuhyun's.

"I don't know..."

"Stop being grumpy!" Ryeowook hollered "Let's go home and forget it all. I'll cook dinner for you, so get ready to stuff your stomach Mr. Cho!" and said that, the boy turned around, his hand still firmly grasping Kyuhyun's, ready to lead him home and try to give a proper end to that bad day.

Kyuhyun cracked a smile as he moved a couple of steps to follow the boy, then he stopped and his hand imperceptibly squeezed that of Ryeowook.

"What's wrong now?" the boy asked, a light frown of confusion highlighted by his furrowing brows.

"Go on without me" Kyuhyun announced "I suddenly remembered that this room will be used by students tomorrow, it'll be rude of me to leave everything in this state after unleashing my fury. I need to clean up the mess" and he rubbed the nape of his neck, quite embarrassed.

"I will help you!" Ryeowook offered, straightening his back in that almost solemn announcement, feeling needed.

"No, no, no" Kyuhyun shook his head, hands now grabbing Ryeowook's and taking it off his own "It'll be a waste of time. You go home without anyone to hurry you up and then take your time to cook whatever you want. I'll be right after you, okay?"

"Are you sure?" Ryeowook slumped his shoulders, any excuse was a good chance to be longer alone with Kyuhyun.

"Yes, I am" Kyuhyun smiled and, grabbing Ryeowook by the shoulders, led him to the door and lightly pushed him out, urging him to get going "See you later! I've got my mouth already watering at the idea of tasting your delicious food!"

Ryeowook sighed, a bit because Kyuhyun wasn't one to easily change his mind, and also for showing a little of his content, because he had just been praised by the man he secretly loved: "I'll cook all your favorites, then" he promised and leaving Kyuhyun with one of his quick winks, the boy disappeared down the corridor and out in the darkening evening.


It took Kyuhyun a couple of hours to properly fix tools, sweep, mop the floor from the paint stains and let the refreshed room dry, issuing a faint scent of lime detergent to soak the air and the room walls. 

Gathering his things and getting his bag in hand, he walked to the door with the only aim to hurry up and reach Ryeowook at home, his smile a signal of what growing anticipation was concealed within him, either becuase he was literally starving and craved for anything edible, or also because the idea of meeting Ryeowook again at home was comforting, heartwarming.

He pulled the handle and moved to pass through the door, when a strong hand hit him with outstretched palm on his chest and pushed him back inside.

"Well, well, well..."

Kyuhyun immediately brought a hand over the hit spot, so to massage his chest and soothe the flashing pain.

There was a man walking in. He was escorted by other two companions. They looked somehow shabbier than the first one, who was probably their boss, or something of the kind, Kyuhyun was so shocked at first to tell.

"Who are you? I've never seen you around" Kyuhyun spoke first, still wincing for the stricken pain.

"I've seen you a lot around, instead" the man in the middle explained with a mocking grin on his lips "You're the reason why I'm losing customers and therefore a lot of money, more than one like you had ever seen in his entire life" 

"Who are you?!" Kyuhyun bared his gritted teeth. It wasn't long ago that he had showed his anger, but he hadn't totally calmed down yet, so he was probably able to make it resurface very easily now, as long as the other man kept teasing him and he felt his flowing blood boiling in his veins.

"I'm sorry, I'm lacking manners, I know" the man crossed arms over his chest and proceeded to take a few steps in Kyuhyun's direction. He flipped back his wavy, jet black hair with a little jerk of his head and brought one hand to his chin, as if to smooth the raspy and shaggy beard with his fingers "My name is Ryouma, and I am...okay, it'd be more correct to say that I was Ryeowook's protector" he bitterly smiled as he corrected himself, but his eyes couldn't hide a glint of amusement at the notice that Kyuhyun was invested by a quick shiver.

The mention of the man's identity troubled Kyuhyun, and it was obvious. Now he could tell the reason behind Ryouma's accusation about losing customers and money.

"What do you want?" Kyuhyun tried to keep it low, but he was on the verge of losing his well-trained self control. It could be heard by the swinging tone of his voice: between the accusatory one and some growls here and there.

"I want nothing. Nothing from you, except that you give me Ryeowook back" Ryouma scoffed, like his request were the most obvious one.

"I can't. It doesn't depend on me that he left your...whatever name you call that place where kids are sold to abuse" Kyuhyun spat, while still trying to keep control of the situation. He couldn't. His hands along his sides were curled in threatening fists, but there were the other two thugs behind Ryouma to remind him to stay still, and even if their discussion ended up in a fight, he couldn't win them for sure. It was three against one, and he was alone.

"They're not sold. They are willing to enjoy the practice of love, and for that they're paid quite well" Ryouma laughed.

"You disgust me" Kyuhyun simply mentioned, not adding anything else to express his ideas on whoever this Ryouma was.

"Why doesn't Ryeowook, then?" Ryouma questioned. Ryeowook was just one of the many kids that worked at his club, if Kyuhyun was truly disgusted by what he knew it happened between those walls, then why not being disgusted for meeting one like Ryeowook? The comparison made sense, but Kyuhyun couldn't explain his point, not when Ryouma was attacking him with unpleasant words about the boy that had by chance intruded into his life.

"Haven't you ever considered that Ryeowook might disgust you too? He is a e, he sold his body to various people and never questioned whether it was a good or a bad thing to do. He enjoyed being repaid with money and benefits. He had a nice house and a whole lot of rich people that bought him everything he needed. He was brought along for vacations and did as I said! We worked well as a team, un

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Mayazhae #1
Chapter 15: I like it! Oh no.. I LOVE IT! I know it's been like 6 years already since you update this story.. but I wish someday you can comeback here and continue this. I really want to know their journey after they slept together for the first time.
rainloverdreamz #2
Chapter 15: I'm so glad to find your Kyuwook stories. Your writing style is amazing!! I wish you'd update this fic someday.
elmokyu #3
Chapter 15: I'm new to your fic but once started, I can't stop reading! KyuWook is indeed beautiful, fic or in live, they are so close to each other and support each other till now. In this fic, it seemed that Ryeowook has some sickness and dying? Is that's why you keep referring to the 'countdown' of the digit on Ryeowook's phone? How sad that after they found love and Kyuhyun's beginning to accept his feelings, that Wook is leaving this World, and leaving Kyuhyun. But anyway, nice fic, and will wait for your updates updates. In the meantime, I'll find your other fic and will start reading them! (^.. ^)
Chapter 15: Omg omg double updates!! Awesoooommmee!! That was so incredible! I'm soooo glad kyu finally accepted wookie.. Though I'm still worried!:( Why is kyu leaving omg please protect wookie!! The last sentence scares me to death.. What are you hinting at??:((((

I'm so happy for wookie (at the moment at least!) He seems so happy and I love it! Finally kyuhyun is loving him back.. Finally he's getting the right treatment and all the love and care he wanted. "My baby" D'awwww that was so adorable!!!!<3

Looking forward for more no matter how scared I am. Thank you!!
ryena87 #5
Chapter 15: aww >< so sute and so lovely... im so happy for kyuwook and i hope kyu will just accept his feeling toward wook and just be happy together!! dont let wook to feel the pain anymore T_T
Chapter 15: Uuu, a double update! And the other one with , oh yeah :D
Even though the chapters were so sweet, I am still extremely worried for Kyuwook... Kyuhyun is still more than a bit in denial, and the last thing Ryeowook needs is to get hurt by the only person he has really cared for in a long time. Also I fear what might happen to him when Kyuhyun leaves him alone at home. Just hoping that none of Ryeowook's former "boss'" goons come back for him. :(
Thank you so much for updating! I am eager to see the continuation ^^
Chapter 15: what a beautiful making love scene :')
please no death involved...please ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
can't wait to read the next chap ♡
ateena1618 #8
Chapter 15: Death!? Antwae!! Btw beautiful chapter! ! Glad that kyu sorted his mind! Wookies story is sooo sad!
cmngcm #9
Chapter 15: Sorry Authonim I need to make one more comment...I love your way of writing and the descriptions used! Nice!
cmngcm #10
Chapter 15: Thanks for the Double updates....well....I m still disappointed as kyuhyun has yet to figure out his feeling and having with Ryeowook and only promise to learn to love him?? But When i see some lights in thier relationship.....they will be parted by death? Who will be the one? Oh no...your fav part to torture my wookie again?? Pls this time let kyuhyun be the tortured one....i.e. Kill Ryeowook and let kyuhyun regret....(evil me!!) thanks and I wasn't expect the story to be like this when I first started this story.