Caramel Macchiato (Coffee Mornings with Lee Min Ho)


Taking a break from your first job after a year, you decided to go to South Korea. The country of your dreams. Home of your beloved Korean dramas, your favorite actors and actresses and of course, your high school sweetheart, Jung Il Woo. A foreign exchange student then, a married soccer player now.

Despite just losing your biggest excuse for coming to the country, you decide to stay. First, to rethink your life choices, second, to make sure that you leave all those feelings for him behind and third, for the best cup of caramel macchiato you've ever had in your entire life.

However, in hopes of walking into your first love, you walk into someone else. Someone who might just make you want to stay a little longer.







“Jung Il Woo liked Shin Se Kyung’s photo.”

“Jung Il Woo was at Jamggodae with Shin Se Kyung.”


Aish. What were you expecting when you got on that plane, weirdo?! It’s been at least 5 years since your last conversation but what exactly where you thinking in that hollow nutshell of yours to fly all the way to this country in hopes of “walking into” your first love???


“Pabo. Ugh. Pabo.” You muttered to yourself as you softly hit your head over and over again with your iPad.


“Iced caramel macchiato for Eun Jae-ssi!” hollered the barista as he placed your order over the counter next to another cup of the same order. No whipped cream and 50% sweetness level. Moping and with your lips in a pout, you listlessly reached for the cup on the left without even noticing the guy you elbowed next to you at the counter until you heard a soft “Ow” from a man seemingly at least six foot tall currently looking down at you.


You’re quite tall for a girl yourself. Five foot six and a half inches although you insist on rounding it up to seven. Whatever. They wouldn’t check. It looks good on paper but even better on you. Ha. There goes your daily dose of self-esteem boost from yours truly.


You look up to look the man in the eye because for some weird reason, half of his face is covered by a black mask, and with a cap on his head, his already intense eyes seemed to appear even darker. “Jwesongamnida.” you whispered nervously as you gave him a polite nod avoiding his gaze as you full-sped tiptoed back to your seat by the window. How uncanny.


Weirdo. Is he trying to look like the City Hunter or something? Why wear that on such a pretty autumn day? But eep. I wonder if I said it right. I can’t exactly speak the language as well as I can understand it. It must have screamed ‘I’M NOT FROM HERE FORGIVE ME FOR MY ALIEN WAYS AND MISCONDUCT!!!.’ Huhu. Who cares. At this point I’m not really in the mood to care about productive socialization.


Jung Il Woo married Shin Se Kyung. 3 months ago.”


7 words. It took only 7 words to break your heart. It took the same 9 words to make you question your life choices. Damn you Facebook activity for being so comprehensive. Tears started welling in your eyes. Biting your lip you flipped your iPad face down on the table and picked up your cup of coffee to take your first sip.


Yah. You shouldn’t be crying. Your mascara isn’t waterproof. Fanning your eyes with your iPad, you took another big sip of coffee. “Ackk!” coughing heavily, you spit out what looks like bunched up coffee jelly into a fresh tissue sheet. How did these get in here??? I don’t like coffee jelly and I didn’t ask for any sinkers??? With your eyebrows now in a frown, your eyes dart to Mr. City Hunter seated two tables across you to see him laughing like an idiot at having seen what he just witnessed. Checking the sticker on your drink, you read: Iced Caramel Macchiato. 50% sweetness level. Yeah that’s right but wait,


+coffee jelly

Lee Yoon Sung


Oh. My. God. I picked up the wrong cup of coffee. Huhu how embarrassing. How long has he known? You looked at Mr. City Hunter again to nod at him but this time, he was raising his cup to you imitating a toast. He stood up and with unbelievably long legs, you found him standing right in front of you holding up his cup of coffee after taking just three steps which looked like slender man strides.


Placing his cup of coffee next to yours, he picked up your cup to take it away. He had lowered his cap hiding his eyes but he had taken off his mask. “You owe me two sips of coffee.” He said as he grabbed your phone on the table to give an unknown number a ring. “Thanks.” He whispered as he turned to make his leave. Just before going out the door, he looked back at you, raised his cup and mouthed, “Indirect kiss haha,” still laughing as he left.


Confused, you were unable to do or say anything but look at him as if you he was the weirdest thing you’ve seen all day. “. Did he just hit on me?” Oh well. You still got your game on, dearie.


Looking down your now upturned iPad on the table, you find your reflection smiling against the dimmed screen. Idiot Dayum those lips doe. You picked up your iPad to log on your allkpop account, realizing not much has changed since the day you fell in love with this country 10 years ago. Habits die hard.




Hmm. That guy still makes the headlines. Mhmm. *scrolls* Just a week ago. Should’ve gone to…*scrolls* Wait. WAIT. WAIIIIT.


*Googles* Lee Min Ho City Hunter wikidrama


Lee Min Ho plays the role of Lee Yoon Sung…


Lee. Yoon. Sung. Lee Yoon Sung. LEE YOON SUNG!!! No. Way.


Still unable to believe what just happened, you look outside the glass to stare at Mr. Lee Yoon Sung’s back as he slowly walked away.



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