A P A R T M E N T ♥ new concept affrp ▍ accepting & needing admins;   come grant our wishes?


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one subscribing is a must for roleplay account and one account per person, no double character per person.

two make sure to appear active. offline for four days will lead to kick out. four replies per day and strictly no selectivity.

three apply to join by leaving character name, floor number and room number. make sure to check on whether the room is taken or not first before applying.

four only use the idol/entertainer/actor name, not popularity or profession. we are normal residents.

five all ual orientation are loved.

six p/w is your ice cream flavor and one thing you will put on your study table.

seven can be done anywhere, keep hardcores in pm and do not join if you are comfortable with it. pregnancies also allowed but strictly for straight relationships. marriage is encouraged.

eight inform admins if going on hiatus, in relationship, moving room, moving in or leaving.
help with updating forewords and member list, four needed


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myungoos #1
sorry, but myungsoo is leaving.
reserving apink's son naeun!
second floor, room 6
cookies and cream & a vase filled with flowers.
pakj0y #3
Joy has arrived♥
Chapter 1: reserving got7's mark!
2nd floor, room 4.
mocha latte + a laptop.
littlebirds #5
reserving rv's park sooyoung
2nd floor,room 2.
cookie dough + notebook

also I can help out as an admin ♥
halla is here! c:
Chapter 1: namjoo here! <3
oh yeah, her full name is lee halla. c;
reserving the ark's halla.
3rd floor, room 1.
red bean + alpaca plush