Funny Moments



... while the 7 friends were on the beach Ara , Sae Ra & Iruem went walking. Sae Ra took some of sand and threw it on Ara. Ara got angry and started running after Sae Ra while shouting : i will get you -.-"!

Sae Ra suddenly fell on someone that was laying down on the sand.

Sae Ra: O-ouch

Unknown person: Yaaaa !! what do you think you are doing? urgghh.

Sae Ra: i-im sorry , i didnt mean it.

Ara came quickly and pulled Sae Ra : yaa you should be careful papbouya (idiot).

Unknown person was covering his face by a mask , just his eyes were uncovered. The guy stood up and looked at them : you dont see? "he sees iruem standing with them... The guy looked back at Ara & Sae Ra and said: w-wow who are you ?

Ara: we are twin sisters.

Unknown person: Oh yeah,come to think of it No wonder.

Sae Ra looked at the person eyes: Hmmmm.... your eyes are familiar somehow!

unknown person: o-oh , n-no no maybe i have same eyes as another person that you have seen before.. completes: By the way! who are you both ? and who is that person with you?

Ara says inside her: " Mwahahaha lets begin the game" and started saying: I am Ara & she is my twin sister Sae Ra. We are from south korea , we are SM entertainment trainees XD! We soon to become an idol.

unknown person: ahahaha , i see thats great. so you soon to become famous.

Sae Ra: yes of course :3.

unknown guy:i see thats great!. i will take your signatures later when that happens^^.

Ara: of course of course. But we will be having a busy schedule , so ummm maybe you wont be able to.

unknwon person: why not! we will try to.

Ara & Sae Ra : sure sure. Inside them "Bwahahahaha , he really believed that".

unknown person: Btw you didnt tell me who is she ?

Ara: Oh sorry i forgot. She is our friend Iruem. We call her "panda".

The guy "shocked" : p-panda?

Ara: yes. We call her panda because of her eyes they look like pandas.

the person: o-oh i see so thats how is it.

Ara: yes, and who are you ?

Iruem & Sae Ra : yeah right , who are you ?

the person : you dont need to know, i gotta go bye..!!

Ara: Thats not fare we told you who are we. So you have to tell us.

The person: Maybe later you will know.

Iruem: later? are we going to meet again!!?

the person: Maybe! nobody knows what future hides. Cya! "leaves".


Ara , Sae Ra & iruem returned back to join the rest..

Yaaa you. Where did you go? Hyunhye asked.

They told their friends the whole story. Everyone started to laugh , because they know about Ara & Sae Ra pranks.

Sae Ra was thinking about the guy eyes! inside her : im sure i saw those eyes somewhere!.

Soyeon stops laughinh: Yaa Sae Ra onni ?

No reply.....

Soyeon: Sae Ra onni hello ? "louder" Sae Ra onni.

Sae Ra: o-ohh y-yes, sorry.

Soyeon: you okay ? what were you thinking about?

Sae Ra smiles: Nothing.

Soyeon: oh come on admit it. A a aaaaaa " teases Sae Ra " you thinking about the guy you just fell on right! wahahaah

Sae Ra: N-noo!!!

Soyeon: Dont hide it. You know you do.

Sae Ra: Soyeon-a stop it!!

Soyeon: okay okay..

Everyone: we lived our funny moments here..

Minutes later .....

Soyeon: Yaaaa modu ( everyone ) , its time to leave we start school in 2 days remember.

The rest answers: oh yeah , lets go.

Everyone walks back to their house. They all live in the school dorm, each of them has a roommate! Everyone was devided into 3 rooms, and each of them chose a pair to be with.

1st room:

1- Iruem

2- Joy

3- Lee Soyeon

2nd room :

1- Ara

2- Sae Ra

3rd room:


2- Hyunhye

... Soyeon wanted to be with both , joy & iruem so the 3 of them decided to be in one room.

... Ara & Sae Ra cant live apart. They like to plan their pranks together, so they chose to be in one room.

... About Hyunhye & Mimi , they both have things in common not much tho. But, they both like drawing and they chose to be together thinking they will get along.


After reaching home , everyone decided that they will take a bath and watch EXO music videos after.

The 1st room..

Soyeon: Yaa jou onni

Joy: yes!

Soyeon: Can you give me that towel please.?

Joy: here " hands the towel"

Soyeon: Gomawo ( thanks)

Joy: its okay!

Iruem shouting: OMO OMO OMO >///< !!

Joy: YA YA , what what ( mo mo )?

Iruem: your D.O. is so cute.

Joy: D.O. really ( jinjja) where where (odi odi) where is my D.O.? .. wwaaiiitt how dare you say that D.O. is cute! Only i can say that.

Iruem " stupid panda looks" ya ya okay okay got it ( araso ). Stop it now " DRAMA QUEEN".

Joy: huh -_-!

The 2nd room:

Ara & Sae Ra were laughing on what happened at the beach. They were sure that the guy believed them, and that he really will be a fan of them. They started to plan for their next prank..

The 3rd room:

Hyunhye was taking a bath. Mimi was waiting for her to finish so she can enter the bathroom.

30 minutes later....

Mimi knocked the door : Yaa Hyunhye-a hurry up. why are you taking so long?

....... But there is no answer!!!!!!!!


Authors time

Hello everyone ^^/ Did you like chapter 2 ? .. you guys are the ones that support me to write , the ones that supports me to complete my story! i thank everyone who reads my story and i hope you guys like it. if you did please dont forget to leave a comment behind, i would like to know my mistakes so i can correct them. I appreciate your time. Thank you ( Gomawo)^^!


Continuing to CHAPTER 4 " Happy Day "



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