What did happen?

You Happened To Me

"Annyeonghaseyo, hello, we are Block B!" Seven Korean guys greeted the crews.

Hyemin and Soyeon were part of the backstage crew for Block B's concert in Miami.

“Yah, what’s it you’re looking at?” Kyung nudged Jiho.

Jiho pouted his lips and pointed to a direction. “Really beautiful..” He stated dreamily.

“I’ll go get her for you” Kyung said confidently.

“No, wait.. yah!” Jiho tried to stop his friend, but it was too late.


/Hyemin’s POV/

"Are you, perhaps, Hyemin?" Kyung approached me.

"Yes, I'm Kwon Hyemin." I greeted him pointing on my own name tag. "Lee Soyeon, my friend" I told him and pointed at Soyeon, and then she waved at him.

"I'm Park Kyung. You don't remember me, do you?" He high-fived us.

I looked at him intently and reality hit me. It was Kyung! My closest friend since I was in 5th grade in Korea. We migrated to Miami when I was about to be year 2 in middle school. Kyung and I were really close during that time because I was kinda boyish, and I've been his partner-in-crime in doing all his foolishness during those days. 

Anyways, his face changed a bit, or was it because of the make up?

"Kyung-ah!!!!!" I hugged him and pinched his cheeks. He laughed and stopped me from ruining his make-up.

"It's been a while," I told him, "I didn't expect that you're going to be a Kpop idol."

"Well, I didn't expect it too. It's not my fault to be born this good looking." He smirked and I hit his arm laughing at his joke.

"Yah, Woo Jiho, come here." Kyung called for another member, and he, was it Jiho? He approached us. "Kwon Hyemin, my dearest friend." Kyung told him and smirked as he wriggled his eyebrows.

"Hi Hyemin! I'm Zico…or Jiho." I shook his hand and smiled at him.


After the concert, they invited us to the after party. From there, we gradually got closer to each other, and by 'we', I actually mean the other members of Block B besides Kyung. Also, we casually exchanged numbers through our Kakaotalk accounts.

Time passed by too fast. We didn't even realize that they already have to leave Miami. We bid farewell and promised each other to send messages from time to time. Jiho told me that he's looking forward for us, for me, to go back to Korea. I told him that it won't be anytime soon.

As promised, we started exchanging messages on Katalk from the time that they left for the airport until they went back to Korea. But it wasn't with Kyung, it was with Jiho. We didn't, or am I the only one who didn't realize that we've been exchanging messages for an entire day?

From a day, it became a week, a month, 2 months, 3 months and so on. I won't deny the fact that Jiho and I have gotten too close even with just exchanging messages and often video calls with each other.

I know, we both know, for sure that something special has been building up between us. Actually it was not building up, it was already there. We were already there. The only lacking thing is for us to make it official.

I was afraid back then to make it official. I was afraid that being miles apart might hinder our supposed-to-be relationship to work out.

Until after a year of being attached to each other, a news came that Block B's leader Zico is allegedly dating this actress named Choi Gyosun.

Since then, I haven't heard a thing from Jiho. Nothing. Nothing at all. 


Hiii sistahs (and brothas).
It might take a while before I can post the next chapter of this story.
I'm kinda not yet done with it and I'm trying to make it the last chapter as much as possible.
Please be patient. :)
For now, I hope that you've enjoyed this short chapter.
That's it.
Have a great day ahead of you ~
Much love. xx
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Loveexo1 #1
Chapter 5: Upset soon ;)
Cupid5312 #2
Chapter 2: Uuuupppddaattee
Maan2442 #3
Chapter 2: Aww thats sad. Please update soon really want to know what will happen to them.
Chapter 2: Nice chapter! I like how you put a little flashback in it :)
Chapter 1: Ooooooooh! I really enjoyed this :) there's not many good little fics of Jiho on here but yours is good :D