Part One - Different


"Once I listened to you telling someone about a movie we'd seen together, and, oh, how it unnerved me to realize how differently you remembered it, and how different my memory must be from yours, but still I loved you." ~ The Black Book (Orhan Pamuk).


Bomi and Chorong are different. They are always be. Bomi is loud, borderline deafening. Chorong is graceful, she won't talk if she doesn't have to. Bomi is genuinely friendly, a people person they say. Chorong is extremely shy, opted to hang out with several kid she is really familiar with. Bomi is clumsy, with all her tendencies to hurt herself or damage one's property. Chorong is ladylike, or should we say reliable unnie-like, who always fish Bomi out of trouble. Whatever it is, Bomi and Chorong are like opposite magnetic bar, like two faces on a coin, they are destined to always be together, to much amazement of their families and peers alike. 



"Chorong unnie... Do you see this? There is a new Taekwondo class opened near our house. Let's join it and be strong together!" 

"You know I can't. I have already learning Hapkido with Appa, you cheater. You said you wanted to learn hapkido with me and Appa."

"It's not my fault that learning Hapkido is kinda boring(I am sorry to those who learn hapkido, it's just for mere story). Moreover, the Taekwondo instructor is handsome oppa. Totally my style." Bomi giggled.

Chorong just smacked Bomi's head.



If we have to find something they're similar in, it must be the fact that both of them took martial arts as a kid. Bomi holds black belt in Taekwondo, while Chorong holds black belt in Hapkido. Flying kick girl and spinning kick princess, ah how befitting.



"Please use your head, Bomi-ah. Why did not you listen to me? He is suspicious, not to mention his friends are shady."

"But you don't know them, they aren't like that. They are good kids, people just mistake them..."

"They drink and smoke, for starter, Bomi-ah. Teachers are sniffing their nose on them too much, trying to expel those troublemakers, you could be suspected as part of them. You risk too much! For what exactly? I ask you!"

Bomi is in rage, boiled in anger. In pure rage, she held her fist and punched the mirror beside her. No, even heaven forbids her to hurt Chorong whatever the situation is. 

Chorong is speechless, she never see this side of Bomi.. The Bomi she knows is friendly, full of laugh and life. This Bomi is...what exactly? Violent? Fierce? 

Chorong was still engulfed in her own thought when Bomi ran out, tears falling her eyes and blood seeping through her knuckles. 



Bomi knew for sure that Chorong is protective of her. Borderline overprotective. Not that she could protest, for she had made too much trouble for her own good. Whatever Chorong said, she would always succumb. Some of their friends started to call her whipped. She could care if it's only her, but lately she feels different...

How Chorong protects her is different, how she would not let anyone outside their clique to hang around Bomi, how she would make sure Bomi arrived home safely, how she would let her eyes linger on Bomi's face a beat longer before she sent her inside her house. But above all, it intrigues Bomi the most that she is completely okay with all those differences.


"Come, let me drive you home."

"Unnie... you're going already? Don't go now, the highlight is coming soon. " Naeun said with those sad-puppy face.

"Yeah unnie... I was just a bit under the weather. I am perfectly fine and capable to take subway home. You should just enjoy yourself and accompany the others here." Bomi said.

"No objection, young lady. You're going home with me." Chorong has already led Bomi to her car. 

Bomi could only shrug to her friends and muttered a silent sorry, while Eunji and Naeun would just shake their heads.



"Unnie... I can take care of myself, you know."

Chorong didn't say anything and keep her concentration on road ahead.

"Unnie... If I am a guy, I would date you." 

Chorong was startled for a moment, before she adjusted her expression to neutral again. Fortunately, it was too dim for Bomi to see Chorong's face clearly. 

"Why are you so random, huh?" Empty laugh. Lucky, Bomi didn't notice anything. She said,

"I don't know, I have known you since...forever and you always take care of me since then, too. You would make a really good girlfriend, you know? To think about it, why don't you have a boyfriend, unnie?"

"Nah... Nobody's interesting enough." Chorong lied.

"Then tell me your ideal type, probably I know one."

"Small chance."

"Still a chance nonetheless. Tell me."

"Yes your highness. Ugh... this rascal is so dictator tonight. Uh... nothing specific. Cheerful, friendly, loving, a bit clumsy..." Chorong trailed her last word.

"Why do you need a clumsy guy, unnie... What a taste,"

"Yah... you asked me to tell you, now you insult me. Fine, keep quiet. "

"Sure. Sure." 

Bomi trailed her eyes on trees beside the street. A combination of warm jacket, soothing music from radio, and feeling of secure exuded from Chorong's presence lulled her to sleep.


Tap on Bomi's cheek makes her wake up.

"Hey, we're here."

Bomi is still somewhat a bit disorientated as she felt that she slept for quite a while. She dreamt about something weird, Chorong and she going on a picnic to watch Sakura flower blooms in Japan. That very dream left her heart flutters and her tummy filled with butterflies. 

"Did I sleep for long time just now?" Bomi asked herself.

They arrived in Bomi's door, when Chorong passed some soup and medicine to Bomi. 

"Eat soup. Drink medicine. Tell me if you are not well by tomorrow." Chorong bit her lips as if she is hesitant. Nonetheless, her face was nearing Bomi's as she placed a small kiss on Bomi's cheek before fleeing home. 

Bomi's cheek is flushed and it's not because of her fever.



"Bomi-ah... How many guys have you rejected exactly? We can't do this forever you know. I guess you would have finished the whole guy population in our school. How can I find you a date for prom?" Eunji was exasperated.

"I know it's difficult, Eunji... But you know Chorong, right? I couldn't say yes to any guy if Chorong doesn't approve him. I don't know why Chorong disapprove any single of them also..." Bomi was also desperate.

"Impossible! How about Jungseok? Captain of basketball team, tall and manly I should say."

"She said he's violent."

"Like Chorong herself is not one." Eunji stifled her laugh. Bomi giggled along. 

"How about Hyunwoo? Gentle and nice, from animal lovers club."

"She said he looks gay."

"Jihoon? Top student of our batch, valedictorian-to-be."

"She said he looks ert."

Eunji laughed out loud. "As expected Yoon Bomi, you're so slow. Ask your Chorong unnie to find you a date...if she can find one."



"Unnie, it's all your fault."

"Huh? Why?" Chorong put the novel she's reading down.

"Because you rejected all those guys, I'm left with nobody to go to prom with."

Chorong fell into silence for a bit before she opened and said,

"Do you honestly want to go to prom with them?"

Bomi thought for a bit and said "Not really."

"Case solved."

"But I really want to go and I don't want to go alone, unnie~ It will be too embarrassing with all couples around."

"So be it." Chorong shrugged and was about to read again when Bomi said,

"Since it was your fault, you must accompany me to prom, unnie."

"Call." Chorong answered coolly. Bomi was speechless. She knew how Chorong despised party, in particular prom. You are really being different, Park Chorong.



Chorong comes on time on picking Bomi up. 6:45 PM, in front of Bomi's house. Uttering a "Wow... you're gorgeous" to Bomi and receiving a "you're not so bad yourself.", Chorong showed Bomi what she hide behind her back. A stalk of pink rose.

Bomi laughed, saying "Wow.. what happens to you today? You never give me any flower in years of our friendship."

Chorong shrugged and did not say anything. Bomi knew that she wouldn't get any answer from Chorong saying,
"Thank you unnie. I am happy to have you."

To which Chorong replied. "Yeah, me too."

Silence takes over as Chorong drives to the prom. 


"Unnie, thanks for accompanying me to that boring prom."

"No problem. It's not that bored anyway. Umm.. look... the night is still young."

"Shall we go karaoke?"

"I'm thinking about something quiet actually. Han River?"

Yoon Bomi lauughed. We're so much different.

"Of course."



"Unnie... is there something in your mind? You don't say anything since we arrived here. Is everything alright?"
"Bomi-ah... we are going to graduate soon. Soon we are going to be university students. Are you going to be alright? Are you going to be able to cope with everything?" Chorong said with hint of tears going to spill all over.

" you said, it means I'm going to be an adult soon. I will be" Bomi also choked on her tears.

"Yah... why are you crying? Shh... shh..."

"Yoon Bomi... hic... you are so going to get it from me, using such an informal word to your...hic...unnie"

"Unnie... in such a time like this, you're still thinking of me.." Bomi was so touched.

Chorong said nothing as she Bomi's back and hugged her tightly.

"Whatever is happening, I'll always think of you, Yoon Bomi."



Bomi laid in her bed, trying to decipher what Chorong means. Why did she say so? Why was her face painted with gloom when she said it? What were you trying to say, unnie? Those question kept bother her even in her sleep.



Incoming call from Eunji

1 MIssed call from Eunji

7 Missed call from Eunji

10 New Messages from Eunji


"Yah... Eunji... why do you suddenly become a big fans of mine?"
"Sleepyhead... Shut your mouth first and listen to me. I don't know what happen with Chorong unnie. She's weird, yesterday night, she messaged me to tell you to check your mailbox as soon as you wake up. I didn't reply immediately for I've slept last night, but it's totally out of normal that this morning I tried to call her and none of it was answered..."

Bomi ran out to her mailbox immediately.

There was only a single purple envelope resides. On it, there is nothing, no name, no mailing address, but Bomi knew by heart who might be the sender.



Dear Bomi,

This is your unnie, Rong. First of all, I want to ask for your forgiveness, as I couldn't bring myself to tell you that I'm leaving. Goodbye sounds so final and you're someone I don't want to say goodbye to.

For you've stole my heart and you never give it back to me. I couldn't possibly live without my heart, could I? Yes Bomi. I love you, in that way. This should explain my possessiveness, my jealousy, me being overprotective. I'm sorry that I didn't express myself better.

Lucky me, I don't have to say this out loud, for you would cringe and said "Oh, cheesy Rong unnie."

I am really grateful for this chance to love you this past 15 years.

Loving you changes me to be better.

Accepting your weakness, admiring your strength. I love every single moment of it.

Until the time comes,


Always loving you,




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Chapter 3: awwwwww this was really cute!!! makes me want to read more because of how Chorong left like that, come back~ ㅠㅠ Bomi needing to figure out her own feeling~ thank you for writing up to here <3
Chapter 3: authornim.. please come back w chorong unnie :((((((
Chapter 3: I like this story.. please update!
hccc49 #4
Chapter 3: Please update again
Chapter 3: Author make Chorong come back okey? Dont make bomi wait for too long.tnx again for the update.
Chapter 2: awww chomi are so cute as kids :D update soon~~
Chapter 2: Author this is not enough for me.keke,Eunji used to like rongie? Kyut good thing bom didnt used her taekwondo on you Eunji-ah.But please author make Rong come back. Tnx for your update
emperorking #8
Thanks for your support on my first ever Chomi fic! ^^
Yup... part two is coming really soon (I'm working on it).
I'll try to post it today after work or over the weekend!
Happy Friday :)
Chapter 1: what's wrong with rongie? why she suddenly wants to leave bomi?
Chapter 1: there will be second part right??