We meet again

When two worlds collide

(Eli's P.O.V.)

 I can't believe we're in Paris, France for a whole week. It was great that our manager let us have a vacation before the concert here. I couldn't wait to relax for a little bit.
 "Hey Eli , where should we eat for lunch? I'm starving." Dongho said.
"I don't know Dongho, I've never eaten lunch in France" I said as I walked across the street with Dongho and Kevin, to a small high end store.
 "Well, I hope we can find a restaurant quickly after we shop." Dongho said opening the door to the store.

   I walked in and went to look for the sunglasses. I wasn't paying any attention to the people around me and I bumped into someone, causing them to almost fall over.
"I am so sorry!" The stranger and I both said in unison. "No, it was my fault, I should've paid attention to where I was going." I said as I helped regain her balance. "Are you alright?" I asked.
"I'm fine". She said, as she was brushing her dress off.

I looked at her, she was around my age, and she was cute. I saw her necklace, it looked familiar...She looked familiar.
 "Well, I better go now. Thanks for helping me!" She smiled brightly and waved, walking towards the cashier.
That smile of hers...That necklace looked like the same one I gave to my best friend growing up in the states, but that girl couldn't be Maddy...Could it?


  I walked towards Maddy and tapped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me, but is your name Maddy?" I asked and hoped to God it was her or else I'd feel stupid.
 She turned and looked up at me, she took off her sunglasses to reveal those big blue eyes that I knew who those eyes belonged to.
"Eli?" She said in shock.  "I can't believe it." She whispered.
She had a dumbfond look on her face, and I probably did too.


(Maddy's P.O.V.)

 Eli, my best friend, standing in front of me almost 7 years later. But how? I stared at him for about a minute or two. Was I dreaming or not? If this was a dream, I didn't want to wake up.
"So Eli, did you get your sunglasses yet?" Someone broke the silience. It was Kevin from U-kiss...Wait, is my best friend Eli, U-kiss' Eli? Oh my gosh, this is just getting weird.
 "No, but I did find my best friend from the US." Eli said.
"Hey, who's that?" Dongho then came up from behind me.
"Eli's friend." Kevin said.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I should introduce myself my name is Maddy." I smiled and waved at Kevin and Dongho.
"Hello Maddy, I'm Kevin and that's Dongho." Kevin smiled and shook my hand and Dongho did the same.
I noticed Kevin looking at me and then to Eli.
"Uh, hey Dongho, help me look for a hat real quick before we get some lunch." Kevin nudged Dongho.
"But you already have a hat." Dongho pouted. 

"I want to get another one, come let's go!" Then Kevin drug Dongho by the arm to the hats.

  "How long has it been since we last saw each other?" Eli turned to look at me.
I looked up into his eyes. I sighed. "Almost 7 years." I said looking at the floor. I remembered the day I left for England as if it were yesterday. Tears were starting to sting my eyes.
"I missed you." I said trying to sound calm, but my voice came out as a whisper. 
"Me too Maddy." I then felt his arms wrap around me for a hug. I wanted to stay right there, forever.

 I remebered when I found out my mother had cheated on my father. I was so devastated, but Eli was always there to comfort me. I always felt safe with him, he was like a bother to me.
I broke the hug, and looked up at him. "So what are you doing in France?" We both said in unison. We both laughed a bit. "You go first." Eli said.

 "Well, I just got here yesterday for a three month vacation before I go back to college." I said.  "That's great, I'm here with my group U-kiss we're having a concert here next week, but we're taking a little break before the concert." Eli said. 
 "I can't believe that you're in U-kiss. I should have known that was you when I first saw you on Pops in Seoul last year." I laughed.
 "Are you going to our concert?" Eli asked.
"I got my ticket and backstage pass this morning." I smiled.
"Awesome!" Eli smiled. "Hey Maddy, would you like to go get lunch with Kevin, Dongho, and I?" He asked.
"Sure, that sounds good." I said.
"I think we better go get Kevin and Dongho now." Eli pointed over the where they were, spying on us by the dressing room. I laughed a bit.

"Okay, let's go!" I said, as Eli and I went to get the guys.


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