

"We love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving."


"Can't believe they called me old." My jagi huffs as we leave the school. Those two are something else. I pat his back trying to reassure him. 
"You aren't old. You just act old, at times. Anyway, what meeting do you have?" 
"We are going to talk about putting a branch overseas. You'll, of course, be there."
"What do you mean of course? Haven't been to the previous two meetings. You got me faxing paperwork over to Soohyun. And also smoothing things over with Key since the merge."
"I know. I really wanted to make sure the merge went well. Anyway, what's up with Key? He hasn't been his usual diva self."
"He's completely stressed out. He's working on two fashion lines, and is constantly asking me for advice. Together, we have a line. He wants to showcase that one to you, but his other two need him more. Didn't you hire Taemin some time ago?"
"Yeah. I haven't seen him since he started working. I think Alexander's got him running around. I can ask him."
"Thanks, my Kyu bear."
"That's too cheesy."
"Who cares?"

We enter INFINITE Fashion HQ in record time. We have thirty minutes until the meeting to just relax but,  I'm heading over to see Key. Knowing him, he's in the basement. 
"Hey, Woohyun." He is really stressed out. His greeting has none of the usual divaness and love in it.
"You really need an assistant to put your orders on hold for a minute. How's the ToHeart line coming? Is there anything  we can present to Kyu?"
"Yeah. Right around the corner. I'll need several assistants. All the stores are selling out of my designs pretty fast. I'm getting swamped with work."
"How about some newbies. Do you think they can do anything?"
"I'd have to check myself. You know how I am. Unless you can pull some strings, I won't allow some newbie to hurt themselves. Especially if they can't hold a needle."
"What about Taemin?"
"Taebaby? He's doing some modeling for Alexander. He also is preparing for a drama he's in. He is too busy to help me. Plus, he can't sow, whether by hand or machine."
"I can pull some strings. Kim Heechul will be at the meeting."
"The Kim Heechul? He owns like 10 fashion lines! There's no way he will help me."

I sit in my office chair, doing absolutely nothing. The files that I need for the meeting is on my desk. My desk isn't messy. I'm bored out of my mind. My jagi is busy with organizing his things. I glance at my watch and see I have some time left, so I decide to head over to Caffebene and get some coffee. Kyu would probably like something too. I get a Vanila Latte and for jagi Misugaru Latte. Yeol-ah is behind the counter when I pay.
"How's business?" He asks, a smile on his face.
"Stressful as ever. We are really gonna need these coffees. How's your business?"
"Amazing. We own a lot of franchises plus opening our own soon. That's gonna be AJ's baby. This one is mine. "
"That's good. We're close to expanding overseas."
"Wow! That's a big step. You excited as a designer?"
"Yeah. I'm getting some exposure. I feel for jagi, though. He's tired."
"This should work for him."
"Yeah. Thanks!"
"Come back again when you get the chance."
"I will."
I walk back to our building and up to the conference room. I drop the coffees off and go back to my desk and grab my folders. I walk with Key on the way back. He seems better than a few minutes ago. 

"The meeting has begun. Our company is expanding overseas. How is that coming, Soohyun-shi?"
"We have finished getting our licence and have begun construction on our store. We are set to open in California this summer, at the lastest, fall."
"That's good. I know we are having three lines there, for now. How's the ToHeart line?
I let Key talk. "It's coming along, slow. Woohyun-shi has been doing most of the construction. I've been a little busy."
"The designs are coming along beautifully. We are close to finishing the garments. The line has some bright colors. It's definetly geared towards both genders."
"Hmm. I know Heechul-shi has a line for the new store?"
"Yes. It's called Midnight & Dawn. Dawn is for the girls and Midnight is for the guys. Most of the line is casual."
"Ah. That's good. I know Jungmo-shi is busy with you, but do you have the layout for the store." A man I rarely knew stood up. 
"Yes. Since our target is for the youth, I thought having the girls on the left and the guys on the right. Accessories will be in the center as well as prefume. Cashiers will be close to the doors. Here is the rough draft of what it will look like."
"Thank you. " The meeting adjourned not long after that. I took my notes and put them in the folder with the others. Sungkyu would look at them later. I stride back to my desk and open the door to see my love there. 
"Do you want to get lunch later?"

A double update, for you guys. Next week, I'll update. See you then!

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Chapter 3: don´t worry i will wait!!!!
Myungjongluv #2
Chapter 2: What does Jongie not know? Can't wait for your update!
Chapter 1: Myungjong married!! that's all i need to get excited!
I hope they sleep in the same room soon ∩__∩
ohh sounds good !!!
update soon!!