The Light in My Sky


Mino was not looking forward to spending his summer break in Hawaii with his dad. In fact, he hated the idea. His parents had gotten divorced when he was only five. He had lived with his mother in California, but now she was going on a four month vacation with her boyfriend and as for him... well, he had to stay with his dad. In Hawaii. Where he knew absolutely no one. And on top of that, it would be a complete 180 from his normal life. Mino was a city boy, born and raised. He lived for the excitement and energy of living in a big city. There were very few big cities in Hawaii, and his dad did not live anywhere near one. And so it was with regret that he packed his things, fully prepared to be bored out of his mind. But what would happen if he were to meet a certain someone who would change his entire outlook on his stay in Hawaii - someone who might even make him want to stay a bit longer than just the summer.



    "But Mooom," Mino whined, tossing his phone onto the couch beside him. "I don't want to stay with him! I don't want to go to Hawaii! I don't even remember him! You can't just make me stay with him for the whole summer! I have plans! What about my friends? What about my life?"

     "It's just for one summer, Mino," she said, rolling her eyes. "You'll live. Your friends will have to wait until you get back, that's all."


     "No buts, Mino. You're going, and that's that." She rolled her eyes again. "It'll do you good to get out of this city for once."

     "But Bobby-" he started.

     "Will survive until you get back," she finished snarkily. "You both survived just fine before he moved here and you'll both survive one summer not attached to each other at the hips. You did it before, you can do it now."

     Mino rolled his eyes and stalked up the stairs to his bedroom, realizing that it would be futile to try and continue the argument. Once she made up her mind about something, she wasn't lilkely to change it. And so, ranting sulkily to himself the whole time, Mino began to pack his things in preparation for his flight to Hawaii.


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Taillena #1
I have very little hope of you updating at this point but I'm still suscribing :)
Footymato #2
I look forward to read this :)
oh this seems interesting, please continue :D