: : two


 Mrs. Song, as she had introduced herself, instructed us to stay after class if one of our partners had guessed the paper wrong. Unfortunately, Jongin's partner had guessed him wrong. "Did she really believe that I was all about ballet and music notes?" Sometimes the incompetence of some people is overwhelming. He was inwardly frustrated, biting his lip as a habit. The last pair, Jongin and his partner, Hyunae, were waiting outside of the dance room in an empty hallway, both were leaning against the wall. Right now, he believed that the girl Seulgi and Hyeji were dancing for the teacher. 

"Oppa, I'm sorry!! I honestly thought that the first paper was yours. Please forgive me!" Hyunae attempted at making a pouty face. Jongin shrugged and attempted at smiling," I don't mind, Hyunae." To some people's standards, Hyunae seems like a beautiful girl with a lovely personality and sweet voice. In all honesty, Jongin compared her to a gnat. She was annoying and small, like gnats. As he slid down the wall to sit, Jongin reached into his book bag and fished his novel out from it. Currently, he was reading a Japanese book called Suspect X, and Jongin was currently in the middle of a very intense scene, but of course, Hyunae wanted to talk with him.

"So, how do you like it here so far?" Hyunae asked, sliding down to the floor, next to him. Jongin gave his best smile saying," I'm enjoying it so far, but after all this is the first day. So I can't truly judge anything yet." Hyunae nods, understanding, but immediately moves onto her next question. "Have you seen anyone um... that you enjoy looking at around here?" Jongin saw Hyunae fluttering her eyes in his peripheral vision. "Not quite, Hyunae. Oh look, I think Seulgi and Hyeji are coming out now..." The door swung open and Hyeji was flattering Seulgi profusely," Wow, I can see why you majored in dance. Omo, I can only hope to be as good as you are." Seulgi smiled tiredly at Hyeji as they walked out. Jongin watched as Seulgi wiped a small tear of sweat off her brow, glancing at him before turning away again.

"Let's go now." Jongin jumped up from his spot on the floor and wasted no time walking into the classroom. "Okay, you guys are the last pair, and Jongin, I've heard some pretty great things about your dancing. I expect to see the best of the best." Jongin nodded curtly and stepped onto a spot marked with tape. Hyunae stepped onto the another one, a couple of feet away from him. "You two will be dancing to Mr. Mr. by SNSD. Jongin, you will be one of the male back up dancers, while Hyunae will dance as one of the members." Jongin nodded," This dance will be a cinch." 

Mrs. Song stepped over to the sound system and mouthed "3, 2, 1" The intro music began and my inner metronome began counting. The song went by surprisingly quickly, Jongin moved at all the right beats and  quickly found himself not thinking about moving and just listening to the beat of the music. Eventually, he stopped looking at himself in the mirror and just closed his eyes. He trusted his body and knew that it would flow the way it needs to. After 4 short minutes, the music ended. He opened his eyes, seeing both Mrs. Song and Hyunae looking at him.

"What? Is there something wrong?" Mrs. Song smiled happily," Why no Jongin, it's just that your dancing far exceeded my expectations! Another student in the class also showed exemplary dancing skills. Would you like to perhaps, do a duet with her at our first showcase?" 

"I don't see why not Mrs. Song. Will that be all? I have an appointment I must get to..." Jongin said, looking at the clock above the mirrors floor lenght mirrors. Mrs. Song nodded," Yes, yes of course, but Hyunae please stay we'll have to talk about your timing and your movement..." Jongin didn't stay to hear the rest, he quickly walked out of the Dance Hall and walked to his dorm.

In the lobby, his roommate was laying comfortably on the couch with a couple other dorm residents. "Aye, Jongin, why don't you come sit down and watch the music bank today?"  Kyungsoo asked calling him over. Jongin shook his head," Sorry Kyung, I really want to finish this book."  He continued to walk to the room he shared with Kyungsoo. After opening his door he threw his book bag onto his unmade bed and sat in his rolly chair, and rolling to his desk. Already immersing himself into his book, Jongin scrunched his face, concentrating on the exciting action occuring in the words.

  Jongin finished the book faster than he thought he would. At around 3 P.M. his next class began, and he was bookless, to his disappointment. The class was Art History and most of the dance students were in the class with him. He opted for the back corner, just so he could avoid most people, but alas, many girls decided he would like it if they sat around him. The Art History class turned into Gossip class for Jongin. All he heard about was the girls' old friends or where the best place to go clubbing was. Hopefully, Kai could learn to tune them out.

E L E V E N   O ' C L O C K   I N   T H E   E V E N I N G 

After twisting and turning for six hours, Jongin finally decided to leave his room. It just wasn't comfortable for him, maybe he was homesick, maybe he was experiencing stress already. Who knows? Shoving a pair of Adidas onto his feet, he climbed out of his bed as quietly as possible, due to the fact that Kyungsoo was already fast asleep. As he stepped out into the autumn air, there was a slight breeze, making him regret picking up a jacket on the way out. In just a t-shirt and basketball shorts, one could assume he was just going on a run, at 11 o'clock, normal right? He found himself drifting towards the dance studio, "This is stupid, why am I going here? The doors are probably locked anyway..." Jongin thought to himself. Nonetheless, he tried opening the doors, and surprisingly they were unlocked.

The curiosity overwhelming him, and the bite of the fall air getting to him, Jongin stepped into the dimly lit hallway. His shoes made a squeak against the tile, but he continued down the hallway. He felt the slight thump of a beat, wondering where the sound was coming from, he looked into all the rooms. The bass became more apparent as he progressed down the hallway. Finally, on the last room at the end of the hallway, to his left a room was well lit and an electronic dance song was blaring loudly. Inside was someone dancing. 

At first he didn't recognize who it was.

But then it hit him.



I wonder who that person is hmmm.... It's a mystery is it not? Anyway, thank you to all the people who subscribed, it really means the world to me c: *sends sarangs* Anyway, of course, you can leave comments or criticism below and have an awesomesauce day bc I want you to!!! Ahahaa.... I'm really awkward.... anyway, um uh ehehehehe.... have fun with life :-)


HERE'S KAI GIVING YOU MUCH SARANGS tumblr_njjlhr3e4T1qzh5sno1_r2_540.gif

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seurgibear #1
girlie pls update !!!!! I need more seulkai in my life
nursiti #2
Chapter 3: hai...authornim...i just read this fanfics today...as i was dying to read seulkai fanfics and i found yours...honestly you have made a great storyline about seulkai...it have mystery, soul and characteristics in its...when i read your stories i believe i can imagine the situation . ..and i was really immerse in your writing . ..please update.as i want to know the next chapter . ..it was a lovely stories...thank you
dianasuhairi #3
Chapter 3: update palli palli juseyo!! i'm dying to know what happens next huhu
Mrsohjjong #4
Chapter 3: Please update authornim!!! ㅠㅠ
Chapter 3: kim jOnGiNNNNN
l0l clueless seulgi is so cute
wondering why she's freaking out
that someone saw the real her??
and aww they get to dance together <33
seurgibear #6
wow i love your writing style and how you portray the characters. do update soon ^-^
TisyiaKpopper #7
Chapter 2: OMG Kai and Seulgi are such swaggers, 'like a boss' type in this fanfic xD
was there a reason why you updated randomly?
/totally expected a new chapter T^T
but that's okay, i'll wait ^^
chodyolate #9
Chapter 2: need more seulkaiii
Chapter 2: Omg ><kaiseul dance partner pls..