Part 1

At the Right Time



This is the sequel to my story, "The Wrong One"







At the Right Time -- Part 1







Dara slipped off her shoes and made her way into the living room where she sank wearily onto the couch. In the kitchen her mother was busy making dinner. She expected that her father was probably in his study reading while Bom was likely up in her room.


“Dara, is that you?” Her mother came around the corner, having heard the front door close.


“Yes.” Dara smiled tiredly before laying down on the couch and curling on her side. Her mother came and sat at her feet, her hand going to her daughter’s jean clad legs.


“Long day?” she inquired.


Dara nodded, her eyes shutting. “I’ll nap a little then come help you,” she murmured.


Mrs. Park smiled and tapped Dara’s legs comfortingly. “Sleep. I’m almost done. I’ll wake you when it’s time to eat.”


Dara smiled her gratitude as she shut her eyes. She waited until she was certain her mother had withdrawn back to the kitchen before she opened her eyes and stared at the wall opposite her.  She didn’t feel like telling her mother that the reason she was so tired was not because of work – she loved her job as a museum conservator. It was a position she interned in as a senior in college. After her graduation this past spring the museum's owner had hired her back.  No, it wasn't the job but her argument with Jiyong last night that was making her tired and listless. She'd hardly gotten any sleep last night.


Reaching into her pocket she retrieved her phone and checked her messages. formed into a pout. He hadn’t called her once all day. He must be really mad at her. Her heart sank at the knowledge but another part of her stubbornly demanded that she not give in to her longing to call him. After all she had not done anything wrong. Was it her fault that her boss’s son had a crush on her? Or that he bought her a cute little stuffed bunny rabbit with the words ‘I luv you’ printed on his tummy? Or the diamond bracelet for Dara that came with the rabbit?


Okay, so maybe the two were a bit much -- but it wasn't like she had asked Minho to give them to her. And since Minho was her boss's son she couldn't exactly just tell the guy to go take a hike. But she did tell him nicely that she was seeing someone, and she had tried to give the gifts back...


Ah, if only Jiyong hadn't arrived precisely at the time Minho had made his little presentation to her. Talk about bad timing..


Dara frowned as she got up and dragged herself to her room. She passed Bom’s room and saw her sister trying on outfits. Bom stopped and cast Dara an excited look. “The girls are going out tonight to celebrate Chaerin’s birthday. You wanna come?”


“I don’t know,” Dara answered glumly She entered the room and sat on Bom's bed. “I doubt I’ll be much fun.”


Bom chuckled as she studied Dara through the mirror. “Oh I get it. I know that look on your face. You and Jiyong had an argument, hmm?” She laughed out loud, one perfectly manicured hand held up to her chest. “I love it when you two get in your hissy fits…”


Dara rolled onto her back and stared with gloom at the ceiling. She didn’t even have the spirit to argue. Bom snickered and returned to choosing her outfit for that evening.


“Actually it makes me feel good to see you two argue every now and then. It makes me feel like you two are like the rest of us mere humans after all.”


“Meanie,” Dara huffed. She and Jiyong rarely argued, but when they did the arguments tended to be intense.


“So what got your thong all twisted up?”


Dara sighed and sat up, shoulders drooping. “It wasn’t me… he’s the one mad.”


“Really?” Bom turned to stare at her incredulously. “Must be something big because that guy lets you get away with murder, I swear.”


Dara rolled her eyes before she explained what had happened when Jiyong came by to pick her up the day before.


“Minho gave you a diamond bracelet! Where?!” Bom’s eyes were round as saucers as she turned and stood in front of Dara.


“In my purse. I tried to give it back to him again today but he won’t take it.”


Bom was digging through Dara’s purse and quickly retrieved the jewelry box inside. She opened it and then let out a loud gasp as she stared at the expensive looking bracelet. “Oh my!”


Dara stared forlornly at the jewelry. It was beautiful in its simplicity. And the way the diamonds effortlessly caught and reflected the light was magnificent.  Add the name of the jewelry store on the box and Dara knew it had easily cost Minho thousands. Not that it mattered to someone as rich as him.


“I can’t accept something like that even if it is only chump change to someone like Lee Minho.”


Bom gave a low whistle and returned the jewelry to its case and replaced it in Dara’s purse. “So Jiyong saw him give you this, huh?”


Dara nodded.  “He knows I don’t have feelings for Minho but I think it hurts his pride that he can’t buy me something like that. Which is stupid because I don’t even like those kinds of things. I was more impressed with the stuffed bunny that accompanied that.”


Bom tried to keep from laughing. Of course Dara would be more moved by the stuffed animal rather than the expensive bracelet. “I hope you didn’t say that to Jiyong.”


“I didn’t need to. He saw my stupid reaction.”


Bom leaned over and gave Dara a hug. “Don’t fret, sis,” she chortled. “You know that guy loves you. Let him his wounds in peace for a while and then he’ll come back. Meanwhile I suggest you go put on your best clubbing outfit and come drown your sorrows in a beer while the rest of us girls shake our y booties off tonight.”


Bom stood and pulled Dara up to her feet before pushing her towards the door. “Off you go – go find something to wear. Minzy will be here to pick us up at 8 so there’s still plenty of time to get your broken heart fixed up and presentable.”


“But I don’t want to go,” Dara protested.


“Sure you do,” Bom countered. “You can go get raving drunk and then call up that boyfriend of yours to tell him exactly what you think of him.”


“I love him,” Dara bemoaned.


“Exactly.” Bom smirked as she pushed Dara into her room and shut the door behind her.






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Chapter 10: "Bitin"authornim can u add special chapter.
Icequeen31 #2
Chapter 10: Aww I wish this was longer .... synch a good story. Thanks!
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 10: Ahh so these two only really wanted to play.
Chapter 10: beautiful:(
thank u for sharing:)
pyeong21x #5
Chapter 10: Can we have extra epilogue like hey have twin babies? Lol thank you xoxo
Chapter 10: aww. i love! :)
Chapter 1: im back to read this again! aww unnie!

i wont fed up reading ur stories agaim amd again!


missing you and your stories, hope youll back soon
JuniJD #8
Chapter 10: Daragon love so strong! Love it!!!! Tq Authornim....
Babysmurfette #9
Thank you for posting this back!!
Chapter 9: Hhahhaha, I dont think that I will see Dr.Ian in any fic. Kkk thank u for this authornim.