
It is love.
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This is requested by mentirinha that wanted a fic with keo and kids involved . I came up with this plot with this request and so I hope it is good enough for all of you. Please do subscribe, comment and upvote if you like this oneshot. Please do also leave which couple and what kind of fic you want ! Thank you for supporting me and enjoy reading ^^.


"Good morning my dearest Taekwoon hyung~" Ken rubbed his sleepy eyes and smiled to the laminated and well taken care poster of Leo on his wall. He went forward to look at Leo's face clearly before smiling again. This is the morning routine of Lee Jaehwan. 

"Jaehwan ah~ you have to quickly get prepared! The supplier will be reaching earlier today to deliver our stocks!" N who happens to be Ken's bestfriend started nagging and rushing Jaehwan.

"Hakyeonnie, where's my comb? Have you seen it? I can't find it!" Ravi shouted from the bathroom . 

"It's in our room shik ah~" Hakyeon said casually while taking care of the congee that is boiling in the pot. 

This is the regular morning of this three bestfriends that live together. Correction, it is the regular morning of the couple and their bestfriend's. The three of them work together at a fruit store along the street and had hired Kyungri as the other worker knowing that she has feelings for Ken since high school. Everyone around Ken knew her feelings for him except for Ken himself who is oblivious. 


"Good morning Kyungri~"  Ken cooed while entering the store , smiling brightly as usual. 

"Morning~" Kyungri blushed as usual before pushing her hair behind her ears. 

"Good morning Kyungri!" Ravi and N greeted her together while holding hands and entering the store. 

"Good morning hyungs~" Kyungri returned the greeting with a smile. 

Their regular morning started peacefully. Customers started swarming in around noon and died down during late evening. That was when a car stopped in front of the store and the figure that was coveted and loved by the nation stepped out of the car and walked towards the store.

"Good evening, Kyungri." Leo came up to Kyungri who was arranging the fruits. 

"Taekwoon ah! Good evening! I'm going to knock off in about 5, can you wait?" She smiled and Leo nodded and returned the smile.

"Good evening L-Leo sshi!" Ken mustered all his courage to greet Leo who had been visiting the store often. It all started when Leo saw Kyungri at a roadside saving a cat. Her love for animals caught his attention and his heart. From that day onwards, Leo would come over for Kyungri and it didn't seemed like she mind.

"Um." came the curt reply. Leo didn't even looked at Ken. 

"Yah Taekwoon! Be more polite to K-Ken oppa!" Kyungri smacked Leo playfully on his arm upon seeing Ken frown when Leo was being rude.

"Kyungri ah, where shall we go for dinner?" Leo ignored her previous request and tried to change the topic.

"We can go to the Italian restaurant around my area! I heard from N hyung that it is really good!" Kyungri suggested before taking her bag , prepared to leave. 

"Alright, let's go." Leo nodded and agreed.

"Ken oppa, do you want to join us?" Kyungri asked shyly, hoping that Ken would join them .

"Oh s-su" Leo turned to glare at Ken. "Ah, maybe another time. I have things to attend to after closing the shop." Ken forced out a smile. Why does Leo treats him so badly? Leo is fine with the others but just not him , why?


The next day during evening, Leo dropped by again as usual but was surprised to not see Kyungri at the store. Instead, he saw Ken who was attending to a few customers. He was about to turn away when he saw Ken struggling as one of the customers approached him and grabbed him by the wrist. 

"What are you guys doing?" Leo went forward and pried that guy's hold on Ken off. 

"Ah~ who is here to interrupt us?" Eunkwang who was the leader among those people spoke .

"Eunkwang! This is between us so leave others out of this!" Ken shouted at Eunkwang before looking at Leo and mouthed "quickly go" .

Eunkwang smirked and nodded before turning back to Ken to grab him again but again, Leo interrupted and pushed Eunkwang away from Ken. 

"He obviously doesn't taking a liking towards you. Why won't you just leave?" Leo spoke softly but with a threatening tone. 

"Get the off won't you?!" Eunkwang shouted and went forward to pull Leo by his collar, "Before my men beat the out of you!" Eunkwang threatened.

"Try me." Leo challenged.

Eunkwang signalled for his men to action and Ken who was beside Leo all along stood in front of Leo and wanted to protect him .

"Leave him alone! He is not who you are coming for Eunkwang. There's no point in wasting your time on others!" Ken shouted and defended Leo. " You just have to wait for me to close my store and I will talk to you. Can you just leave him out of our own matters?" Ken pleaded . 

"Jaehwan ah, are you always this pathetic? This is the first time you are begging me." Eunkwang seemed amused.

"Y-yes, please." Ken nodded and looked down on the floor, fist clenched and embarassed.

"Alright, I will wait for you at the park. You know what to do. You are coming alone. I better not see your stupid friends along with you. I won't promise their safety." Eunkwang said arrogantly. 

"Alright." Ken nodded and Eunkwang along with his gang left. He sighed in relief. 

"What was that about?" Leo asked and Ken realised that Leo was still there.

"A-ah~ He is just a friend." Ken laughed it off before moving into the store to start preparing for closing .

"A friend that comes with his gang to pick on you? I doubt so." Leo replied, not believing in any of Ken's words.

"Oh! Kyungri asked me to tell you that she had to leave first because of family matters and she can't contact you because her phone ran out of battery." Ken changed the topic. He picked up his bag,preparing to leave the store. 

"Alright." Leo nodded and took the signal to walk out of the store and leave. He had no obligation to care or even know anything about Ken so if Ken has no intention on telling him what's wrong, he won't care. Yes he won't .

And he kind of regretted when he visited the next day to see Ken covered in bruises  Upon having eye contact, Ken avoided Leo and went to the back of the store. 

"Taekwoon ah, I'm sorry. I can't go out with you today. I have some things to handle tonight." Kyungri apologised when she sees Taekwoon coming into the store.

"It's okay. Do you want me to send you home?" Leo asked gently.

"No it's okay." Kyungri rejected his offer kindly before smiling. "But can you do me a favor?" Kyungri asked timidly, she didn't know if she was asking too much .

"Yes?" Leo asked, curious.

"Can you help me walk Ken oppa home today?" Leo seemed amused and confused, "I mean! There are people out there trying to harm him and even when he is strong enough ,he doesn't defend himself." kyungri frowned. "Can you please do me this favor?" She pleaded.

"O-okay." Leo didn't know what made him agree but he knew he had to nod when he sees Kyungri pleading him. He had a soft spot for her. 

Kyungri left earlier and Ken was surprised to see Leo still hanging around. Actually, it was more of scary to Ken because Leo was leaning against the wall with his hands folded and his eyes kept following Ken. Ken coughed and turned to Leo, deciding that he needs Leo to leave. "C-Can you go? I'm closing the store Leo sshi." Ken said politely.

"Okay." Leo nodded before walking out of the store casually. Ken sighed in relief. Finally he is not under the supervision and sight of the guy he loved all his life. 

When Ken was done with closing and walked out of the store, he was surprised again to see Leo waiting for him. 

"Leo sshi?" Ken asked, not knowing what to do.

"Kyungri wanted me to walk you home." Leo replied. 

"A-ah! It's okay! I can go home myself! It doesn't even take half an hour for me to-"

"Let's go." Leo started walking to the left, as if he knows where Ken stays.

"I live at the other direction though." Ken spoke softly, afraid that Leo would get annoyed.

Leo didn't replied and with a straight face, he changed direction and started walking in the right direction with Ken following behind him quietly. After a few minutes, Leo could not take it. 

"Can you walk faster? I don't even know where you are staying and here you are making me lead the way?!" Leo shouted at Ken. He was surprised too. He doesn't even raised his voice often . Ken sure knows how to annoy him .

"I-I'm sorry." Ken nodded and started walking in front of Leo. Leo didn't missed the hurt expression on Ken's face and he felt guilty for a moment. 

After a few minutes of silence, Ken turned back timidly to see if Leo was still behind him and he smiled softly when he saw Leo staring at him . He turned back and continued to walk in silence. 

They were walking in what seemed to be comfortable silence till they hear a kid crying. Ken stopped in his track and turned back to Leo who also stopped walking.

"D-did you hear that?" Ken asked softly, looking worried.

"Yes." Leo replied, sounding worried too. 

"I-I will go check it out! Leo sshi, you can leave first!" Ken said before running to where the source of crying was. 

Leo tagged along wthout realising and ran along with Ken . 

What Ken saw broke his heart. A little boy aged around three was seated on the ground, crynig continuously. The little boy was sobbing loudly and his petite and chubby hands were wiping his tears that were continuosly flowing down. Ken went forward and knelt down in front of the little boy . 

"Hi, little boy right here." Ken said softly and smiled. The little boy looked surprised and scared. He moved back, sobbing still .

"It's okay, I'm not here to harm you." Ken smiled brightly before going forward to reach for the little boy's face, wiping off the remaining tears. "What's your name?"

"D-daehan." came the soft and timid reply. 

"Daehan, such a nice name! What is our little Daehan doing around here?" Ken went forward again to hold Daehan by his shoulders, assuring Daehan that it's okay, he is safe.

"Umma don't wang daehan umma trow daehan." Daehan said whatever he could before crying again. 

"Daehan ah~ it's okay~" Ken went forward to hug Daehan and consoled him by patting him on his back softly. "I'm Jaehwan and I will take care of Daehan, is it okay?" Ken didn't even think twice before deciding that he has to take Daehan in. Daehan couldn't understand fully so all he did was nod before sobbing more in Ken's arms. 

Leo witnessed the entire scene and he can't deny that he was actually taking a liking towards Ken. He then regretted treating Ken so badly eventhough Ken was a rival. Leo decided that he would befriend Ken and not be so mean anymore.

"Hi Daehan, I'm Leo." Leo knelt down beside them.

"Say hi to Leo, Daehannie." Ken pulled away from the embrace and pointed to Leo. 

"H-Hi." Daehan said and he stopped crying.

"Shall appa Jaehwan bring Daehan home to bathe and eat ice cream later?" Ken suggested and smiled at Daehan .

Daehan nodded eagarly before standing up with Ken and Leo. He held both of their hands and they started walking back to Ken's apartment this time, with a conversation going between three of them. Actually no, it was a conversation where Ken wouldn't stop blabbering and praising Daehan about how cute he was and Leo just acknowledging silently and smiling. 

When they arrived, Leo was invited inside by N who opened the door. Ravi brought Daehan to bathe so that the adults could talk in private. 

"What is this about Jaehwan?" N asked sternly and folded his arms. 

"Hyung I-"

"You are too much , don't you think so?" N spoke again, still sounding harsh.

"I'm sorry." Ken said and played with his fingers nervously.

"How can you not tell me that you are married and you have a kid?!" N shouted and looked furious. "How can your best friend not know about your love life?!" N was being dramatic.

"Hyung! Hear me out!" Ken needed to explain immediately seeing how shocked Leo was. "Daehan is not my kid! He was a boy I saw on my way home! He was abandoned! I couldn't help but bring him back with me! Leo sshi just happened to be here. He has nothing to do with Daehan and me!" Ken explained quickly and loudly. That's the only way to get N to calm down . Leo couldn't deny that he was offended that Ken said he had nothing to do with Daehan and Ken.

"Oh my god?" N covered his mouth in shock. "Which bastard abandoned that little cute fluff ball?!" N asked and now he looked really angry .

"That's not important. Now all that matters is that he is under our great care, right?" Ken said and smiled.

"You are right." N replied and smiled. 

Was that it? Did N just accepted everything so easily? Leo couldn't help but want to laugh at how things work in this household . 

"Shik ah!! We need to go get this little fluff ball toys and everything that he needs!" N eyes beamed in excitement before pulling Ravi who just came out of the shower with Daehan in his arms. "Let's go and Ken can take care of Daehan first!" N said and urged Ravi to hurry up.

After leaving Daehan in Ken's arms, the couple left for shopping and left Ken and Leo in the house. Leo did not know what to do. Should he just go? Or should he stay to accompany them two?

"I should leave first." He opted for the first. 

"Ah Leo sshi, thank you for today. Also, please do not let Kyungri know about this!" Ken said.

"Why?" Leo asked, why can't Kyungri know? He wants to see Daehan in her arms, it would be lovely. His favourite woman and a cute kid. He could totally picture out his future family.

"K-Kyungri doesn't like children. She has a phobia after dropping her baby cousin once." Ken explained. 

Leo was surprised by this new fact. He nodded and put on his same default face before turning towards the exit. 

"Daehan ah, say goodbye~" Ken encouraged Daehan to bid goodbye to Leo.

"Leo appa, annyeong~" Daehan said softly and shocked both Ken and Leo. 

"Goodbye baby, see you soon." Leo smiled and went back to pinch Daehan's cheeks softly before turning towards the exit and leaving. 


After that day, Leo's favourite place was Ken's house. He visited there almost every day to see Daehan . He started to get closer to Daehan as well as Ken. He didn't know why but every time he sees Ken, he would express himself more than usual and would smile more than usual.

"Daehan ah, what is this?" Leo asked before sitting down in front of Daehan with a pudding in his hand. 

"buddin!!" Daehan clapped his hands in excitement and smiled. 

"Give appa a popo and appa will give you the pudding." Leo said and tapped his own cheeks. 

"P-popo" Daehan eyed the pudding and Leo's cheeks before moving forward to plant a kiss on Leo's cheeks. Leo smiled brightly and was about to give the pudding to Daehan when Ken appeared and took it away from Leo.

"Daehan ah, what did appa say?" Ken had his hands on his hips, looking serious and stern.

"No-no more bud-buddin." Daehan pouted , looking nothing but sad. 

"Is Daehan going to be a good boy that appa loves or is Daehan going to be a naughty boy that appa don't love?" Ken asked and bend down , opening his arms to hug Daehan.

"G-goog boy!" Daehan said and ran into Ken's arms . 

"That's my baby!" Ken planted kisses all over Daehan's face while Daehan giggled. 

That was a heartwarming scene for Leo. He stayed rooted to his seat and all he could do was enjoy that very moment of pure bliss and cuteness. 

"Daehan ah, is Leo appa not getting any hug from you?" Ken asked upon seeing that Leo looked left out. 

"H-hug!" Daehan went to Leo and hugged him tightly, earning chuckles from both Leo and Ken. Leo and Ken stared at each other and at that moment, nothing else matters more to them. They just needed each other and Daehan. That was more than enough .

"Ken oppa!" Kyungri walked into Daehan's room and upon seeing Daehan with Ken and Leo, she was more than shocked and confused. "W-what is this?" She asked.

Daehan upon seeing a pretty stranger, pulled away from Leo and ran towards Kyungri, hugging her legs tightly. "Hi, I em Daehan!" He said cheerfully.

"P-please n-no." Kyungri stepped back and was close to tears. She was reminded of her crying cousin that she dropped on the floor . 

"Daehan ah! Let go!" Leo went forward quickly and pulled Daehan away from Kyungri. "You are not supposed to do that, do you understand?!" Leo pointed his fingers at Daehan and raised his voice.

"A-appa." Daehan looked confused and apologetic. The next moment, he started bawling his eyes out and that scared Kyungri more.

"S-sorry , p-please d-don't cry!" Hyeri started tearing up, "I will take my leave!" She said and turned to leave befo

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Miss-Shira #1
Chapter 1: You're story naver skip me for crying...but still i love ur story...
GavrieLagusty #2
Seems like i'll spam you with my shameless comments in all your keo stories then ;;--;;
Aaaahhh i cant stop this feeling this is so beautiful, daehan being their son is just a perfffffffff!
Thankyou for the good story (again)!!
KTsuki-chan #3
Chapter 1: Oh my, I cried so much ㅠ-ㅠ
Thus was so beautiful, sad, just perfect!!
Chapter 1: I love this story so much I'm literally crying at 4 in the morning ;;;;;
Chapter 1: ken broke my heart he is such a kind <3
Chapter 1: Perfect!! Just perfect! Looking forward to more keo fics!
Starlight-Kenjumma #7
Chapter 1: This was just perfect!! It's so beautiful. I'm in love with it!! I'm looking forward for you next Keo story ^-^ Thank you sooo much for this > 3 < ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: Omfgggggg! I died
Igus777 #9
This was absolutely wonderful! You made my day! Thank you~ Looking forward to your next Keo :)
Chapter 1: Omgomgomg that was really good, I really like this kind of story. it has perfect amount of everything!! Please write Keo's story like this more ~

can I leave a prompt too?

Taekwoon use Jaehwan to make his ex jealous but end up falling in love with Jaehwan