I miss you.


Jung Ahn was you first love. He rarely speaks to you during middle school because his such a popular guy back than. The only time he talks to you is when he wanted asked you for things like pencils and homework since the two of you are from the same class. He went to America went both of you were 7th graders. It was hard not seeing him but you overcame it.

 Now, 2015 

He came back and came to your school. Is it finally your chance to confess? Or has he have someone on his mind already?

  Read more to find out :)


"Anyong! I'm Bae Ha Rin. You don't remember me? I was your class-"

 "I don't really care about the past. I don't want to know about you either."  He said with a calm face. I guess he really dose'nt know me huh. 

 "Is'nt that too much?" 

 "What? Me not know you or me not interested in knowing you?" 

  "You not interested" I guess this is gonna be a hard battle this year. 


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