In despair

There is no way only you

"I do not know if I can use that ..." I told Jia that do not already calling me to say anything
"No matter, you look beautiful." She said adjusting my clothes
"We can move the next party?" I asked regretted having agreed to it
"We can not ever lie to your parents, you already with fantasy, I am with mine, you can not go back now." She said pushing me to the mirror ...
"This is me?"

"Yes, that's you." Said Jia proud
"I do not know if I can ..." Before I said something else Jia said
"I do not think we are waiting more for them, years and years go by and just follow them from afar ... if you are not tired of it, I am, tonight is will be the beginning of a new adventure and we both they, all of them, Jae, Jiyoung ... everyone. " She said certain, maybe she's right, I must try, I never had the courage perhaps the time has come to try
"This well! Fighting!" I raised my fists up showing strength
Finally it was time for me to finally take courage and pursue my love
"We ... take a deep breath!" She said taking a deep breath before stepping inside Jae home, I did the same thing
"Did you ever coming here before?" She asked
"Yes, sometimes ..." I said remembering when we were kids running around Jae's house, me, him and our brothers
"Hyuna-nonna!" Jehan cried to see me
"This is the brother of Jae, Jehan." I whispered to Jia
"You came!" He said happily in my view
"Yes." I said a little embarrassed
"Jia-ssi?" He said greeting Jia
"It always comes the holidays?" Jia asked
"No ... since she grew up and hyung made new friends she does not come here." He said making me even more embarrassed
"She is jealous of the new friends of his?" Jia said making me even more anxious
"Yes, Nonna when we were kids she was dying of jealousy of anyone who came near the hyung, she was always with him, always thought she had a crush on him, but she denies it." Jehan said making the scenes of our short childhood pass before my eyes, I pulling Jay everywhere, Jay holding my hand, everything, before my eyes
"Ooh ... therefore, it should be very much in love." Said Jia, I awoke that flashback
"It was never in love with Jae ..." I said, ignoring the two
"She said that because hyung's boyfriend now." Said Jehan teasing me, Jehan always tease me saying I'll stay with Jae and I love it
"His mother left?" I asked trying to change the subject
"Yes, she and her father were traveling." He walked with me and Jia for the party
"And you should not be up there asleep?" I said knowing that Jehan can not be here and so Jae see it will make him pay and burned
"Do not worry ... Jae are too busy to pay attention to me." My heart stopped was hit by an arrow that is fracturing my chest, tears are about to fall
"And really busy."

Cl and Jay park
I'm standing there without moving seeing Jae and that dancing and smiling so happy that made me feel ridiculous
"I know ..." I said
"You should not be sorry ..." said Jia trying to calm me
"I do not like it one bit ..." said Jehan looking very angry
"No one likes her, only her brother and ...." Jia stopped knowing that say something could bring big problems to Jiyong
"Let's go!" Jia pulled me into an empty table, for me there is I torturing myself doing realize how much time I played out for that ... nothing ...
"I must leave ..." I said, lifting, but Jia pulled me down making me sit on the bench again
"We're not going away!" She also said certain, for me this game is over
"Let me go ..." I said trying to get up but Jia would not let me
"Please! I do not want to be here, do not you see I'm suffering ... how could I be so silly!" I said hitting me
"Hyuna Hyuna ... ..."
"That bastard ..." I said hitting something behind me, I turned around slowly, my heart stopped and my doubt became a certainty is Jae ...
"Hyuna?" He said he was surprised but not as surprised as I am, I am unable to say anything I'm just paralyzed
"Long time do not you come home ..." He said expecting me to say something
"I'm sorry ... I'm coming ..." I grabbed my bag and left without looking back, my heart is completely uncontrolled and sorry ... as I am silly, how could I be so stupid ... I fell in floor as tears fall incessantly
"Hyuna ... Are you okay?" Jia asked worried
"No ... do not want to like him! No!" I said desperately crying, I'm already full of this situation, this discomfort ... this pain ...

To be continued... 
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dawtnaksanda #1
Chapter 20: Thank u. Jay and HA. Love them both
hyuna92 #2
hyuna and gd pls