
Of Burgers and Dad Talks

The night Taehyung and Jungkook had broken up, the latter came back freezing to his dorm room. That's why Jimin, Jungkook's best friend next door, almost had a heart attack the next day when he picks up a half-dead Jungkook for a class togther, finding the raven-haired male wailing while wildly shivering with the heater broken. Even with Jimin's help and cheering, Jungkook had stayed frozen mentally for four days until his dads found out (courtesy of Jimin, of course) about his misery. 'I can't take his moping around anymore Mr. Min. He has been playing Sofa on loop for three days. Three days!! So god help me it's in my head,' Jimin announces to Jungkook's dad Hoseok over the phone. The minute they learnt about the matter, they took it into their hands and drove to the university at an ungodly hour.



"Honey, I know you loved each other," Hoseok whispers warmingly to the crown of Jungkook's hair. Caressing Jungkook's cheek he adds, "Maybe the two of you just badly need a break?" His dad's soft eyes calms him and for a minute he leans into his dad's touch. Childish as this may seem to others, Jungkook doesn't care because he hadnt realized until then how much he missed being pampered with Taehyung gone to hold him.


Taehyung. Tears start staining again the blanket wrapped around his hunched body on his unkempt bed.


Jungkook can hear his dad cooing soft words against his ear but they dont seem to get through his head.


A little of tears lter, he hears his dad Yoongi, who has been silently watching their interaction.  "Oh, I can't bear this." Yoongi removes himself from resting agaist the wall and flails his hands in front of himself. Yoongi sees Hoseok giving him a warning look but shrugs it off. "We're going for a drive. Get your up Min Jeongguk."



The rest of the night progresses with Jungkook finding himself still dressed in his Pj's inside Burger king in the middle of the night. No one is occupying the empty seats of the reastaurant that usually buzzles with university students during lunch time. It's only the two of them eating fast food since Yoongi insisted Hoseok stay in their son's dorm to rest while he waits for them to return.


Yoongi orders three burgers. Normally, Yoongi would expect a snarky remark from his son for his habit of ordering two burgers for himself. But right now, he only focuses on the hollow stare his son is offering the tray. The receptionists comes back with their burgers and drinks. She thanks them and offers them a warm smile but Yoongu doesnt miss the side-eye questioning look she gives Jungkook. Yoongi takes their tray and sets it on top of a table in a large corner window.


It takes a long time before Jungkook registers that he is sitting in front of his dad and there is a giant burger on his hands. He reconizes it's his favorite burger. He opens his mouth to ask his dad what theyre doing here but Yoongi beats him to it.


"You're pathetic."


The seat Jungkook is seating in suddenly sinks into the tiled floor. No. Jungkook loved Taehyung. It's only natural that he would feel this way after letting go the love of his life.


"It's normal that youll feel terrible but it's too much that you're not even going to your classes."


Jungkook only now realizes he hasn't gone to go of his classes for days now. He only remembers the taste of Cheetos and the sight of empty water bottles littered across the floor of his room. How many days has not gone outside of his dorm? Shame fills him and he feels his face heat up. Words leave his throat as he sinks deeper into his seat.


"Look kid, I know Taehyung loves you and you definitely love him. He's become so close to us the kid was practically living in our house during your high school. We've treated Taehyung like he was our own."


Truly, the Min's was like Taehyung's own home more than his large house in Gangnam. Taehyung even had a share of space in Jungkook's closet. They were high school sweethearts and they had promised to stay that way forever. But Taehyung had failed to keep this promise.


Yoongi continues hesitantly, "I ain't no love adviser but I do know that I hate seeing you like this. Hoseok and I don't know exactly what happened but whatever this is," he waves hand in front searching for the right words. He gives up and settles down, "get on with it. Because you crying so much is so out of character." And then he takes a bite at the cold burger in his hands.


Jungkook hears his father's remark and, for the first time in days, he snorts a laugh. "Back at you dad."


Yoongi smirks, "I do try."


They eat in silence as he feels a bit light-hearted from all his father's talking. He is much closer to his dad Hoseok beacuse his dad Yoongi is mostly quiet and he just lazily lies when he's around. But at times like this, when his dad goes out of his way to lecture him to get him back together, he appreciates him the most. So Jungkook decides to talk.


"Dad, Taehyung said he needed space. I didn't know where I did wrong. Why he-" he gets cut off by the stinging that hits his eyes. It's ungraceful, how Jungkook wipes the tears in his cheeks and the snot threatening to leave his nose.


The last time Yoongi remembers Jungkook bawling his eyes out like this in front of him was when he was twelve or eleven years old when Jungkook broke an ankle and wasn't able to dance at the recital of his dance academy. Seeing Jungkook like this takes him back to that time when he curled Jungkook up and tried to cheer him up by asking, "Did I ever tell you about how Hoseok and I met?"


Amidst Jungkook's sobs he hears laughter. He knows when Jungkook was a child he had told this story a thousand times to make him just cringe his nose and say, 'Stop dad! It's grosssss!' And as Yoongi expected Jungkook says, "Stop dad! That's gross I've heard that a thousand times already."


Yoongi side-eyes Jungkook and continues his story, “Anyway, I was strolling downtown when I decided I should buy some beer for my gang. So, there I was in a local liquor store buying some beer.” He sees Jungkook shaking his head from laughter. “I was in line for the cash register and before me was this big tattooed muscle guy that was twice my size. There was a gum sticking to his ! And I was staring at it contemplating whether I should tell him or not. The guy suddenly  turned around and glared at me, I think—“

“—he thought you were checking him out,” Jungkook continues in between laughters.


Yoongi was laughing with him now and didn’t get the chance to finish his story. Hoseok was the one assisting at the cash register that night and that was how they met.


“I think I will never understand why you would tell your 9-year-old son a tale about his dad checking out a tattooed muscle man thing’s .”


“I was not checking him out!”


The series of laughter dies down and they get back to eating their burgers. Jungkook takes the initiative to speak, “Thanks for taking me out tonight, dad. I think I feel a little better although nothing’s really been solved.” Yoongi notices the sad grin takes over his son’s features.


“Hey, hey. Enough of that. You know sometimes things just don’t work out. Or may be they will when the time comes. What you need t do is to keep yourself together until that times comes or when another great opportunity comes to you.”


“Maybe, I will,” Jungkook says as he offers Yoongi a genuine smile.


They finish up and Jungkook finally points out the untouched burger on the tray. “It’s for you, you punk. Eat up. You look like .” Jungkook knows that if his papa would’ve been here he would’ve stomped on his dad’s foot for using such vulgar words. But he’ll let it slide since he did his best tonight.



okay at first i posted this with jeongguk calling hoseok papa but it just doesnt feel ryt so i edited it to "dad" how jeongguk originally calls hoseok in my head ye. as you can see im still not over the bangtan burger era sorrynotsorry proofread what proofread

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peggyw #1
Chapter 1: Cute even with the tears
ArchieJowist #2
Chapter 1: Yoongi and Hoseok being dads, oh, how my heart can't handle the feelings... I'm so happy you wrote something like that, it was so cute and I want to squeeze Jungkook's cheeks and hit Yoongi and hug Hoseok and kill Taehyung, yeah, ugh. Thank you for sharing~~ ♡
akxshi #3
Chapter 1: Wwww so cute
Chapter 1: Awwwwww xD
Chapter 1: dad yoongi is forever my weakness /_\
Chapter 1: aww family goals ♥ this is beautiful :))) thank you for this, author! love you!
riceucakes #7
Chapter 1: yes, got a little hint about bangtan burger haha ♡ this story was really cute, every bits of it ^^