Her Lost

Once Lost,Now Found

Dara's eyes slowly fluttered open, her vision still blur from her slumber. When her vision was clear, her head throbbed in pain. A slight groan escaped her lips as she massaged her temple with her eyes shut closed.

'Augh...It hurts. What happened last night?'

As the pain subsided, Dara was becoming more aware of her surroundings. She was laying down on a bed with her arm connected to an IV drip. Her eyes roamed around the odd wires, white fluids streaming down to her arm. She even noticed her clothes had changed into a hospital gown. It didn't take long for her to realize she was in a hospital.

'Eh? Why am I here?'

Questions filled her mind. How did she end up there? Who brought her to the hospital? What happened to her? And more...

Suddenly, a man entered the room. He was about 40 years old, as Dara guessed, and was rather short for his age but had a fit figure. Dara heard him sigh in relief when he spotted her.

"Dara! I'm glad you're awake..."The man said. His eyes showed worry and Dara somehow felt comfortable under his presence. Even if she doesn't quite remember who he is...

'Dara...? Is that me?'

"How are you? Are you alright? Do you feel any pain? My dear daughter..."The man continued.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Daughter? He's her father? Huh? More questions filled her mind.

"You're...my father?"

As if an arrow was struck through his heart, the man's face turned white. He stood frozen in his spot and his eyes widened in fear. He looked like he had seen a ghost. Not once did he thought this would happen. He had always hoped that everything turned alright; but he was wrong. Terribly wrong...

The man's voice sounded hoarse as he spoke; “Y-you...don't remember me?".

Dara shook her head lightly. “Miahne, I believe you are my father but I don't remember anything at all. Even my name..."

Dara's father stared at his own daughter in disbelief, trying to process every word he heard. “No, it can't be...".

His hands began trembling. He bit his lips, trying hard not to cry in front of her but his eyes were betraying him. A frown appeared on Dara's face when she saw tears started to form on his eyes.

"Why are you crying? Your daughter is still alive, you should be happy!“ Dara said with an angelic smile. She took her father's hand and entangled it with her own. ”I may not remember anything, but I surely would remember this moment from now on..."

They both shared a smile, happy in each other's presence. Even if his daughter couldn't remember anything, Mr.Park was glad to see her radiant face once again. She was the only precious thing left in his world, after his wife died.He then swore to himself that he would give Dara everything she deserve to make her happy. Since it is a job that every father must take.

Moments later, a doctor arrived by the name, Dr.Song. He did several check-ups on Dara and reported to them afterwards that Dara's conditions were, if possible, temporary. This news brought Dara and her father tremendous hope. Her grip on her father's hand tightened as they both looked at each other in glee. However, the doctor also informed them that it would take months for Dara to regain all her memories.

"Months?!"Dara exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, Ms. Park. Your amnesia seems to be different from what we operate usually here in this hospital. You seem to have Hysterical Amnesia; which is a very rare case. “The doctor said.

"What are the conditions, doctor?" Her father asked.

"Unfortunately, Dara would not be able to remember her whole identity for a long time. Memories such as where she came from, the people she have met, things of her interest, all of it is forgotten. Even how she looked like." Dr.Song sighed as he glanced at Dara. "However, her memories would indeed return. So if I were you, I would choose not to worry a lot."

Dara's smile flattened. Everything that the doctor had told them was right. She doesn't recognize herself at all. Her eyes stared at her father who was still busy discussing with the doctor. Dara wondered how her life would turn out to be in the future. A heavy sigh escaped her lips at the mere thought of it.

"Since Dara seems to be perfectly fine with the exception of her amnesia, she will be discharge by tomorrow, Mr. Park." Dr.Song informed him.

"Thank you, doctor."

The doctor nodded his head and left the room afterwards.

Mr.Park noticed Dara's grim expression. He asked her what was wrong but Dara only gazed at him with doubtful eyes. Dara’s father then sat beside her and hugged his own daughter tightly. Dara smiled and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you, Appa." She whispered into his ear, her smile never fading as they both let go of each other.

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mayflower262 #1
Chapter 1: It seems very interesting. How did Dara get herself into the hospital (or who) ? And when is Jiyong going to be introduced into this story? Fighting authornim! ^_^