chapter three

Red Lines

babe, u coming ? A text came from Jason, HaNa's Korean - American boyfriend from her previous school who she has been dating on and off for quite some time.

HaNa rolled her eyes as she discreetly types back, sorry, got school. :P, while using her textbook as a shield from the prying eyes of her teacher. She was lucky that the five boys behind her were too distracted by other things to notice that she was using her phone. It wasn't that HaNa didn't like Jason, but recently their relationship had gotten more and more messed up. From reading her messages but not replying until hours later to cancelling on her last minute whenever he prompted that they meet up. HaNa was angry, furious at Jason but much like girls her age, she was blinded by a feeling termed ' Love '. True, both their lines remained as black as ink but HaNa believed that with love and passion, their relationship could be a special one, a relationship void from destiny - she was re-thinking that now.

until ? party doesnt start till 9 :( 

HaNa felt a familiar buzz in her hands and glanced at her iPhone. Glancing between her keyboard to the teacher, HaNa typed a reply back, school ends at 6, but mom. 

" HaNa, would you like to read us the next passage ? " the teacher asked, with a sly grin, as every student's eyes fell on HaNa, in lesser time than it took for her to press the lock button and slip the phone under her bag. 

" Erm.. " HaNa frantically glanced around the book, making it even more clear that she wasn't listening in class. Adrenaline shot through her body, a wave of embarrassment and regret coursed through her body as she bit down on her lips.

" Teacher, " a soft voice finally broke the deafening silence between HaNa and the class. " Don't you think that you are being a little too mean ? Asking a girl who hasn't even gotten used to the classroom, to read for the class. "

A frown creased the teacher's forehead while he remained silent, in embarrassment. 

Smirking slightly at his victory, Myungsoo laid his eyes, for the first time, on the new student in class. He took his legs off the table and stood up, the sound of his shoes clicking against the ground echoed through the silent class.

" You know, maybe we should change a teacher. A teacher not capable of understanding a student's need, is not really suitable huh ? "

The teacher's cheeks flushed red in more embarrassment as he stood rooted to the ground at the threat from Myungsoo. For a moment, he wished that the ground would swallow him up whole, " Get out of my class. "

Myungsoo chuckled softly, " As you wish. " He started to pack his bag, while glancing at his friends as they too started packing their bags. 

" You think that this is funny, isn't it? "

" Why else would I laugh ? " 

Myungsoo's retort caused a few giggles to erupt from his fellow classmates. 

" Fine. One of you text during my class, " the teacher fixed a glare towards HaNa, " and the other dares to defy me. The both of us will be paired up for the upcoming project. "

The class erupted, some talking about how it was the first time that they had heard of this ' project' others, mostly girls, were harshly talking about how HaNa has caused their precious Myungsoo Oppa so much trouble. 

The teacher began to brief the class about the upcoming project, with a sly grin on his face with the message of ' Hah. I won this time Kim Myungsoo. ' It seemed as if the more angry Myungsoo got, the more satisfying it felt for the teacher. Having gotten really pissed, Myungsoo slung his bag over his shoulders. HaNa knew that she had to thank the boy, before he leaves, since he helped her. She turned towards him and mouthed a ' Thank You' but all she got in return was a harsh glare. Feeling a little rejected, HaNa cowered slightly into her seat. 


" We would have arrived on time if you didn't stop to get the car wash ! " The doors opened revealing two girls. one had green highlights in her bleach blonde hair. Haneul. The other was dressed casually in a pair of jean shorts and an oversized tee shirt. 

" Ugh. Ju- Just go with your friends. " Haneul stormed out of the hipster looking cafe, one that looked like one of those you would see on tumblr, despite only entering barely 10 seconds before. 

Shifting nervously as she realized most if not all of the customers were looking her, HaNa glanced around until she met the cold dead eyes of Myungsoo and approached him. He was alone, the first time HaNa had seen him rid of his other friends and it scared her a little. Myungsoo looked distant and lonely, altogether not approachable. Nonetheless, she walked towards him and sat across him. 

Even though it was Myungsoo that suggested that they meet up to do the project, he was making no efforts to talk or co-operate with HaNa, but it was obvious that they both didn't want to have anything to do with each other. HaNa wanted nothing to do with the school's flower boy, whom she was utterly afraid of due to his seemingly lonely and distant look. While Myungsoo wanted nothing to do with HaNa just because she wasn't part of the world he lived in - it consisted of only Infinite.

" A-are you going to do that for the rest of our time here? " 

" What ? " Myungsoo flashed an irritated glare at her, as if HaNa's company was liken to a trash can. 

That only further irritated Hana, she thought that Myungsoo had no right to be irritated, he was the one that asked her to come. She stood up, about to leave but the moment she turns, she came straight with a red shirt. Upon looking up, she realized it was one of the boys. It was one of Myungsoo's friends.

" Hoya. what are you doing here? " Myungsoo spoke, as if rid of the coldness he surrounded himself with. 

" Sunggyu asked me to come here. So that you don't get scared by a girl. " 

Hearing that, HaNa couldn't control her laughter, but her laughter died down upon meeting the glare from Myungsoo.

" I'm not scared of Hyunah and her gang, much less a new student. " 

Hoya flashed a sarcastic grin, nodding his head pretending to believe Myungsoo before sitting on a chair. " So, let me guess you have wasted 10 minutes just in utter silence. " 

HaNa couldn't help herself but nod. She did just waste 10 minutes of her regretably short life on Myungsoo. Hoya made an expression that told HaNa that it wasn't the first time he heard about Myungsoo wasting time in silence. Luckily for HaNa, Hoya settled everything for them. The only thing left now is for the both of them to actually get to doing the project, all Hoya could do was plan it out for them, besides he had his own project to take care of.


" Bye Santa ! " HaNa said waving at Hoya, completely ignoring Myungsoo's existence. 

HoYa liked HaNa, maybe because she was new and wasn't affected by the girls' attitude towards him. He liked how she wouldn't compliment him, how she wouldn't try to sneak closer to him. Smiling a little at the new nickname HaNa created for him, he waved back. 

" She's annoying, " Myungsoo spoke. 

" You barely even talked to her. " 

" I thought Hyung sent you to do that for me. "

" Well, I did that today, so for the rest of the meetups you better try to talk to her. " 

" Don't make me laugh, " Myungsoo said, irritation laced with his words as he picked up speed and walked faster, away from the chuckling Hoya. Despite his harsh words, Myungsoo felt that the girl wasn't like others. Probably because she's more annoying than them, Myungsoo thought silently to himself.

" Yah! Wait up! " 

sorry >< 

I haven't been updating as frequently as I liked to but now I'm back :33 hehe

- Hakiryu

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Chapter 5: Please continue this story, please!
Chapter 5: You should definetly continue on with it in my opinion. Sometimes writing can give you a chance to express things tht you cant do normally, it can be a stress reliever and no one and i mean No ONE can judge you or make you terrible about it, why? They do not know who you are or who they are. You can start this story by sratch start fresh. No matter they will be problems, people and things in your way but if u love writing then keep on pursing it instead of leaving it all bottled up... Good luck. :)
Chapter 2: omaigoddd it's surprisingly nice! update soon ^^
fiercEMMA #4
Chapter 1: Some small spelling mistakes, but a good first chapter. However, I think it would've been a bit better if it was a bit more length-y (?).
Chapter 1: Thank you for uploading the first chapter!!