
What You Gave Me

The rain was pouring heavily as Chanyeol tried to hide himself with his backpack. He's drenched in the rain with water droplets running down his face. He was blaming himself for not bringing any umbrella even though the forecast already said it this morning. He never thought that a sunny day could turn this disastrous.

He's staring at the pedestrian traffic light. He's been pushing the button for a while now but it's color doesn't change from red to green. The intersection he was in wasn't that busy, only a few vehicles were passing by and he just can't wait to feel the warmth of their house because he's shivering for minutes.

A boy with a bright pink umbrella wearing an oversized blue raincoat suddenly approached him.

"Uhm, Ahjussi why are you still here? It's raining heavily." the boy shared his umbrella with Chanyeol and Chanyeol scoffed at what the had called him. The boy only reached up to his chin which explains a lot because even though Chanyeol's only a high school student, he is gigantic.

"Please don't call me Ahjussi. My name is Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol." Chanyeol's soaked uniform was hugging his body tightly which cause him to have a hard time in moving. He held out his hand which the boy gladly accepts.

"I'm Byun Baekhyun, it's nice to meet you."

"How did you know it's nice to meet me I mean I could be a killer or someone who kidnaps people and sell their organs to the black market." Chanyeol thought the boy was careless.

"I can see people's true colors, that's why I know." Chanyeol was confused at what Baekhyun had said but before he can argue about it the light turned green.

"So, where are you going?" Baekhyun asked Chanyeol and pointed the street as Baekhyun thought it was a coincidence since his house is in that way too.

The walk to their home was pretty silent. Only the sound of the rain and water splashing can be heard. Chanyeol was stealing glances over Baekhyun who was smiling for eternity. He studied Baekhyun's face, from his cute eyes, his button nose, his puffy cheeks, his plump pink lips and his milky white skin, He looks like an angel, an angel without wings.

Chanyeol was busy looking at Baekhyun he didn't realize they were in front of his house. If it weren't for Chanyeol's mother would he realize they would've passed his house. Chanyeol asked Baekhyun to stay maybe for a tea but he insisted he must go which left him no choice but to let Baekhyun leave.










Days passed and Chanyeol never saw Baekhyun in that intersection again but he still haunted Chanyeol's mind every once in a while. Chanyeol didn't learn a lesson even though that happened because it never rained anymore this pass days.. Chanyeol was curious though if Baekhyun lived near their neighborhood, there should be chances he might meet him again. Chanyeol really hopes to see him again. The angel who took his heart...











Chanyeol was currently reading when a pair of ladylike hands covered his eyes. To his surprise, it was Baekhyun. The boy was smiling to him, the smile that he saw from the day he met him. Baekhyun shouted 'Found you!' and pinched Chanyeol's cheek then started laughing as Chanyeol turned crimson red.

Chanyeol found out that Baekhyun also studies at his school and found out that Baekhyun was older than him. Since that day, they became good friends.

They would always go home together. Chanyeol also learned that he love playing hide and seek. At first he thought it was childish but later on, he found out it was really enjoying. Baekhyun even showed him a beautiful place which he said was his secret base which was behind their school and asked Chanyeol to promise to keep it a secret. He was also confused because sometimes, Baekhyun would ask him if he wanted to stop time?

Whenever it was raining, Baekhyun would always share his umbrella with him and would always scold Chanyeol for being so forgetful. As time pass by, their friendship bloom, but like any flower, would it wither?










Chanyeol was about to meet Baekhyun and go home together but he saw him walking with another guy which was the same height as him. He felt his heart was being crushed in to million pieces and with that, he knew he was madly in love with Baekhyun and he has decided to confess.










It was their town's festival and after class Chanyeol immediately packed his things and searched for Baekhyun. He saw Baekhyun waving at him. Baekhyun held his hands and pulled him to a river near by.

They were sitting and there they watched the fireworks beautifully bloom in the blue sky as the cold breeze kiss their cheeks. The scenery was perfect and Chanyeol has decided.

"Nothing last forever." they looked at each other. Now all that can be heard is their beating hearts. Chanyeol was afraid of being rejected but it's now or never.

"Will you be my nothing?" there was silence.

"I... I can't." Chanyeol felt like crying but he  wants to know the reason

"Why?" Baekhyun stood up and looked away. He distanced himself from Chanyeol then he turned around smiling at him.

"Let's play hide and seek." Baekhyun gave Chanyeol his brightest smile.

"Do you promise to give me your reason if we play?" Baekhyun nodded and pulled Chanyeol's hands.

They returned to school and Baekhyun asked Chanyeol to cover his eyes and count to ten. Chanyeol thought it was unfair because the school was big that he can even get lost. He was also eager to know the answer so he peeked and saw Baekhyun running towards the way to their secret base.

After he counted to ten, he immediately ran towards Baekhyun's direction. When he reached their secret base, he saw another student. He was the one with Baekhyun, the one he got jealous with. He thought they were the only one who knew this place.

Chanyeol silently approached the boy and was surprised to see the boy was drawing, it was the drawing that surprised him. It was Baekhyun, with his umbrella. He was captivated by the drawing he didn't knew the boy was looking at him.

"How did you know this place?" the boy with an owl like eyes asked him

"I should be the one who's asking you. Why are you drawing Baekhyun?" at this the boy's eye got wider as if it wasn't wide enough.

"How did you know Baekhyun?"

"Baekhyun is my good friend. What about you?"

"Baekhyun... Baekhyun was my boyfriend." so that explains why.

"What do you mean was?"

"Your his good friend right so you must know he's already dead." at this Chanyeol felt his legs got weaker.

"He, he's dead. H-how?"

"It was a year ago.

Baekhyun was a wall flower, he was always hiding. He was always afraid. When I met him, he changed, he was not the Baekhyun who was scared of the world anymore. He became cheerful. As time pass, I fell in love with him, with his simplicity and he also loved me back

He always loved playing hide and seek. He said he loved people seeing him. He wants people to notice him. I gave him all my attention, my time, but the we can't do anything at the sudden change of schools. We became distant after that.I became busy with school but he would always visit me. One time we had this fight over the phone and I didn't speak to him after that. 

It was her birthday and he dicided to go to my house. It was wrong because I shoud be the one going to her house and apologizing but he didn't reached my house." the boy or Kyungsoo as what it said with his books started crying. Chanyeol also felt a warm liquid dripping on his cheeks.

"It was hit and run. If, if I had just forgiven him. If I had just, if..." Chanyeol sat with Kyungsoo and patted his back. He knew what he felt. The lost of someone special. 

They stayed like that for a minute before Kyungsoo decided to speak again.

"I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Do Kyungsoo." Kyungsoo said as he slowly wiped his tears

"Oh I'm Park Chanyeol."

"May I know, how you met Baekhyun 'cause I know all of Kyungsoo's friend and if you're a good friend of his why haven't he told me about you?" Chanyeol didn't know how to reason out. What should he say that he met Baekhyun's ghost. They will think his crazy.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me. I should be going." and with that Kyungsoo left. Chanyeol's question was answer but he haven't seen Baekhyun yet. The game has not yet ended.

Chanyeol went to the school field and search for him. He hasn't lose hope yet. He began searching and he spotted a figure at the school's rooftop. He quickly ran there and when he reached the rooftop's door he hesitated. Would he like what he would see there? Will Baekhyun say goodbye or will Baekhyun stay? But human and paranormal beings must be away from each other right? But whatever may happen, it wouldn't change the fact that Baekhyun is a ghost. He opened the door and saw Baekhyun standing at the edge, threatening to fall.

"You found me..." Chanyeol can see the tears on Baekhyun's face but he was still smiling, smiling as if nothing happened. Chanyeol took a step forward, and another and continued doing that until he can reach Baekhyun. He pulled Baekhyun and hugged him tightly, like he never wants to let go because really never want to let go.

Chanyeol started crying like there's no tomorrow. He felt Baekhyun's hands lightly patting his back.

"D you remember when you asked me if I would like to stop the time? Yes, I want to see your face a little more, I want to stop this moment, as long as possible before you go." Baekhyun stopped hugging Chanyeol and looked at his face.

"If you love someone, you have to let go." Baekhyun stopped, tiptoed and leaned forward to kiss Chanyeol. He closed his eyes and feel Baekhyun's lips touching his. He didn't want it to end but it was Baekhyun who pulled away.

"When you asked me to be your nothing, I can't, I can't be your nothing because I won't last forever but I still hope I'll see you on my birthday ten years from now." Baekhyun turned away from Chanyeol and looked back again.

"See you soon Ahjussi..." and as the wind blew, it took Baekhyun away...


a/n: This story is based on the story Anohana and I recomend you to watch that if you want to laugh or cry.
Sorry for any grammar and spelling error.
Hope you like it...



sorry for shamelessly posting this very ugly drawing. I just gave it a shot. :)


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Chapter 1: I watched anohana and yes. I cried for the story. And yes, I cried for this too.