It Only Took 2 Weeks...



What if Korea never became a democracy and is still a monarchy? Ryeom Juyeong is the princess of Korea. Her mother has passed and her father is dying from liver cancer. She must marry a citizen of Korea before she can rule, but she only has a month before her coranation! The court has chosen her fiance. But Juyeong is slightly stuck up because she is a princess and doesn't want to marry a commoner so her duchess and courtwomen have her live with a boy her age, who is only a commoner. She goes under the false name of Han Heijoo.Ryeom Juyeong/Han Heijoo



She is the Korean Princess who lives with a commoner until she can respect her people to marry her already selected husband. A graduate from every repectable, prosporous school in Korea, fit to be the newking after the death of her father. But she feels like she is higher than a commoner and feels like she shouldn't have to marry those lesser than her. She is sent to live with Lee Joon, a boy her age whom she lives with.

Lee Joon

He is a senior in high school, nineteen years old, and his father works for the Korean monarchy. His father agreed to let the Princess live with Lee Joon. Lee Joon owns his own apartment not far from his parent's he doesn't make the best grades, nor is he gifted but he has potential and is amazing at housework. He also doesn't know his father set this up and only knows her as his a girl who transferred to his school and needs to live with him.

Ahn Hwasoon

He is the princess's fiance, he graduated at age 18 from the Seoul Institute of Science and Technology. He has already studied law as well. He has many awards and is fit to be king. He truly loves Juyeon but she despises him because he is younger than her and he doesn't know that she has gone to live with Joon, an old friend of his.


Lee Joon's little group in school. They were the pretty boys of the school that every girl loved. Each boy a certain taste of a girl.

Yang SeungHo
He was the oldest and was protective of his friends. He was very artistic. He is always the one to give advice.

Jung ByunHee
Known more as G.O. Every girl fell for his manly looks.

Park SangHyun
Or Thunder because he was always so loud and outgoing.

Bang CheolYong
Mir was his nickname. He was the baby of the group and had a very cute image.


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im really sorry i cant update this often
aww...this is cute!