Haunted House

Might As Well

Topp Dogg In A Haunted House:


Gohn: probably tries to strangle the ghosts

Kidoh: *IN THE SWAMP OF LIFE..* yells irrelavant things to confuse ghosts

A-tom: stands there and stares, just as confused and amused as the ghosts are at Kidoh's nature

Hojoon: *moonwalks the hell out of there*

P-goon: tries to act tough as the leader and laughs it off while ever-so-swiftly reaching for Sangdo's hand

Sandgo: punches the first thing that touches him

Jenissi: carries bible while jumping in Nakta's arms

Nakta: 3672% done with everything going on but awfully tries to embrace Jenissi because he's awkward asf

Hansol: promises to protect B-joo but ends up separating himself from the group by sitting in a corner hyperventilating

Byungjoo: hides himself from Hansol but actually because he wants to cry secretly after failing to act cool in front of the group

Xero: takes selcas with the ghosts and later posts them on social media with the caption: "Daily Xero~" "Hansol would you mind moving to another corner? You're photobombing"

Yano: was too young to attend so P-goon tucked him in for the night and put on ballads to calm his little nerves

Seogoong: *leaves*

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they were great~
inanami #2
Chapter 1: jeSUS this is my favorite, please update omg ;A;
Fatin96 #3
please keep update :)