Chapter 2: My light

In My Arms


We were now standing in front of my so-called “house”; it was actually the big and lone castle, where everyone would feel alone and depressed.

“Woaah! This is not a house. This is a big bad fairy tale castle!” And while he was looking with awe at it, I realized we were still holding hands. I let go of his hand and moved forward so the gate will open and we can get in.

“Follow me, and never lose me from your sight, never.” He must never leave my side. He is my precious soul now, he is mine and mine only, and I will not share him with no one. I might sound obsessive but he is the only friend I managed to get in 18 years of living. I cannot lose him; I will not allow it.

 ✽ ✾ ✽

We reached the throne hall. My father, as always was drinking his glass of wine while bossing people around. With his black coat and long silver white hair, he was standing there looking at Jongin and me. And after scanning Jongin better, his expression unnoticeably changed and became stiff.

I kneeled down, and bowed my head; Jongin seeing me did the same.

“I have returned, father. I accomplished the task you gave me, and came back safe and sound.” without saying a word, father just got up from his almighty throne and came forward.

“And this is?” he took Jongin’s head and raised his chin so he could see his face better. He turned his face to the right, to the left, scanning him meticulously and then when he looked at his deep black eyes he looked slightly shocked and took a step back waiting for my answer.

“This is Kai, I found him in the forest. He was lost and he helped me achieve your request father. He saved me from perishing in the coldness and darkness of the forest.”

“Stop there, young man. Stop it!”  His sudden request startled me. He looked at me as if I just betrayed him. With those eyes he pierced my soul and going back to his throne, he sat down and suddenly ordered.

“Take the kid and throw him in the Lost Tower! Exile him at once!”

“Father, no!” I raised my voice for the first time at my father. He made no sense.

“What is this? What’s the meaning of this?! Answer me before you take my light away…” while I was looking at him with almost tears in my eyes. Jongin was looking at me with a shaken expression and my father even more surprised than Jongin suddenly got up again and ordered again,

“He must be exiled; you must not get close to him. He is not something that belongs here. His place is not here. Look at him! Look at him! How could you be so blind?!” saying that I realized, no human, no matter how pure he was, not a single human could look so clean and wear such white clothes. No human soul could look so innocent and glow like Jongin, he was special from the start. He was –  

“An angel… You’re an…”

“That’s right! It’s an angel! Why do you have eyes?! Look at him! He’s glowing with purity and harmony!” In that moment, I understood my mistake; I not only protected an angel and made friends with him. No what I did was beyond saving. I realized then, his whole figure and his pure soul has made my human side search for him, want him, he made me fall in love instantly. What I wanted from him and what I saw in him was no friendship, what I saw was love, what I needed was love.

As I turned my head and looked at Jongin again, I realized, even as an angel, I could not let go; I was not able to let go of him.

“I remember now…” he suddenly spoke. He raised his face and continued,

 “I remember now. It is true; I am an angel. However, I fell; there is no other explanation. If I am here then I decayed, Father decided to exile me in Hell. My sin must be greater than I can imagine if I have no memory of it… I must have sinned greatly this time.” I was looking at Jongin depressed expression, the confused look and then looking at me and trying to remember something he stood up and said,

 “Take me. I must pay for my sins. If I am in Hell, in this eternal darkness, in this hellish pit of horror, there is a reason. I must pay for what I have done. Take me! Take me now!”

No, I will not allow it. This cannot be happening. He was cheerful and all smiles a while ago. What is this? Why is my happiness turning this way? Is this how I am punished for loving an angel?

“Jongin… Don’t say that.” I rose from the ground and grabbed his hand. I grabbed his face with both my hands and gazed into his eyes; they had no remorse only a tangled look and he stared at me, as I was the reason for his sin.

“Jongin, wait for me. I will save you again. I won’t let you go there, that place is not somewhere you should be. Even if you sinned, you do not belong there; no matter what you did. No one deserves the Lost Tower.” gazing straight into his eyes so he can look only at me and be sure that what I say is only the truth and that he will be okay.

When the guards took him, he put up no fight. He left the chamber and while looking at him being taken away from me, I then knew what I must do in order to get him back; but what this action required was a price I was not yet ready to pay.

“Father please, reconsider this. Do not take him away. Even if my sin is unimaginable, I know that I as demon and as the heir to the throne I was not allowed to fall in love and not to mention with an angel, but please, I beg of you…” kneeling down and barely holding back my tears, ”please father, please don’t take him away. I need him. I need his light! I need my white angel. I need my one and only light to save me from my darkness. Father, allow me this one wish and I will take the burden of being your successor and I will take the command and rule this pit of despair and desolation.”

Father then sat up, and throwing away his glass of wine, kneeling down beside me, and taking his black fur coat from his shoulders and putting it on mine said ironically,

“You will be my successor whether you want it or not! That thing you call your light is not something you as the next Dark Lord need to possess. You want to be my heir. You want me to grant you this wish. You fool; did you actually think that your foolish love and your tears could melt my heart? I am the King of Hell! I am the almighty Lucifer! I got here with no light. I got here with only darkness and despair. I am the cruelest man that even walked the Earth. My father banished me from Heaven because I didn’t like his new toys. What? Did he actually think I would accept these mere humans?! What a joke!”  I knew then, my father was not the father I dreamt of; what was I imagining? Of course, he would be like this. He is the ruler of Hell after all.

“But if you are such a wicked and evil person, then, how? How could you love mother? You say that you hate people, that you despise them. Then how did you fall in love with one?! You also did a mistake, father you too, have sinned; you fell in love with a mere human and made me…” he then rose from the ground and took me by the hand and laughing and turning around like a mad man said,

 “What a fool you are indeed! Did you really think I loved her? I needed your mother! I am getting old son, I needed an heir, and she was such a fool that she actually fell for the devil itself. I never loved a human and I have no feelings! You insolent half demon, you should be grateful you were born my boy and that I allowed you to live. This will soon be all yours  and you dare to speak about love and even more, you dare to fall in love and have feelings for a lowly angel?! You are not allowed to feel, you are not allowed to fall in love. You need to rule and strike fear in the hearts of every being that ever walked or will walk on this Earth. You are the true embodiment of evil. You are the darkness itself!”

I was beyond saving in this point. My father was indeed the personification of evil. I must stop this, I must save Jongin and end this madness. I let go of my father hand, I took away the black coat and taking a few steps back I bowed and then raising my head I said strongly,

 “You may be the embodiment of evil, but I a mere half demon, will end this dark reign once and for all! I won’t allow this madness to go on, you made the mistake of raising me, you forgot father, I am also half-human which means that my feelings will take me someday, and as you can see today is the day. You need to learn father, the mistake you did, when you thought you could get away with this, you were wrong. You took away from me my only light that could save me from this darkness; you took away my ray of sunshine. I will save him and if you don’t want to give him willingly, I will take him by force!”

“Ha-ha, you spoiled brat! Fine take him by force. Show me what you are capable of; show me how you save you poor spark of hope. Show me; let me see how you get out of this alive!” he doesn’t even realize he is going against his own blood. He really is despicable. I can’t believe it…

“This is what you wanted all along? You were prepared for this all this time, weren’t you? You would never have given me the throne willingly, am I right?! You had planned this all this time. You wicked creature, you are beyond saving. Fine! You wanted this, didn’t you? Then if a war you want, a war you shall get!”

With that said, I left the room and didn’t even look back. “He wanted a war; he waited for this all this time. Well if that is what you wanted father, so be it! You will regret this one day…”

A/n:  Well this was the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Thank you and sorry for any mistakes I made ^_^ Thank you for reading! 

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Nu cred...............
Nu ma asteptam, serios! E superb! ♥ Sa mai scrii! <3
Jimmy_win #2
As kkyungiesoo said, i like the story . it is different. love inside the different, its sad and deep.
But it's not mean i like boys,hahah lol
Chapter 4: I almost cry at the end. that was so sad and beautiful!