The Heartthrob Couple

The Love Triangle

I had noticed that not only was Seulgi acting weird but Wendy too. She seemed a lot jumpier than usual but whenever I asked her about it she just said it was comeback jitters. I rounded the corner and heard Wendy’s distinct laughter. I peeked into the recording studio and found Jaewon and Wendy happily chatting.

“One of these days she’s actually going to kill you.” She said.

“Well at least I’ll die happy.” Jaewon replied.

“Oh? And why’s that?”

“Because I lived long enough to meet you.” He smiled.

(Oh god…)

(He’s so charming.)

(You’re not going to be allowed to help me if you keep doing that.)


Wendy laughed. “What a line that was.”

She brushed it off as a joke but the pink tinge in her cheeks told a different story.

“I’m serious Wen. You’re like one of the only people I can talk to who really understands me.”

“Have you ever considered that’s because we both speak English?”

“Oh, ha. Ha.”

“Relax Jae. I was just playing. I find you comfortable to talk with too.” She smiled.

They sat in silence for a few seconds, smiling at one another.

“Joy what are you doing?”

I nearly jumped out of my skin at Amber’s sudden appearance.

“God you scared me… I was just seeing what Wendy Unnie and Jaewon were doing…”

“Ah… the Good Ol’ Heartthrob Couple.” Amber grinned.

“The what now?”

“Oh! I call them the Heartthrob Couple.” She explained. “It’s something we use to describe people in English.”

I still didn’t understand.

(I think you need to study more)

(Maybe if you weren’t so busy flirting with Jaewon you could teach me English!)


(That’s what I thought)

“It’s basically someone who’s so perfect they make your heartthrob when you see them.”

I turned my attention back to Wendy and Jaewon, scoffing.

“Those two? The derp and Prince Charming? Don’t make me laugh.”

“Take a good look Joy.”

Amber physically turned my head so I was facing the two. Wendy began strumming her guitar, Jaewon accompanying her with the piano. As soon as they started to sing I understood what Amber meant. There was something oddly attractive about the two when they were together. Apart they didn’t make much of a splash but together… it was quite magical.

(Magical? Okay, Walt Disney…)

(Shut up)

“Okay I get it.” I said, turning back to face the older girl. “But why the ‘Couple’ thing?”

Amber just laughed. “You really aren’t observant are you?”


My head snapped back towards the recording studio finding Wendy and Jaewon staring at me. I looked to Amber for help but found the older girl had vanished.

(Lousy Unnies…)

“Uh… Yes?”

“What are you doing?”

“I heard you guys practicing so I thought I’d come say hi.”

(Smooth Joy…)

(Yeri, I swear to god…)

Jaewon seemed to appreciate the gesture but Wendy looked like she wanted to hurl her guitar at me. She replaced her anger with a forced smile.

“Hello… why don’t you join us?” She said through gritted teeth.

“N-no, no… that’s okay. I have to be somewhere else now…”

“Ah… what a shame. Guess I’m just stuck with you now.” He said, nodding at Wendy.

Wendy looked genuinely hurt by the comment, jumping to her feet as she hurriedly packed her things.

“Sorry to be a bother.”

Jaewon panicked, nearly falling out of his chair as he stood.

“Wendy I was kidding!” He said, turning his same aged friend to face him.

They stared deeply into each other’s eyes and I was starting to get freaked out.

“Are you two gonna kiss or what?” Yeri asked, popping up next to me.

Wendy turned a shade of red I’d never seen before but Jaewon just laughed it off.

“Why? Jealous?”

Yeri furrowed her brow. “And if I was?”

“You’re cute Yeri.” He laughed.

“I try.”

I stared in awe at our youngest as she flipped her long hair magnificently over one shoulder.

(Yeri did you get into my laptop again?!)

(You have to admit it was pretty magnificent.)

(This child…)

“I’m serious though. What’s with this weird tension between you and all my Unnies?” Yeri asked.

Wendy looked like she was about to faint.

“Tension? What tension? Which Unnies?”

“ with…”

“Okay, that’s enough. Who’s been teaching you these things? Come now Yeri, we have practice.” Wendy announced, hand over Yeris mouth as she dragged the younger girl down the hall.

“What about your guitar?” Jaewon asked.

“I’ll get it from you later!”

“Does that mean you’re going to go to his apartment?!”

Wendy had let her hand slip for a mere millisecond and Yeri was mouthing off again. Either that child had a death wish or she was just plain stupid.

(I am not stupid)

(Death wish it is!)

Jaewon looked just about as confused as I did.

“What the hell was that about?” He asked.

“Beats me.” I shrugged, following him back into the recording studio. “Hey, do you know Amber calls you and Wendy the Heartthrob Couple?”

“I do. She’s posted us on instagram a few times. I guess we got a pretty hot response.” He chuckled, packing up Wendy’s guitar with care.

“So you don’t mind it? You know… people thinking you’re dating?”

“Not really… I mean, I could be paired up with someone way worse than Wendy.”

“What about Seulgi?”

“What about her?” He asked.

“Would she be better or worse?”

“You can’t compare them.” He said. “They each have their own charms and that’s what makes them attractive.”


“You know… what makes them special.” He clarified. “You, Irene, and Yeri all have your own attractive qualities too.”

“But you don’t want to date us?”

Jaewon smiled. “Don’t you have practice?”

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Chapter 15: I read your story now in 2017 (July) and I loved it. Amazing style of writing and the Red Velvet members comments are a perfect thing.
drecoxz12 #2
Pls make another story like this <3
Chapter 14: if this is actually the last chapter, I want to see how the epilogue will escalate and explain what happens next...
On a personal note, how does one ship him, when he can be shipped with anyone??!!!!
Chapter 14: WHAT FINAL? BUT...BUT JAEWON IS SUCH A JERK....sighs....stick to one girl you charming fool.
Chapter 13: i still vote joy.
Jinyoung18 #8
Chapter 13: ughhh can't wait author. i want him with all of them hahaha justkiddd