Shy Playboy

Shy Playboy

It was the last class of the day and I was seriously exhausted. It's my last year here and technically, I only have about two months before I get out of this hell hole. Teachers are landing assignmnts on us seniors like it was some sort of game. Like girl, does it look like I'm in the mood for some games and jokes? No. So why you do this to us?

I walked into my Marketing class with heavy steps. This is one of my favorite classes since high school had started but today.. Today feels different. It's as if something unusual is going to happen.

Before I could even take another step, I was shoved down by someone who ran into the classroom from the hallway. On instinct, I prepared to fall to the ground and feel a painful inpact. Instead, long arms wrapped around my waist and held me up. I peeked an eye open and saw a dorky lopsided smile right in front of my face. Then I saw big brown orbs underneath the slightly ash brown hair that was all tousled cutely yet handsomely, I had to admit. While still holding my waist, he helped me balance myself.

"Thanks, Chanyeol."

I gave a faint smile to him. A whole bunch of loud howls came from the back corner of the room and I assumed it was no other than his friends. They always do this because.. Well, their reason for it is really unnecessary. Whenever they see Chanyeol and I together, it's always them teasing us about how we're so touchy and helping each other with the littlest things. Even just saying a polite "Hi" or "Hello" will make them all giggle like little girls who had their first kiss. But there is seriously nothing going on between us. It'd be really gross to because we're siblings. Not blood related, of course, since I was the adopted one. It's really nice though. The two of us are like twins honestly. Probably because we've stayed together for a long time that I've adapted to becoming the second Chanyeol, haha.

"Ignore those dorks. Dating too much girls have made them overconfident."

He let out a deep chuckle that made some of the nearby girls squeal in excitment. I rolled my eyes and threw another smile to him before walking towards my desk - where it had unfortunately been placed next to the retarded boys who were still howling. As usual, I ignored them and set out my notebooks and pens for the today's lesson. I felt a sharp gaze on me but I brushed it off thinknig it was one of my brother's friends.

Zhang Seonsaengnim walked into the class with a smile on her face. She was a really young teacher at the age of 24 actually. She was the goddess of beauty and possibly the queen of our school if she was a student here. She's really nice to everyone that's it's literally really hard for anyone to hate her. Everyone sat into their respective seats as she took role. I heard a small noise from behind me and saw the back door slide open little by little. I raised my brow and further looked on to see the person I wanted to see last on this planet. He gave a chaste kiss to a girl that was placing her hands all over him while whispering in his ear, making the both of them giggle. But all he did was give a smile and push her hands away before letting her go off to her own class.

When he saw my glance, he held a finger onto his lips with a smirk directed at me. I rolled my eyes and turned back to reply to Zhang Seonsaengnim who called out my name. The small noise Suho made from behind me was getting on my nerves since it was causing a distraction to me for some odd reason. To be honest, it wasn't even that loud in the first place.

"Kim Suho!"

I saw a fast movement right next to me which gave me a startle. I glanced to the side and was jaw dropped. He can't be serious right?

"Here, Zhang Seonsaengnim!"

Suho raised his hand from the slouchy position he was in on the seat right next to mine. And might I say, it was a little too close much to my liking. I decided to not let it bother me in any sort of way and just faced to the front and act like I was drawing the most magnificent thing ever. It was slightly hard when I can feel the gazes of other students land in our area.

Let me say this. The area where I sit is not very likeable to the other students in our class. That's why there's barely anyone who sits next to me and the reason why my classmates gazes are landing on the both of us. Hard.

I glanced in my peripheral vision to see Zhang Seonsaengnim raise her own - perfectly arched - eyebrows but say nothing and continued with the rest of the class. After role call, I didn't bother paying attention to today's lesson anymore. I was too irked about the fact that Suho hadn't left the seat next to mine to be with his friends. Was he just going to stay in the seat next to mine until the bell rings?

I heaved a sigh inward and knocked my head onto my own desk lightly, making sure I don't lose any brain cells from this. But that didn't matter when I gave myself a head ache from sitting up too fast when I heard Seonsaengnim say we had a partner project. I was literally afraid. Why? Zhang Seonsaengnim may be an angel generally, but the way she handles partner projects kills the whole vibe. It's either a pain in the or she is torturing us. I saw the evident smirk she gave specifically towards me. She has never done that to me before. And that can only mean one. She knew I'd have a partner this time unlike all the other prjects she's assigned us. The reason why I now have a project partner is due to the stupidness of the boy sitting right next to me.

I looked at Suho's original partner who glared up at me. Probably on of the jealous girls who wanted to have him all to herself. But hey, I ain't taking him, no way. You can have him all you want woman. I rather do this project all alone ㅠㅠ

Suho faced himself towards me with a happy aura all around him. There's nothing to be happy about here. Why on earth are you doing this to me Zhang Seonsaengnim?? I turned in every one of your assignments and always ace your tests. Is it because I accidently walked in on you and Yixing that one time in your office? WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS TO ME. It's official, Zhang Seonsaengnim is a devil disguised of an angel.

"Hi Nara. Long time no talk."

The smile plastered on his ips had nearby girl fainting, but to me? It had me eeling like I finally found the boy whom I've been searchign for since grade school. I remember that smile so well. It make me almost nostalgic, you know? Chanyeol suddenly walked over to us and greeted Suho before smiling to me. I smiled at him back pretended like I heard nothing from Suho.

"Looks like you got a partner this time, Nana."

I wanted to wipe the grin off of my brother's face when he said that. Also because he called me by his useless nickname for me. My name is already short. Why need a nickname for it?

I faced his with a slight pout and hit his arm playfully. I'll admit. The two of us can pull off being a couple, no lies. The way we act towards each other is pretty couple like but that's normal between very close people right? I mean, look at all those best friends who act like one. Nothing wrong with that.

Chanyeol finally gave his attention to his friend who stood awkwardly between the both of us. I looked at him too and the both of us made eye contact. I saw a small bit of emotion in his eyes but I couldn't exactly figure out what. I realized I was looking at him longer than I should have so I diverted my gaze. The fact that my heart was racing just by the small act made me flutter a little. I was happy for a moment until I saw my brother drag him away towards the group of playboys, his friends. I then realized how my brain just got affected by this nonsense. Like, a second ago, I was starting to fall head over heels for my brother's friend and now I'm trying to shake the thought off. God, I'm confusing.

I watched as Chanyeol and Suho were already in their little circle of friends probably talking about nonsense. I chuckled at the thought but stopped when I saw Suho glanced back at me. I stared for a little bit when he decided to smile at me again. It wasn't my intention to, honest, but I decided to be friendly just this once and smile back. I caught his surprised reaction before turning my head and packing up my belongings.

"Yeah. Long time no talk." Joonmyun.







Everyone ran out of the school building to do whatever they decided to do for the weekend. I know I have nothing to do so I just slowly walked out of the the place and headed towards the school parking lot since I already have the items need from my locker. I knew I wasn't the only one in this school with a car, but I was one of the few who do because all the others who did have a ar, got their licensed suspended for speeding and driving about a million people after a day of their license. Back to my point, I didn't really expet to see some of my brother's friends to be here still. They'd all usually leave or something. Especially when it's the weekend.

To my dismay, my project partner saw me when I was putting my bag in the passenger seat. He left the girl that he had been walking with and came towards me. I could hear his half walk half run footsteps but I wanted to avoid him as much as possible. I can even do the project myself since it's just giving a presentation. Sadly, life doesn't like me going that direction.

"Nara! Hey. So about the project -"

"Yeah, about that. I can just do the project myself so don't worry about it. You can enjoy the weekend doing whatever you normally do. So don't bother."

I may or may have not said the last part a little too harshly but I wanted to get away from here as quick as possible. Finishing my high school life didn't mean I was going to start talking to a guy like him. I want my year ending in flying colors with no problems and drama. Doesn't every senior want that?

I opened the driver's seat door and was going to sit down until I felt him grab my hand. Not the wrist guys, the hand. Suho grabbed my hand unlike in other situations where they grab the reasonable wrist. He made face him which showed his furrowed eyebrows of confusion.

"Look, I wanna do the project together, okay? It'll get done faster anyways."

His eyes showed me the determination of how he really wanted to work together. But what could I do? It'd be rude of me to reject the offer - not that I wasn't rude in the first place anyways - but there's that bad feeling. The bad feeling where I know something wrong is going to happen if we're together.

Before either of us could say anything, Chanyeol jogged up towards us and put a hand on Suho's shoulder. Is there like something with these two being in my bubble today? One of them come up to me and the next one follows seconds later. There's like a connection between them..

"Uh, I'll just bring Hyung to your apartment tomorrow. Bye, Nara. Take care, ara?"

I know that we're siblings and all, but did Chanyeol really have to give a peck on my forehead? I'm not a little girl anymore. >.< Then again, I'm still grateful for him noticing the tension between us. I really didn't know what to say to Suho. It's really.. Awkward now. But won't it embarrassing because the rest of his friends probably saw us. Oh my god.. I hope they don't tease me about this. Those friends of his are so annoying. I can honestly say I have the feeling to sometimes give a beating but that wouldn't be so nice to your brother's friends now would it.

I took one last glance at Suho and to my surprise, our eyes locked. I saw sadness flash through his eyes as he got pulled away from me. It confused me. Why would he have that look on his face?







Saturday morning came and I was not happy. I couldn't get any sleep because there is no way that I am letting someone I don't know - let alone a guy I don't know - stay inside my complex with a girl. I live by myself so I wouldn't have to hold such burdens to my parents. It's pretty nice, and sometimes my brother would sleep over so it's all good ~

It's 12.35 PM. I haven't heard a single knock on my door and no one has called me yet. So I'm pretty good for now. Although I am freaking out on what I should wear. Yeah, I know. Why am I dressing up for someone I don't even want to know at all? Well, I can't just dress in my normal attire. I look like.. a slug. It's pretty embarrassing actually. You would never want to be seen with me anywhere anymore.

I decided to pick out a white blouse and long black skinny jeans looking at least presentable. When I thought I was good to go, I waited in my living room while watching a little TV for the time being. One hour passed, then two. I've watched all the interesting shows I could find at the time, cooked myself food so I wouldn't starve, cleaned my whole living space, and even the outside balcony. Five hours have already passed and Suho hasn't even showed up. Ugh, I really should've just done the project myself. Now it's gonna take me until tomorrow to set it all up. First he's telling me that he wants to work together but he doesn't even show up. Just great.

I sighed and went straight to my closet and changed into something more comfortable for me since it's getting closer to night. I felt a little weird being in my short night dress but tonight felt exceptionally hot. It's night, the sky is dark and the moon is out. Why is it so hot?

After changing, I went back into my living room to watch some sappy web films to watch. I was so focused on watching To Each A Flower when I jumped from the knock of  my door. I went to open the door to see who bothered to come by when I saw Suho with his school bag on one shoulder and a different bag in the other. He was also wearing his squared spectacles which defnitely suit his look right now.

I couldn't help but just stare at him for only two reasons. Firsty, how can he be so good looking in such simplicity? Secondly, this er decides to show up now that it's almost 7 PM? He's seriously messing with me. This guy.. UGH.

"Uh, hey Nara. S-Sorry for coming by so late. Erh.. I had something else to deal with before."

He faced the hallway as he said those words. Why is he looking the other direction while speaking? And why does his face look a little pink? I shifted onto my other leg only to feel my skin against skin. My eyes widen in shock before I awkwardly stepped back while hugging my arms at my waist. I gave an embarrassed laugh before inviting him inside. My nightwear was not something normal. It can well be considered as my undergarments even though I already have my actual ones on. I told him to wait in the living room as I quickly went to go change. Seeing me like this is embarrassing enough. But when I turned my back, I also realized that the back was slightly see through so hopefully, he didn't see. This is why I never wore this clothing very much. It's not for me.

I pulled on my original clothes I was wearing earlier except this time I didn't wear my skinny jeans. I put on my faded denims shorts. I closed the door to my room and went back to were he was waiting. Surprisingly, he didn't move an inch from his spot.

"So. Care to further expand and explain your reasons for being over six hours late?"

I raised my brow which gave off a demanding look along with the tone of my voice but I don't think he minded. In fact, I think he just.. smirked at me? What. What is he smirking for? I felt like scoffing at his reaction but decided against it.

Suho came sauntering over so smoothly that I didn't even notice he was next to me until he lfted my chin with the tip of his slender fingers. I shivered from his touch, making a sort of electrifying vibe flow through my veins. I looked at him in question when he gave a soft smile to me. The fact that he can change his expression from a bad boy to and angel kind of.. scares me. He can overpower anyone with that kind of personality.

"How about we save that for later and work on the project. I know how much you want to finish it tonight."

And that was absolutely true. Curse him for remembering something so simple about myself. He made his wasy back to the living room space, setting his items down on the table for our project. As much as I wanted to kick him out of my complex, I couldn't. He already came by at such a late time, might as well finish this all by tonight so I won't have to deal with it later. 


3 Hours Later..


"YAH. Are you ing kidding me right now?!"

It's already late at night and I don't know why this guy is still here if he's not gonna give a hand on this project like he said he would. Everything was fine for the first hour until I mentioned that we should split up the work in finding information so we could finish it early. The look in his eyes seemed a little suspicious to me but I didn't think about it until I saw him laughing multiple times within the second hour. And so here I am now in the third hour, about to lecture him to death about wasting time on webcamming with random girls on his laptop while I'm working my off reading every textbook I have to get some resource info. I kept cool with him texting and answering calls from the random girls he flirts with everyday but this is just too much.

Suho kept silent and looked down into his lap looking as if he was guilty. Hell yeah he should be guilty. He's the one who argued to work on this together and yet he's been doing nothing but been no help in this project. I regret even letting him in.

I let out the biggest sigh for the nth time today while pinching my nose bridge. I held my arm out and pointed to the door with my index finger. The confusion on his face from my action stayed for a moment until it hit him with a look of worry - worry for himself.

"Get out."

Those two words said were harsher than I expected it to be. I knew that. There's only two months left before we're graduating and I need to pass my class. I can't have someone holding me back from this. Park Nara was known to be a scholar and I am going to live up to that title for the rest of my life. And Kim Joonmyun isn't going to ruin it for me.

"N-Nara. Mianhae, uh? Jeongmal Mianhae. I promise to work on the project now - you can even sit beside me and watch me!"

Suho stood up and tried to coax me as he grabbed my hands but I pulled them away from him. Who the hell does he think he is for trying to touch me?

"Get out Suho. Just.. Go."

I said softly this time and a familiar look of hurt and guilt flashed acrossed his eyes. Deep down inside my chest, I felt hurt. I don't know why but the way he was looking at me made my heart hurt a bit.

He sighed and packed all his belongings. I waited by the door and held it open for him when he walked over. He stopped right inbetween my complex and the hall when he turned to me and mumbled another apology. I nodded my head in acknowledgement from his words but I took nothing in of it. I'll honestly say I was tired right now. It's late, I don't want to think about this at all.

This probably wasn't a big deal anyways. It just.. hurt. He's always flirting with different girls every time I see him. Laughing and smiling all together. The fact that he does this to every girl except for me  makes me feel unwanted, actually. Like, am I not worth it? Am I not worth to even have a guy flirt with me? Damn, I should not worry about this.







Monday came faster than I expected it to. I looked in the mirror while fixing my clothes, thinking of how I'll face him today. Sunday afternoon, Chanyeol called asking what happened to the both of us. Him and his friends all live together so it's most likely he knew what was wrong. He's a caring type of person when he needs to be and he obviously noticed Suho's state if he called. I said nothing happened between us and just hung up. I finished the project a while after and today was the day we were supposed to turn it in. How will things turn out?

Once I reached school, it was no surprise to see all ten known boys in the halls making girls faint with all their "hotness" and what not. I walked past all of them - or so I thought - to go to my locker but I saw a familiar figure lean against a locker next to mine. His arms were crossed and even though some girls passed by to try to talk to him, he just ignored them and looked down to the floor. I stood frozen in the middle of the hallway, panic rising inside of me. Why? I don't know. But I have to get out of here. My eyes looked for a detour to my class since I didn't feel the need to go put my books away anymore.

I saw a clear opening in the next hall so I quickly ran when I saw him finally spot me. It was a miracle that we didn't share any classes together except Marketing so I was safe for the time being. But during class breaks I could feel is gaze on me when we passed each other. Especially during lunch. I went to go to my usual place but midway, I heard him calling for me. I ignored him and started to run faster into the music room. Sadly, the moment has now come for the last class of the day - aka seeing the one I dread to see.

I made sure to enter from the back door but look to see if he was anywhere near my seat. The coast was clear when I heard the bell ring so I took a step in and took my seat. I saw that Suho had sat in his original seat rather than next to me which was a relief because I would not know how to react if he decided to sit next to me today.

Class started not long after. Zhang Seonsaengnim seemed a little disappointed in seeing the original seating when she spotted Suho back to his seat. She gave me a raised brow and I mouthed a "what" to her. Her lips made a tsk motion, giving her divded attention back in place.

"Ohkay, everyone. I know I said that the project was due at the beginning of class, however,"

She suddenly smirked to everyone - particularly to two people might I add. What does this woman have on her mind? How can she even think of something evil so quickly?

"Final grades are coming in for this month so I need to work on them hence, you will have the class time to touch up on your projects. I expect everyone to cooperate with each other."

Dear lord, please kill me now. Satan Zhang Seonsaengnim has shown her true colors. Why is she targeting me now out of the blue? ㅠㅠ

After she spoke her words, everyone either turned their chairs around or moved to a spacious and quieter area. I was still in my seat, afraid to do anything in case I was going to have bad luck of some sort. Unconciously, my eyes drifted to wear my partner sat. He was still there, chatting with his original deskmate with a smile and giving winks here and there. His deskmate, Han Ji, clung to his arm like her life depended on it. Instead of pulling away from her or even keeping it just as it is, he put his own arm around her. Daebak. Wasn't it Ga Young yesterday? Or was it Yoonhee? Seo Young? Aish. Molla. But he's at it again.

I crossed my arms and scoffed at his behaviour. How could he change from an angelic angel to a little play devil? I was pretty sure my act wasn't that loud but the people around me suddenly looked at me with that weird look as if asking "are you ohkay?". Like hell I look ohkay. From my peripheral vision, I could see Suho staring at me and ignoring the girl that now clung to his chest. I'll admit, I'm a bit jealous. He's had at least one intimate act with everyone. Every girl for that matter. Every girl except me. I don't know why I feel so hurt about this. I already gave myself a peptalk about this on Saturday but I just can't help it. 

Instead of trying to bring my mood down even more, I decided I'd give finishing touches just like she said to do during this period. Even though it was a pain in the to carry my laptop, it'd be worth it if when I get the grade I want. If not, well .

Ten minutes passed and I was too engrossed into changing up some of the slides of my presentation when a shadow loomed over my desk. I didn't mind at first because I thought a classmate of mine was just stretching from sitting on their all day long. However, when the shadow just stayed in place, I irritatedly looked up to give them a piece of my mind when my face changed to panic. His face looked like he wanted to say something but I just don't know exactly.


I spat out with less venom than I originally planned. I wasn't going to be that mean. He hasn't been my problem for my 7 years prior and he still won't be for my last two months.

He seemed to fidget around with his fingers while looking anywhere but my eyes. I felt more annoyed as the seconds pass by so I continued my work and ignored him in all. When he saw this, I could tell he was opening then closing his mouth for trying to say something but apparently, it didn't seem to work out. Next thing I knew, he pulled a chair next to me and sat down. No words, no interactions. Nothing. I tried looking as if I wasn't caring for whatever in the word he was doing but I felt myself be cautious.

My whle body became stiff when he suddenly inched closer to me. I honestly have no idea what I should do. Should I just pretend as if it was my imagination? Or should I tell him to back off? Either way, I feel like a rock so I can't do anything exactly.

"Nara! Hyung ~"

I instantly looked up at my savior and you know who it is. If Suho's beside me, there's no doubt that Chanyeol will follow right after. I don't if they really have this connection to each other or it's just on intinct when I'm in an uncomfortable moment, my annoying yet caring brother will be beside me.


There's one thing that everyone should already know by now, and that is how I address people. I'm the type of person who calls others by their name and not use any other terms. Not to mention that I always put myself in a high position to call anyone like that. So when I suddenly shouted 'Oppa' towards Chanyeol to the whole class, it's no wonder why all my classmates had stopped to look at me in disbelief. It was a mistake. A big mistake. I even jumped up from my seat when I called him out, for heaven's sake!

It was pin drop silent and I didn't dare to speak or move. I stared at my brother in annoyance after I tried to mentally plead him to save me. Chanyeol just blinked at me before giving a sly smirk with his eyebrow raised. Is it legal to starngle someone yet? After a couple minutes that were still silent, I decided to make my excuse andget away from here.

"Ah.. Hah.. A-Apayo! Aigoo.. I'm just gonna go to the n-nurse. Hah.."

I quickly ran out of the room and went straight to the courtyard. I could here faint laughter erupt in the classroom after my exit. Most likely from those friends of his. Once I was out in the fresh air of the yard, I groaned in frustration. Why did that even slip out of my mouth?? I have never even called those closest to me like that before. Even if it's disrespectful, I can't handle the.. girliness it has to it. It's gross.

Thankfully, I had my phone with me as I have been here for over twenty minutes. I'm too embarrassed to go back to class. I'll just wait until school's over to retrieve my belongings.

I was busy playing a game when I saw my bags drop gently onto the floor in front of me. I looked up to see who brought my stuff and of course, it was the devil who didn't help me in my situation. He also had his bag with him and a cheeky grin that was placed on his face. I wanted to slap that handsome face of his but decided not to because there's always something better I can have him do for me, heh.

"You little . Don't you dare give me that stupid grin of yours. I hate you."

I crossed my arms and glared at him. He still held that expression of his and sat beside me. I went back on my phone to see that there was still another 30 moniutes of class left. So why is he here?

"Is that how you talk to your Oppa? I've done so much and you hate me? Tch"

He flicked my forehead and leaned back on the tree trunk which supported us. I rubbed the spot to ease the pain and smacked him on the arm. I kept chanting repeating the words 'I hate you' while hitting him. Instead of being butthurt and whining at me, he just laughed and tried to trap my arms in a hug. It worked, of course, but it didn't end there. He tickled me at my sides and told me to tel him that he's the greatest person ever and I will always love him. I couldn't help but smile and laugh from what he tried to do. If I knew any better, he was making up for him not helping me back there by bringing a smile to my face.

"Ah! Okay, okay! You're the greatest person ever and I love you, Chanyeol! Now stop ~"

He stopped a little after I said it and went back into a sitting position while staring at me and laughing at how un-nest I look. I playfully glared at him this time and rest my back onto the tree trunk again with my head leaned down on his shouder. No matter what, the two of us have this idiotic sibling bond. I wonder how it's like to see in other people's eyes. Maybe that's why we're so judged often for being a couple. I don't realy know why I am thinking about this now but it just came to me. Or at least, when I saw one of his dork friends sneak a peek from the doors. I knew we were going to be teased. But somehow, I felt like I didn't want to be teased in front of someone. Normally, I'd just roll my eyes and ignore all of it but now, the feeing is just different.I don't want a misunderstanding.





"I knew something was up. I'm leaving."

I walked away from the place my brother had brought me but I couldn't go any where at all because his grip on my shoulder was too tight. His stare was firmly locked into mines that I culdn't dare to look away.

"You're not going anywhere. I brought you here because we need to talk. Besides, no one is here anyways. They still havefifteen minutes of school left. That should be enough time for us and then for you to leave. Considering it's them, they'll take forever to get here."

And with that, I was dragged into the house I wish I never knew of. The houses iteself was big and if the outside looked fantastic, the inside was no joke. I felt jealous that my place looked like compared to this.

We walked up the stairs - might I remind that he's still holding onto me - and down the hall into the far left side room. Once I stepped in, the familair scent that has been around me for the past 15 years comes back at me. Ah, how I missed this scent. From here on, he let go of me to go change into more comfortabe clothes - the both of us, I mean. He threw his t-shirt and shorts and directioned me to go to the bathroom. After I changed, I walked back into the main room to only see him still shirtless while digging through his own drawers for a shirt. I scrunched my face up from the mess he caused in only two minutes. It was clean just a moment ago and now it looks like he robbed.

I jumped onto his comfrtable bed and lay down while  staring at the cieling. Nostalgia hits me out of no where and I remember all those times where three dorks would just run around being stupid as and live up to something adventurous. I was too into the moment that I didn't notice Chanyeol had already finished and sat beside me while poking my cheeks.

"Looks like someone's lost in thoughts. Care to share?"

He sat crossed legged and faced me. I mirrored his actions and even crossed my hands together. We stayed silent for a moment until he spoke up.

"You know I love you, right princess?"

Now I really know something was up. Just like me, he doesn't go around using terms but only around family. And never has he called me princess unless he really means business. I nodded and stared back at him.

"And you know I care about your future."


"I care for who you connect yourself to."


"So can you guys just get along?"

Nod - WHOA. Hold up.


I stared at him in disbelief. I had a hint of what he was saying. I knew it actually. But I wanted to make sure. And as luck woud have it, I was right.

"Why can't you and Hyung get along? Like old times?"

I stayed silent, not wanting to answer him. He knows my answer already. It's been 7 years since. Nothing will change. Nothing will change the fact that he's the one who left me.

I could only stare into the space of nothing while he stared at me. The both of us didn't know how long time had passed for the time we've been here in his room but when we heard the sudden calls of his name from his friends slash housemates, it had a been a long time. All of their stomps were heard clearly in the hallways. I didn't bother to move since it was pointless. Chanyeol's door opened with a slam and had several of the boys We stared at them without words until they realized I was in their presence. They seemed a little shocked at first but then soon their expressions turned into sly grins. I wish I could roll my eyes, but I didn't have the energy to.

"Ah, sorry to disturb you two and your moment together. We'll just leave."

Baekhyun also gave a cheeky grin. I immediately stood up after, halting their action of closing the door. I grabbed my bag - thankfully having my clothes already placed in there or else it would cause a bigger misunderstanding than just me being in hi clothes - and walked towards the door to go home.

"Don't worry, I was actually just leaving. Bring me home?"

I faced my brother as he was already up with his keys in hand. The both of us walked down the stairs and saw the rest of his friends who were laughing until they as well spotted us. It was silent and I didn't ike that. I didn't dare to look up knowing I'd see the eyes of someone I didn't want to see.


The next day, I walked into school with no facial expression. I felt emotionless and it was just so bad of all times. I had my period. What the kind of game is this? I’m honestly scared because I didn’t face Suho yesterday when I left their house. What was his reaction? Did he seem surprised? Shocked? Disgusted? I don’t know. It all seems the same to me. Nothing can be compared to how I feel right now. Nothing. But you wanna know what had my emotions go on high, mixing everything up? Right in the middle of the hallways, stood a man in semi casual clothing - a black dress shirt with it’s sleeves rolled up covered in a black ed vest, a white shining tie hung properly around his neck and down his chest, black fitted jeans with a pair of expensive looking sneakers. His silver watch shined in the school’s lighting and his hair - oh god, his hair - was slightly tousled giving him the most eye catching look ever. What made me raise my eyebrow in confusion was that he held in front of him a bouquet of flowers. No, it’s not the typical red roses almost every girl wishes for. That’d just be too mainstream an unoriginal. I will honestly say, the bouquet was.. was.. big. Every flower was arranged neatly in the right place that made it look so perfect. It was beautiful.


I looked around to see who the lucky girl was that the school’s charming Suho was actually going to confess his love to. It was hard to tell, though, because everyone was all crowded in two separate lines to the side. I felt awkward because it felt like I was the one he was going to confess to. But when I saw his eyes, oh dear lord. Go ahead and say it. I know, I’m stupid. How could I not have realized it right when I saw him? Those dark brown orbs of his were staring straight at me, right into my own eyes. I couldn’t pull my gaze off him. I felt as if I’d be punished if I look away. Unconsciously, I started walking forward to him slowly creating such a dramatic effect. He as well walked towards me as we met each other halfway. When we stood no more than a foot away from each other, he spoke to me in the softest voice I’ve ever heard him say.


“Nara, I - I’m not really good with words. I mean, I am but - uh - I can never speak properly with you without getting nervou.”


I stood there a little more confused than ever. I have no idea what this weird playboy is saying. Playboy. Hah, how could I forget? He’s not confessing as what I thought. He’s just playing like he always does. Although, I do think this is a little overboard by preparing the flowers and dressing so incredibly… incredible. He probably just saved this moment to humiliate me in front of everyone because I haven’t fallen for his tricks yet. To actually think of this.. hurt. Why did I feel so broken at the thought of this? I’m not supposed to. I don’t want to.


I crossed my arms and stood with daggers of glares shooting at him. I can sense he was nervous since he was squirming in his own position. I mentally chuckle at the thought that I could intimidate him.


“Whatever you’re doing, stop. If you’re trying to make up for what you did before, just please stop. I have no time to waste the rest of my days on someone who doesn’t even give a single about my existence.”


I pushed past him, making sure my shoulder hit his. Many of the girls started to whisper about me but do I care? No. I don't want my feelings hurt. They shouldn't even be in the first place! I'm finishing school and getting away from this country no matter what.


I wasn't even out of the crowd before a strong grip pulled me and spun me around to meet the eyes I've been longing for. I could see the disappointment and sadness in his eyes. I soften at the sudden look on his face and felt a little guilty for what I said. But it all disappeared when I felt somone else's grip on my shoulder and spin me around to only face a slap on my face.


I turned to the front in disbelief seeing a random girl with eyes burning in anger. Her eyebrows met in the middle and her jaw had a tight grip.


"You're such a ! How could you say something like that to Suho Oppa?? I don't get what he sees in a like you."


Oh, it was one of his little toys. I think her name was Hyeyoung. She was seethjing in anger and all I wanted to do was laugh like no tomorrow. Everyone  stared at me crazily because I did  laugh like there was no tomorrow. Damn, periods are the messiest days ever. And the fact that she called me a ? I'm sorry, but I clearly remember I was not  the person who decided to sleep with almost all the guys in the junior and senior. I wanted to give her a piece of my mind.


And that's exactly what I did.


"You're so funny, Kim Hyeyoung! I mean, you just called me a . Does that even make any sense whatsoever? All I ever do is mind my own ing business and here you are, sleeping with all the guys in the school and you think you're one innocent little ? Oh, no. I don't think so. Listen here you hoe. Don't call me names. I'm not a , you are. I'm just trying to get done with my studies to get away from s and dramatic es like you to actually get on with my future and not become a little es like you. So stop , and get the hell away from my face. I have a ing test to ace. I am so not going to let my grade drop just because some drama queen decided to slap me across the face, and call me a . Buh-bye."


I waved off like I was the boss here and walked to my class feeling like I just gained a new confidence. A lot of the people in the crowd were in awe at my comeback. I could see the priceless expressions of my brother and his friends. Especially Suho. He looked like he had just witnessed the most amazing life experience he ever had.









It wasn't until the moment lunch started where I felt myself give up, break down, freak the out of myself, and just have pain surround me, Not to mention I wanted to kill my brother who kept laughing about the whole speech I made to Hyeyoung. He kept mocking me while adding so much more sass than I actually did. But it was still embarrassing and I just wanted to kill the guy. It wasn't until I gave him a look that could kill and cry and mnoment was when he stopped and sat beside me and rubbed my side to ease the pain. Which it did thankfully.


"On that time of the month huh? No wonder you gave a whole speech to Hyeoung. Usually you just ignore her. Way to go, sis."


I pinched his sides but smiled into his chest anyway. He began to tickle my sides and I kept laughing like a hyena. After a while,  we both stopped and sat in silence with the position we had earlier. Lunch was about to end but the one most unexpected thing decided to happen to me. Suho walked into my view and he gave Chanyeol a signal to leave. I was looking at my brother in disbehen he smiled and easily left my side. That little loser!


Suho sat down in his place but I stayed silent . I had nothing to talk to about him. But my heart leapt so much when he came closer to my face. I had to control my blushing.


"Be my mine, Nara. I've loved you for so long and I still love you."


He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I couldn't help but smile at his words. The sound in his voice was sincere. I would have accepted his feeling. But I didn't want to accept it just yet. Hm.. What could I do to make him prove that he really is in love with me and not just playing with my feelings? I honestly love him too. And that is how I am going to show it.


"Show me, Suho. Show me how you love me. And don't you dare just kiss me because that proves nothing."


He only smirked before grabbing my hand and dragging me into the school cafeteria. There were many students still hanging around even though class will start in 5 minutes. We stopped right in the center of the area with all eyes on us. Suho got down on one knee and held my hands in front of him. I felt really embarrassed with what he was going to do but the other part of me was excited to see what he is going to say.


"Park Nara. I've loved you for almost 10 years and I would never want to play with your heart. You make me the happiest man alive just by being beside me all these times. I'm grateful to have you in my life. And this morning, I want you to understand. I don't want you to be my girlfriends.


He let go of my ands and went to take something out of his pocket. I frowned and was going to scoff when I saw he oulled out a box from the back of his pockets. The velvety box was all too familiar and I heard everyone gasp and even people from all the places schoool rush into the cafeteria to witness this scene. Suho opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring any girl would be jealous of. I started to tear up and I knew what was coming. No wonder he smirked. God, that little .

"I've known you for so long, Nara. No one can compare to you. We're graduating soon and I know it's still early for us but.. Will you marry me?"

If I could cry my heart out, I would. He's making my tears fall and this isn't just the period you guys. He's really making me cry. How in the world did this happen? One moment I'm killing him and the next, I want to hug him and tell him I love him. Wow, I really am on bipolar moodswings.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered 'yes' while sobbing into his shoulder. He smiled and carried me all of a sudden in a bridal style (haha, wow) spinning me around and shouting to everyone that I said yes. People congratulated me while a lot of the girls were crying that one of their Oppas were getting married and they were having a less chance with the hottest guys.

I only smiled and looked into the yes of my newly fiance. We smiled shyly, realizing we were still in school but we didn't care. I was happy. He was Happy. We're all happy.







And this is the end! Hey guys, what's up. I'm rqclee. You can call me Vivian.

This is my first fanfic here and I hope you guys like it.

I have another fanfic on Wattpad. If you guys are interested, check out heyyvian.

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Chapter 1: this doesnt make any sense... why did suho left? im confused it started out okay but ended like hmmmm
Berryberry17 #2
Chapter 1: Sweet :3 :3