Taeddy Bear

Simply Fate

Taehyung nudged Jungkook as his phone kept on beeping of messages, it had been beeping for the past three days non stop. Jungkook murmured,"Not yet mum, I've still got three minutes til 7:30." Taehyung smiled in his sleep and rubbed Jungkook's arm to wake him up fully. 
Jungkook's eyes squinted at Taehyung's silohuette in the darkness,"What's up babe?" 

Taehyung sighed,"Yoona's spamming  you again." 
Jungkook groaned, and sat up to look at his phone. 
Yoona 12:31- Jungkook you left your stuff here I've been trying to get to you for three days now! 

Jungkook chuckled to himself," Oh that's why." 
Taehyung watched Jungkook,"Why what?
"I forgot my stuff at her place, cause I just ran out." 
Jungkook sighed,"I'll pick it up then be right back." He smiled as he gave Taehyung a peck on the lips. Taehyung pouted,"I wanna come with you." 
Jungkook thought,"Hmm, okay but you can't say anything about us." 
Taehyung made a fake hurt face,"Why not?"
Jungkook laughed,"Cause she'll tell everyone and the fans and management will find out." 
Taehyung smiled,"Well so long as I can be with my Kookie." and with that he got off the bed putting on an outside shirt. 
Once both boys were ready they drove over to Jungkook's ex girlfriend's house. 
Yoona opened the door looking pleased to see Jungkook but surprised to see Taehyung,"What's he doing here?" 
Jungkook thought,"Um well he's here to help me carry my stuff."
Yoona pouted,"It's only your tooth brush and towel jeez." She opened the door and then stopped Taehyung,"You can wait outside." 
Jungkook chuckled at his ex's immatureness," I'll be quick Tae." 
Taehyung smiled and walked back to wait at the staircase. 
Taehyung tapped his foot impatiently. Jungkook was taking foreverrrr, it was only a toothbrush and towel. Then again maybe Jungkook needed to use the loo. Aishh, it's cold too, that's it, Taehyung decided to go in for warmth. 
Taehyung opened the door, and he regretted doing so almost instantly.

There on the couch, was Yoona and Jungkook practically making out. The thud of Taehyung's falling phone caused both to look at the open door and Taehyung's teary face. Yoona not knowing the relationship between the two kept pecking at Jungkook's neck. Taehyung had seen enough and walked over to Jungkook's car, sighing he realised he had to walk. 
Jungkook called out,"Taehyung! Sighing he pushed off Yoona,"Keep my stuff or throw it out I never want to hear from or see you ever again, do you fking hear me? 

Yoona frowned,"That guy I was with was a mistake..."Then she made a sweet face,"I've always loved you." 
Jungkook slapped away the hand that was rubbing his thigh and stood up,"Well I don't love you, so leave me alone."
As he snapped he ran out the door to still see Taehyung walking just before turning at the curb. Jungkook ran and reached out for Taehyung's arm, turning him around.
"Taehyung-" Jungkook was cut off by a slap to the face. After the sting, Jungkook looked up to see Taehyung's eyes pink and almost all of his cheek area wet with tears. Taehyung sniffed and kept walking towards the dorm. Jungkook sighed,"Taeddy bear you can't walk all -"

Taehyung scoffed,"What gives you the right to call me that?" 
Jungkook frowned,"Taehyung... if you let me give you a ride, I'll explain everything." 
Taehyung sniffed,"Explain what? That you still like that b*tch? Maybe cause you're just as bad as her." 
Jungkook sighed,"Taehyung please, she came unto me."
"Yeah right."
"She did!" 
Taehyung breathed heavily showing a grey smoke coming out of his mouth from the cool weather."Why should I believe you?"
Jungkook bit his lip,"Because I love you."
Taehyung shook his head,"Don't give me that sh*t." 
Jungkook held back his tears and caught a hand behind Taehyung's neck to pull him down into a kiss, to which Taehyung immediately pushed him out of. Jungkook lost his balance and fell down on the walk path rubbing his back. Taehyung helped him up,"This doesn't change anything," he growled,"I'll work with you, I'll sing with you, I'll talk to you if I have to, but consider us not together anymore, and our friendship ruined." Taehyung walked off not hearing anymore of Jungkook's pleas to stay or take the car home. 
Jungkook kicked the fence,"Aishh that stupid stupid man!" Jungkook drove back to the dorm, stomped to the kitchen to get a glass of water. A pain in the back of his head caused him to turn around to see a very angry hope. Hoseok grabbed Jungkook by his shirt collar and yanked him up to face him,"How could you?!" He yelled. Jungkook tugged on his shirt for breath,"What do you mean?" 
Hoseok cursed,"I fking saw Taehyung walking down the street shivering while coming back from the studio he told me everything, now I want you to tell me what was going on in your fking head!" 
Jungkook started to tear up,"It's a misunderstanding a really big misunder- "
"Misunderstanding?!" Hoseok interrupted,"He saw you two kissing didn't he?"
"Yes, bu-"
"Didn't he? It was you and her right?" 
Jungkook sighed, it was hopeless,"Yes."  Hoseok brought Jungkook down and started pacing around the kitchen his arms folded," Well?"
Jungkook looked at him in question. "I'm giving you a chance to explain yourself." Hoseok mumbled agitated. 
"She came onto me I swear," Jungkook sobbed,"I would never to that to Taehyunggie, NEVER, she just pulled my shirt towards her and I tried pushing her away but it didn't work. You've got to believe me hyung! You've got to.." Jungkook kneeled in front of Hoseok grabbing the hem of his shirt and tugging it with each plea,"I love him so much.." he choked. 
Hoseok looked down at the younger man and sighed frustratingly,"I see how it is." As much as Hoseok wanted Taehyung to himself, he could tell when the other members are telling the truth."Get up." he said as he pulled Jungkook up to his feet,"I believe you." Jungkook instantly hugged his friend crying at the pain of probably losing Taehyung. 
Hoseok rubbed his back comfortingly," Give him the day to cry, tomorrow when he's more relaxed you can tell him, I would also suggest using the night to make him something." Jungkook sniffled and nodded,"Thank you so much hyung..." 
Hoseok smiled sadly,"Anytime, I'm always here for you." 
Jungkook smiled cheekily wiping away his tears,"Maybe you should ask Jimin out." 
Hoseok thought for a minute,"I'm not sure... I used to like him but he never seemed to like me, he always seemed to like you more." 
Jungkook smirked,"Maybe cause you secretly turn him on?" 
Hoseok rolled his eyes chuckling,"Either way, he's not the one I like." 
Jungkook stood defensivly,"You're not getting my Taehyunggie." 
Hoseok sighed,"I know, I'll consider it when I'm not so lovesick." With that Hoseok wished his friend goodnight and walked back to his shared room. 
Jungkook smiled knowing of Jimin's crush, then frowning at his own relationship. "Right, gotta make something for Taeddy bear," He said as he started rummaging through the kitchen cupboards for ingredients... and spent the whole night making a special pizza for his boyfriend ....

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wawa_ika200 #1
Chapter 8: Chapter 7: "malang" in malay is bad luck...so when i read it i cant help it but laugh so hard....hahahaaha sorry authornim....mianhaeyo btw awesome story
Bubbaboo #2
Chapter 9: (T~T) ....
Myungjongluv #3
Chapter 9: Aww, so cute! :)
VKookieMonster #4
Chapter 8: Hurt. So hurt. Taeddy Bear... </3 T ^ T \\ TT A TT //
VKookieMonster #5
Chapter 7: Chimchim likes Hobi! My otp! My otp! Yay!
VKookieMonster #6
Chapter 6: Oh my God! Hobi like Taehyung! But Jungkook is already dating Taehyung. And that Yoona. I hated her. I was jumping for joy when she and Jungkook broke up. I don't want vkook to happen yet though. Taehyung is like a rebound. Maybe Jungkook is still confused on what he feels. Oh the pain in my heart.
TinkerBellSTAR #7
Chapter 4: Oh my this had me crying and my hert twisted and turned with feels! Love it author-nim!
Song_Gayeon #8
Chapter 4: Wwahhhh!! What the heck have you done to Me?? Why did you make me cry??! Haha..hownfunny og me..I really like sad stories that have Happy endings..haha I Hope this has too...xD update soon author-nim!!^^
wansss #9
Chapter 4: wow..double update 0_0..why Kookie you do that to Taetae..gerrrrr
AkaReikou #10
Chapter 3: Wahhhh our precious taekook. wait. So kookie won't love tae? ugh i at this kinds of story. I hope taekook would prevail