
Smile for me

Yixing had a nightmare that night. He had woken up once again with shaking hands and tears in his eyes but he had also a hand on one of his shoulders and a worried look on him.


Yixing was completely embarrassed. He had hoped that his nightmares wouldn’t make an appearance while Junmyeon was there in the same room or at least that the other had a profound sleep, but it looked like luck just wasn’t on his side.


“It’s okay. It was just a nightmare” Junmyeon had said while he held one of Yixing’s hand.


Junmyeon had turned the lights on and he had rushed to get Yixing a cup of water. He had sat next to Yixing’s leg like he had done all day and held the other’s hand. Just like that. No more words were said and silence surrounded them.

The Chinese had stopped shaking as soon as he felt the other’s warm hand on his. Junmyeon’s touch was comforting and maybe if it had been anybody else Yixing would had been weird out by the sudden intimacy, I mean, they had just officially met the day before, but there was something about Junmyeon. Yixing really couldn’t tell exactly what it was, but Junmyeon was so careful and gentle and through all the day he had been nothing but a gentleman, always trying to help Yixing and make him feel comfortable. Yixing couldn’t help but feel a warm spreading through his body. It felt nice being taken care of and treated like he was made of the most fragile china.


For Junmyeon it had been like a natural instinct that had told him to hold Yixing’s hand. He had been woken up by weird sounds coming from the bed across the room. As soon as he realized that Yixing was not awake he had rushed to his side and started shaking him to try and wake him up. After Yixing finally did Junmyeon didn’t know what to do to make the other feel better. Was it okay to ask about it? Would Yixing be comfortable with it? They had just met the day before and Junmyeon didn’t want to scare Yixing off. But seeing the other so restless made Junmyeon feel a pang in his chest. He couldn’t see the tears in the other’s eyes but he knew they were there. So he did the only thing he could come up with, hold Yixing’s hand. Slowly Yixing started breathing normally and he stopped shaking, and Junmyeon was really glad that Yixing couldn’t see his flustered state because holy crap, he was holding Yixing’s hand.


“I’m sorry” Yixing said after a while.


“Don’t be” Junmyeon said while giving a light squeeze to the other’s hand “This things happen… Do you wanna talk about it?”


“No… not really” Yixing answered barely in a whisper “Sorry”


Yixing knew that talking things out could make him feel a little better, but he wasn’t ready. Not yet. He just couldn’t do it, not to Junmyeon, not to anyone.


“It’s okay. You don’t need to do it, but if you ever need someone to talk to I’m here, okay?”


“Okay… Thank you, Suho. You are a really nice guy”


“It’s nothing… Just don’t call me Suho. The only ones who call me like that are Chanyeol and Jongin and just because I get them out of troubles”


Yixing laughed at that and Junmyeon felt proud himself for being able to make Yixing smile.


“Thank you… Junmyeon”


“See? That’s better”


Junmyeon hadn’t let go of Yixing’s hand and Yixing wasn’t even bothered about it. Actually, he didn’t want Junmyeon to let it go.


“Do you want to go back to sleep now?” Junmyeon asked.


“Not yet… but… uhm… can you… stay with me for a while?”


“Okay. I’ll stay”


Junmyeon had noticed the way Yixing’s grip on his hand had become tighter. Yixing didn’t need to voice out what he felt because Junmyeon knew he was scared. And Junmyeon felt a great need to stop it and make him smile again.


“I’ve been friends with Chayeon and Jongin since I can remember” Besides the fact that Junmyeon was trying to distract Yixing from his nightmares, Junmyeon wanted to get close to Yixing and he wanted the Chinese to trust him, so maybe that was the best time to try to do it. “Our parents were friends so naturally, we became friends. Chanyeol has always been the happy, hyperactive one which led Jongin to call him Happy Virus. Jongin is usually shy and quiet but he is really mischievous when he wants to be. They’re nice kids, but troubles tend to come when they’re together. Remember when we had to evacuate the school because someone dropped a stink bomb?”

“Yeah, I remember that” Yixing answered in a low voice. His throat was still a little dry even if he had drank the water Junmyeon had given him earlier.

“Well, they did that so they could skip a calculus test”


“Have you ever been part of their pranks?” The Chinese asked while he folded his legs so he could rest his head on his knees, still not letting go of Junmyeon’s hand.


“Sometimes. I’m usually their alibi, since the teachers and our parents tend to believe more in me than in that pair”


“Sounds like you had a good time growing up”

“You have no idea” Junmyeon could spend all his nights not sleeping if it meant that he could stay that way with Yixing. He felt as if they had been friends for a while instead of just mere acquaintances.


“How about you? At school you’re always with those two friends of yours”


“Yeah. Luhan and Kyungsoo. My parents and I moved here about six years ago. I’ve never been one to make friends easily and I was in a different country and I didn’t know the language very well. Since Luhan is also Chinese he was the one assigned to show me the school, so we became friends. It was just the two of us until we entered high school, and then Kyungsoo came along” Yixing was going to add something else to the story but a yawn stopped him.


“Seems like sleep is trying to catch up with you. I’ll go now so you can rest”

“No…” Yixing had trapped Junmyeon hands in-between his when the other had tried to let go. “I mean… can you stay until I fall asleep?”


“Okay” And Junmyeon stayed holding Yixing’s hand until he heard light snores coming from him. Cute, he had muttered under his breath while he walked to his own bed.





They both had been woken up by Minseok at 8 am. The nurse didn’t look good, and he knew that. He had deep purple bags under his swollen eyes but he had still treated them with the same kindness and gave them the same smile he always gave to all his patients.


“You better eat everything, you both have appointments with your doctors today. Junmyeon your doctor will be here in half an hour. And Yixing, yours will come by somewhere around ten, so you better not be out wondering the hallways and scaring little kids like you usually are”


“I don’t scare little kids”


“Maybe not intentionally but I got a call from pediatrics the other day asking me to keep a better eye on my ‘mummy’”


Yixing didn’t take offense on what Minseok said. He knew the elder just did it to and to try and make him smile.

“Minnie, are you okay? You’re voice sounds weird” Of course Yixing had noticed that something was wrong, although Minseok was praying that he didn’t. He was just thankful that Yixing couldn’t see his current state.


“I’m okay. But I think I’m catching a cold, I’ll probably take a couple days off” He had said while he made eye contact with a worried Junmyeon and signaled him with a finger over his mouth to keep quiet and to not tell Yixing anything.


“Does that mean you’ll not bring me candies?”

“Jeez, Yixing. Thanks. I really hope I’ll get better too, I’ll miss you too when I’m gone”


“It’s that sarcasm? I’m sorry I can’t hear right with these bandages”

They kept bickering while Junmyeon laughed in the background. It was cute how they were just teasing each other. And even though he felt a little bit left out he was happy that Yixing was smiling that much.


“And Junmyeon, don’t you dare to laugh because you are the one who gets stuck with this weirdo and is now responsible for taking him on trips to the vending machine” Minseok tried to . But Junmyeon was more than pleased to do so.


The three of them were laughing when a woman in a white lab coat came into the room. It was Doctor Lee, head neurosurgeon of the hospital and Junmyeon’s doctor.


“Good morning” she said to gain their attention.


“Oh. Good morning, Doctor Lee” Minseok said while he bowed.


“Are you busy with my patient right now? I have an appointment with him”


“No, I was just about to leave”


Minseok took their food trays and left a cup with pills and reminded Junmyeon to help Yixing with them, and he finally left the room.


“This new arrangements in the room sure leaves us with no space for intimacy” She took the chart that was hanging from Yixing’s bed and read the patients name “Zhang Yixing. Wow. You have an interesting story here… Yixing would you mind stepping out of the room for a while? What is discussed with the patients it’s something intimate and as doctors we must respect that and…”

“It’s okay” Junmyeon interrupted her “He can stay. I don’t mind”


“Fine, then I’ll just go ahead” She walked to Junmyeon’s bed letting her heels click on the ground “Hey, Junmyeon. How have you been since we last saw each other?” she asked sweetly in contrast with the authoritative tone she had used on Yixing.


“The day before yesterday I got a headache that lasted 3 hours, but other than that I’ve been fine”


“So I see” she said while keeping her eyes on Junmyeon’s chart “Then there is no need for me to do a check up on you just now. I just came here to tell you that your surgery was programmed for tomorrow at 3 pm. We could have done it today but your parents wanted to come and visit you”


“Oh… I see” Junmyeon said and he was sure that Doctor Lee had her the nervous tone in his voice.


“You already know the procedure we’ll be doing, still a nurse is coming by later today to explain a couple more things you need to know. Are there any questions you would like to ask me?”


“No… You already left everything clear the first time”


“Well, then I guess that will be all for today. I’ll take my leave” she said while she made her way to the door and when she was there she stopped “And Yixing, I’m sorry if I startled you earlier”

“Uh… it’s okay… I understand” Yixing replied. He had been startled before, she was scary when she used that hard tone like the one she used on him but Yixing could see that she really worried about her patients and their wellbeing.


Yixing had being quiet the whole time trying to distract himself and not pay attention to the conversation happening in front of him, although it was impossible not to catch most part of it.

As soon as Doctor Lee had left the room felt silent and Yixing felt kind of awkward. The day before he had felt nothing but awkward with Junmyeon, but maybe that was because the Korean was always trying to talk to him and cheer him up. Maybe it was his turn to take the first step.


“Hey, are you okay?” He asked, but Junmyeon fell silent. He heard him getting up from his bed and walk around the room. Close to his left he heard water being poured and next thing he knew, Junmyeon was seated again next to his legs handing him his pills and a glass of water.


“Here” He didn’t say anything else and Yixing just took the pills. Maybe he was going to try a little bit harder.


“I know you said that if I ever needed someone to talk you’d be here but I’m here too, you know?”


The night before Yixing had felt so safe with Junmyeon’s hand on his and he wanted the Korean to feel the same way about him, so Yixing put one of his hands out and he tried to reach one of Junmyeon’s, but he couldn’t see where they were so he kept trying to find one around Junmyeon’s legs. Could he get any cuter?


“I’m okay” Junmyeon finally answered after he had chuckled at Yixing’s attempts to find his hand. So he reached for it. “It’s just that…” he sighed “I guess I’m nervous”


“It’s natural, you know? You’ll be put to sleep and you won’t know what happens next. That’s pretty scary if you ask me”


“Have you been there?”


“Yes, but I was unconscious before being brought to the hospital so I don’t remember it”


Junmyeon saw the way Yixing started fidgeting with his free hand. He knew he was anxious about what he had just said and about what to ask Junmyeon without being too nosy.


“I have a cyst in my head” Junmyeon stated after a short silence.


“Like… cancer?” Yixing asked worried. They were not friends, but after the day and night they had spent together Yixing had felt how they had become closer. So the idea of the other had big chances of not surviving made Yixing feel a pang on his heart.


“No, it’s not cancerous. Apparently I’ve had it all my life but it only started growing recently. With the growing came big headaches and eventually a seizure that was what brought me here. And they have to take it out before it stars messing my head up” Junmyeon made a pause and he continued when he felt a supportive squeeze on the hand the Chinese was holding “To take it out they have to do a craniotomy, which is basically open my head up and taking part of my skull to have free access to my brain… Doctor Lee said it’s a pretty safe routine procedure with high percentage of success, but it still has its risks and since it’s my brain there are chances of me not making it or that something goes wrong… I’m not just scared of this Yixing… I’m terrified” Junmyeon’s voice broke at the end and Yixing couldn’t think of something appropriate to say. So he just moved his hand from the elder’s hand to his shoulder and pulled him in for a hug.


They stayed like that for a while until Yixing started to feel uncomfortable and then he arranged their bodies so they both could lay down. And they just stayed there holding each other.

Surprisingly, Yixing didn’t feel uncomfortable nor he felt the need to let go of the other.

And although Junmyeon was still scared he couldn’t find it in his self to care anymore, not when the guy with the most beautiful smile in the world was holding him like that.





Hey, it's me again. :v

I know it's been a while but I sware that was justified.
Finals were really trying to kick my in the face, but in the end I won (biology, go on this one!!).

Now I'm on vacation so I'll probably post sooner.
Oh, and btw, I've been working really hard on my writting skills and how not to make everything so rushed, but as you can see I haven't got the hang to it yet. :(
I'm not an emotional girl so it's really hard for me to put everything on words, but I'm trying.
That counts, right? OuO

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Chapter 11: I missed this story. I love it deeply.
Chapter 11: Ah I missed this
Chapter 10: Thanks for updating!!! hdjskkska ;; Keep itup! And looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 10: cant wait for the next update~ :D
Chapter 9: Will you update? :(
girlinthewindow #7
I read this story in one go and I love it so much. I will wait patienyly for your update ;))
YehetEverydayOhorat #8
Chapter 9: Whyyyy ??? Nooooooo !!
I love the story btw even if they broke up :'(
Chapter 9: This was do good agggh I need more my hearts am hurting though so much
Chapter 9: Omgosh. It cant be close to being over. I need to know who put Xing in the hospital; i need Dae to beg Minnie back. I need Yeol & Baek moments!!