Snow White's Kiss (Girl's Narrative Version)


I knew it. I knew it from the very beginning that working with him was just going to bring me nightmares. This guy really has lost his sanity. What the heck was he thinking when he...did that? Now, it's not only nightmares, but butterflies, goose bumps, tears, and pain. My friends used to say, falling in love is such a beautiful feeling. Bull. I don't like it at all.


Jo Kwangmin (Boyfriend) - Who doesn't know him? One of the Oh-So-Famous Jo Twins. Please, he doesn't need anymore fangirls, and I'm not willing to be one either. What's gotten into those girls? He's just an ice sculpture. Period.

Jo Youngmin (Boyfriend) - I like him better than Kwangmin. He's friendlier and smiles a lot. I like his honey-colored hair too. But still, I'm not a fangirl. Better keep safe distance from popular people or you'll get trouble, right?

Song Chaeri (OC) - Taejun described me as: "Aloof and slow-growing noona; slow-thinker, slow-witted. Not really good in academics. Just the person the drama club needs for a captain." Little devil, just say I'm dumb, I know you want to say that!

Go Taejun (OC) - Don't mind him, he's not important. Beside his wonderful scriptwriting ability, he's just an overconfident hoobae. I think he has sister complex in me and Unnie, but please, we're not related to that little devil.

Gwang Soojun (OC) - Nagging Unnie. Taejun tamer. 'Nuff said.


Orange means Author's Note, okay?

Girl's POV version of Snow White's Kiss. If you noticed, I didn't name the girl in the other version story but I decided to name the girl in this. Oh, the scriptwriter hoobae and make-up unnie will get name too. It would be pretty long I guess, not twoshots like the ori one. I kinda feel Snow White's Kiss is lacking a lot and I wish I could make it up with this version. I hope you enjoy reading this :)

you might want to check the original version of this, click ---> Snow White's Kiss


to sungyoung for the corrections! I'm so touched! thank youu!

to joanne200969 @chococreams for the poster! (and the redo, sorry i'm such a bother)

to SHINee_fanatic @Professional Review Shop for the awesome review. Review is in chapter 5 :)

to Nicoleziying @Peachy Review Request Shop for the 2nd review. It's in chapter 8 :)


Disclaimer: I do not own Jo Kwangmin, my sister owns him, go eat her his parents and himself do. I only own the OCs and plot.


“Creepy stare?” they chorused. I nodded. “I feel like he’s a psycho or something…” I whispered. They burst into laughter.



“Why do you want me to play for the role?” Aish, he sounded so arrogant. Who did he think he was? Oh, right. He’s an idol.

Because my staff forced me to ask you! “Because I think you’re the perfect person for the role,” I lied.



"What was that?" I inquired. I could feel the anger reaching the top of my head, ready to explode.

"What was what?" he asked back. I lost for words, really. It took all my self-control to not swing my hand onto him and slap the words out of his mouth. I felt my eyes heating up. No, Chaeri. Don't look weak. Stupid Chaeri, don't-



I thought I'd go crazy. I felt so messy inside that I could burst into tears in any second. He still held my right hand in his, giving me all those unstoppable goose bumps. My hand wrapped in his fingers didn't obey me; I couldn't move it. I shook my head slowly, "No, I have to go." I lifted my foot, ready to step into the rain, when he tightened his grab and pulled me away from the rain once again. "Please..." He pleaded.



I wish earth will crack beneath my feet and swallow me in. I wish sky above will collapse and bury me. God, if it's another joke You made of me, I'm sorry, it's not funny at all.

Well, for those who's subscribing to "Snow White's Kiss (Girl's Narrative Version)" It'll be updated soon after I finish national exam. Thanks 4 being patient.


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BuBblEp0p1 #1
jinju ppali! Update I'm waiting
Love your story :)
Ohh an hiatus...i can wait, good luck on the exams
Wolfram_iflameu #3
AAAAHH!~ That was soo sweet! But, personally, I'm not a huge fan of Taejun. But come on, a little jealousy never hurt anybody riighht? :D Taejun's reaction to Chaeri's outburst was verry cute! I loved it. Also, it was nice to see Chaeri better again.

I think, Chaeri's a very lovable OC too! In fact, this is the only story where I've progressed soo far without mentally cursing the OC. Usually OCs are so utterly stupid that it makes you want to throw something at them. But, Chaeri's character seems well modelled enough. She has the steadfastness though she tends to be emotional at time, but it's warranted so it's fine. :D

You described her thoughts perfectly. On one hand, she's tormented in a way but on the other she still manages to keep in touch with reality. SHe's not one of those boohooing OCs!
Gosh, I'm basically just doing a character analysis of Chaeri, but that's how much I like her. I think Taejun's cute too. But, I think it's time for Kwangmin to emerge out of that dark impenetrable cover he's enveloped himself in! :D
I still love the story though! I love Chaeri and you, unniee! <3
Wolfram_iflameu #4
Chapter 10: It was a little short, but you made it up soo well with the amount of emotions and hurt you put in. The entire scene was actually playing in my mind as I read and that's simply because you've described every movement with such precision and detail that automatically as I read it, I begin to visualize it. That's an amazing feat, unnie! <3

The italicized thoughts of Chaeri's are moving! They really bring out her pain and disbelief and how hurt she actually is. Kwangmin is really exciting me in this fic. <3 His sudden mood swings are so much in keeping with the story that it doesn't even seem forced or out of place. He seems oh-so-nonchalant but those little words you put in here and there like, 'Clenching his fists' seem to bring out his emotions in the story.

You've written this story from Chaeri's perspective but even so, you've managed to convey everything Kwangmin wants us to know. It's amazing you can do this in such a subtle manner without revealing everything so blatantly. Amazing, darling unnie! <3
Wolfram_iflameu #5
Oh my, oh my! Oh MY! I cannot get over how awesomelybrilliantlystupendousofabulous this chapter is! <3 It's wonderful! And you know what made the whole chapter stand out from the story? The simple fact that you chose to detail the kiss out in the flashback mode. It was a brainstorm, I tell you. I loved how you started off with her conversation and the whole after-the-play scene and then make Chaeri reflect upon the whole kiss scene. Genius, unnie! <3
And the kiss? UNNIEE! I've become your fervent fan now! You know how beautifully you described it? "Making my whole body go numb" That was soo amaaazingg! <3 And then how she felt those emotions, thoughts, hatred rush across her mind - brilliant! <3

I loved the way you went on to describe her emotions of hurt, disbelief, apathy and nonchalance. How she was struggling to come to terms with what actually had taken place! Unnie, that was magnificent! <3
I can't get over this chapter. I'm rereading it~
Wolfram_iflameu #6
Ahh!~ I just finished reading chapter 7 and do you know how amazingly happy I am? Your vocabulary is so awesome, unnie! I still can't believe how much more different this is from the earlier story! You've gone on to describe every little detail and nuance there is! <3 It's making the story so much more personal and amazing to connect with. You've shown us exactly everything that has happened between the two of them and it's making me so stupidly happy!

Moreover, I love the story narration, okay? I LOVED IT. It's so formal yet beautiful at the same time. Every sentence seems to have some underlying meaning that connects Chaeri and Kwangmin's lives. Also, the moodswings, blushes and eye-contacts and stuttering added such a lot of lovableness to the whole chapter! Gosh! I love this story more than ever nao, unnie!
<3 You're a brilliant writer, darling unnie! <3
Wolfram_iflameu #7
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Chapter 6 was so unbelievably amazing! The way you described Snow White's costume was brilliant. I could visualize every aspect of the costume. And Kwangmin's clothes were also described so beautifully. Also, I loved how you portrayed the transition of Chaeri's feelings; how she suddenly felt attracted to Kwangmin and then reproached herself for the feeling. Also, Kwangmin's change of mood was so utterly cute! <3 He seemed so genial with her, I was literally squealing! <333
And should I even bother mentioning that I LOVED how you ended this chapter?!
"I thought I just saw Kwangmin’s smile fading."
^ that was so beautiful! I dunno why, I just loved that line. Especially for the chapter ending! It seems so mysterious, so enticing! Waaahhh! This is AMAZING~
I'm moving on to the next chapter! <3
Wolfram_iflameu #8
Unniee! I'm really sorry, I haven't followed this story! But, I'll make up for it, okay? I'll start reading from chapter 6 now and I'll comment for each chapter! <3
Wait for my comments! I love your story, unnie! <3
storkydork #9
Taejun rocks! Kwangmin....well....let's see what will happen next! :D oh...and the sweetness...well...I think it's somewhat sweet....hehe xD