EXO: Kai

Dance Till you drop

The music starts playing. She starts doing her dance routine. Her sister watches her. Mid way through the sky she groans in pain. She falls down and holds her hip groaning
in pain.

"Freya stop you're hurting yourself." Perrie says running over to Freya's side.

"No not until I win. For Elda." Freya says through pain.

"Stop please you already have blood on your mouth go clean up quickly." Perrie says worryingly.

Little did they know. Kai and Lay where outside listening into the convo.

Freya walks out her head down. She notices a pair of shoes. She looks up and notices those shoes belonged to Kai. She smiles with blood on her lip still. She quickly looks down and walks off.

"Oh hi Kai and Lay." Perrie greets she walks in the same direction Freya went.

"Why she hurting herself like this?" Kai mumbles

The next day Kai heard music playing from the basement dance studio. He walks down there quietly opening the door her sees Freya dancing. He watches her go through the routine. She was graceful and beautiful. At the end Freya gets up she starts coughing. Coughing out red substance. Blood. She quickly walks out the door not seeing Kai there. Mid way to the bathroom she faints.

Kai quickly runs up to her. Perrie does too. Kai takes his phone out and calls 119. Perrie stops him just in time

"Why did you stop me?" Kai asks

"She's fine. She just stressed out that's all. She's skipped quiet a few meals. Just bring her to her dorm." Perrie says

Kai nods. He carries her bridal style. He notices her lips were blood red. Blood dripping down her chin. Her hands were also red. He carries her to her dorm and lays her down. Perrie comes in with a towel and a bucket of lukewarm water, and starts cleaning her up.

"When are you going to admit it?" Perrie asks

"Admit what?" Kai says confusingly

"Your feelings" Perrie sighs

"Not yet. I still want to watch her." Kai smiles

After Perrie left the room with the bucket and towel Kai kisses Freya's forehead and whispers a small sentence. Before leaving.

"Kai?" Freya whispers

"Yes?" Kai says turning around

"Stay. Don't go." Freya whispers


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