Chapter 1

Our firsts and... lasts?

First time they saw each other was when they were just trainees. Jimin saw Yoongi across the room and felt strong urge to go up to the mysterious boy and talk to him, but he was too shy. So he just kept starring at Yoongi till other boy looked up and their eyes met... Jimin blushed and looked away... after that for about a month he didn't see Yoongi any more till he was introduced with his new band mates.


First time they talked was the day they were introduced as band mates, manager left them to get to know each other better and while others were chatting Jimin sat silently observing everyone.
"I hope you're not mute, that would be quite troublesome considering you're in the vocal line" - Yoongi said teasingly.
"I..I..I'm n..not" - Jimin stuttered and mentally slapped himself for not being able to form a coherent sentence. He sighed and tried again - "And I.. I don't stutter either, I'm just a bit too excited and a bit worried."
Yoongi laughed and Jimin silently decided that he'll do whatever he can to hear that laugh more often, even if it means making a fool out of himself.


First physical contact was during their dance practice. Yoongi had problems with some steps so Jimin tried to help him by showing how to do those steps, but being his clumsy self he ended up tripping and bumping into Yoongi.
"Sorry" - Jimin apologized.
"Don't worry, thanks for helping" - Yoongi smiled and reached to ruffle Jimins hair.
"Hyung, I'm curious about something, can I?" - Jimins asked, but before Yoongi could even answer he already reached and gently brushed his fingers against Yoongis cheek.
"Your skin really is as soft as it looks" - Jimin said pulling back his hand.
It was also the first time Yoongi was left speechless.


First hug was after recording, Jimin had just finished his part and he was really nervous as to how it came out and if he was good enough. Everyone assured that he did great and Jimin really wanted to believe it and he did when Yoongi hugged him and whispered in his ear - "You were amazing." Jimin knew Yoongi would never bull and say something he didn't mean just to make someone feel better, he preferred honesty even if it wasn't the nicest one. And that's why he believed Yoongi.


First time they shared bed was after one night Jimin found Yoongi in kitchen when he went to get some water. Yoongi was sitting sipping his tea occasionally scribbling something down in his notebook.
"Hyung you should go to sleep, we have early schedule tomorrow" - Jimin said worry visible in his face.
Yoongi sighed - "I know, but I can't fall asleep."
"Then at least come lay down with me, you can't work all night you have to get at least some rest" - Jimin insisted and before Yoongi could even start to protest he was already pulling him by his hand and leading in Jimins and Jungkooks shared room.
Yoongi sighed and got in bed leaving room for Jimin.
Jimin laid down next to Yoongi pulling older male closer to him and wrapping his arms around Yoongi.
"What are you doing?" - Yoongi asked against Jimins chest.
"Hugging you, so that you can't run away if I fall asleep first" - Jimins answered as if what he said was completely normal.
"Sleep hyung, I don't want you to overwork yourself and get sick" - Jimin added his fingers slowly playing with Yoongis hair.
Yoongi sighed again and arranged himself a bit to be comfier.
"Thank you" - he mumbled starting to relax slowly - "this is actually really nice."
Jimin smiled - "Anything for you, hyung." And Jimin really meant it, for Yoongi he would do anything. He knew his love for his hyung was more than just brotherly or friendly and he was okay with that even if Yoongi didn't feel the same.


Their first kiss was completely spontaneous. Jimin had accompanied Yoongi to recording room, because rapper had some ideas he wanted to work on and Jimin just liked to watch Yoongi. When Yoongi finished they decided to stay a bit longer to just enjoy the silent atmosphere without constant noise that was in their dorms.
They chatted about random subjects when suddenly Jimin straddled Yoongi.
"I'm gonna do something stupid now and I really really shouldn't be doing this... but... I just can't hold back anymore" - Jimin said and before Yoongi could answer he leaned in connecting their lips. It was just a slow gentle kiss and Jimin pulled away too soon for his liking, but he didn't dear to make it last afraid he might completely lose control then and say or do more than he intended.
"You should not have done that" - Yoongi said forcing Jimin off himself. He didn't even look at Jimin as he fastly collected his things and left.


It was the first time Jimin cried because of Yoongi. He didn't even knew what he had expected when he kissed other, but he knew for sure that he didn't expect other to leave without even giving Jimin a chance to explain... though, what's the point in explaining himself when Yoongi already knew, Jimin saw it in Yoongis eyes - he knew what Jimin felt for him, yet he still left him just like that...
When Jimin collected himself he went back to dorms and that was the first time he heard Yoongi cry and it broke his heart even more than others rejection.
Then he realized why Yoongi had such a knowing look in his eyes - he felt the same. It brought new tears in Jimins eyes, what was he supposed to do now? Go in there and force Yoongi to admit his feelings? Or just ignore what he knew and wait?
Jimin decided to give Yoongi some time and see what happens. He could stop himself from going in and comforting Yoongi, but for the next few weeks he couldn't stop himself from always ending behind closed doors listening to Yoongis silent sobs and whispering silent promises that everything will be okay, that they will find a way for their happiness.


First "I love you" was even more spontaneous than their first kiss. Jimin was looking for some silent place to get away from the noise in their dorms, when he found Yoongi in recording room writing down in his notebook. Jimin wanted to leave at first, but then decided that they can't keep avoiding each other.
"Do you mind if I sit here, I won't bother you" - Jimin asked startling Yoongi.
"No, why would I mind?" - Yoongi said not even looking at Jimin.
"I don't know... maybe because I love you" - Jimin said shocking them both.
Yoongi looked at Jimin shock evident in his face - "You shouldn't say things like that."
Jimin was getting angry - "Oh really? Why not? Because you're too much of a coward to say it back? Or do you actually enjoy crying every night?"
Jimin regretted his word immediately because it was the first time he actually saw Yoongi crying. Hearing it was painful, but seeing his hyung so heartbroken was too much for Jimin, without hesitation he went up to other and sat on Yoongis lap hugging other tightly. Jimin half expected to be pushed away, but instead he felt Yoongis arms wrapping around him and pulling him even closer.
For a while they just sat there in complete silence.
Yoongi was the one to break the silence - "I love you too... but I'm scared... I don't know what to do... I want to be with you, but I'm also worried of what would happen if we were to be together like... like a couple."
"Can we at least try? I just don't think I can keep ignoring my heart any longer...  I'll become worse dancer than Namjoon, because all I can think of is you" - Jimin said making Yoongi laugh.
"We definitely can't have that"
"Is that your way of saying yes?"
"No, this is my way of saying yes" - Yoongi said pulling Jimin in for a kiss that left Jimin breathless - he already knew how Yoongis lips felt on his, but feeling Yoongi kissing him back was almost too much, too perfect.
"We have to make this work, 'cause after this I won't be able to enjoy anyone elses kisses" - Jimin said panting.
Yoongi laughed.


First hickey Jimin left was about a week after they confessed their feelings for each other. Jimin was giving Yoongi massage when he suddenly leaned down and started to plant small kisses on  Yoongis left shoulder. He finally stopped at the end of Yoongis colarbone and started to on the soft skin. When Jimin pulled slightly back and there was a bright red hickey on Yoongis milky white skin.
"You're mine now" - Jimin said leaving a peck on Yoongis cheek.
Yoongi smiled at the adorable boy - "I was yours even before, you don't have to mark me."
But Jimin kept doing it, always the same place whenever the hickey started to fade Jimin made sure to make it visible again. Yoongi hated to admit it, but he loved that possessive side of Jimin, loved the feeling of belonging to Jimin.


Yoongi was the first to use word "boyfriend", it just came out accidentally, before they hadn't really put any lables on their relationship. They were alone in dorms so they used the chance to cuddle and occasionally make out in Yoongis bed.
Way too soon for their liking they heard front door opening and were forced apart.
Yoongi sighed angrily - "Hate this, can't even spend an hour with my boyfriend when they're back again and ruin everything."
"Boyfriend? You think of me as your boyfriend?" - Jimin asked surprised.
"Well aren't you?" - Yoongi asked rising his eyebrow.
"I.." - Jimins answer was interrupted when their leader entered the room.
"Aren't what?" - Namjoon asked.
"A " - Yoongi said demonstratively turning his back to Jimin and Namjoon.
Namjoon just ignored other and sat on his bed.
Jimin hesitated a moment and then said - "Yoongi hyung, I also think of you as m.. as a ... so I guess we're on the same wave."
Jimin left without waiting for Yoongis answer, before closing door he heard Namjoons shocked voice - "Suga hyung, why are you letting him talk to you like that? Are you okay?"
"Don't worry, it was just a stupid game we played" - Jimin could hear smile in Yoongis voice and he too smiled.


First was completely unplanned. They had locked themselves in chat room and after making sure all cameras were turned off laid on the couch lazily kissing and just enjoying the moment.
Yoongi was getting bolder in his actions, his hands groping Jimins and lips nibbling on the sensitive skin of Jimins neck. They hadn't done more than kissing and this felt really good, too good even.
"Hyung, stop please" - Jimin pleaded realizing that Yoongis kisses and touches are starting to get him a bit too worked up.
But Yoongi continued, one hand moving under Jimins shirt ghosting over his abs.
"Yoongi, stop" - Jimin said harsher than he intended. Yoongi pulled back startled - "What's wrong?"
"" - Jimin didn't know how to explain himself, so he decided to just say the truth - " ... I don't want you to think I'm some teenager, but it just feels so good that I was this close to in my pants... so..ummm...that's why I stopped you."
Jimin was embarrassed by his confession and didn't even dare to look at Yoongi. He expected his boyfriend to start to laugh at him, but Yoongi just silently took Jimins hand leading it somewhere... Jimin gave a gentle squeeze his eyes widening in realization... he looked shocked at Yoongi who was hard as rock, pleasured expression on his face. Jimin blushed realizing the cause of it.
"Baby, you're not the only one who's in this room" - Yoongi said smiling - "You don't have to be ashamed of enjoying me kissing and touching you."
"I just didn't want you to think that I'm that easy" - Jimin confessed - "And usually I'm really not, but with you it just feels soooo good."
"I'd never think of you like that, especially when I'm the one popping random boners at inappropriate places from just looking at you" - Yoongis confession left Jimin speechless. He looked over Yoongi his eyes stopping where his hand still rested on Yoongis crotch... Jimin gave another gentle squeeze taking Yoongi by surprise and earning low moan from his boyfriend.
Jimin sat up resting his back against the wall and pulling Yoongi in his lap. He  mustered the courage and undid Yoongis pants, Yoongi doing the same to his.
He felt Yoongis fingers wrapping around his length and couldn't stop himself from . Jimin didn't hesitate to pull down Yoongis underwear and take his lovers hard in his hand... he had been with a guy before, but even though he was gay it never left such an impact on him... he had always just cared about getting it done, getting off and not much about making it enjoyable to his partner... but this time it was different, Jimin wanted to make Yoongi feel good and make it last... he savoured every second of Yoongis hand pumping him slowly, of all the sinful sounds his boyfriend was making.
Jimin tried to hold back as long as possible, but finally he came with a loud moan of Yoongis name. He looked at Yoongi who was off  Jimins of his fingers as if it was the most delicious thing he ever tasted.
Jimin acted before he could even think it over - he pushed Yoongi back making other lay down on the couch and quickly rearranged himself between his boyfriends legs and before Yoongi could even register what was happening, Jimin took him in his mouth fastly bobbing up and down. It wasn't first time Jimin had a in his mouth, but it was the first time he didn't want to get it out as soon as possible. It was also the first time Jimin let anyone in his mouth and gladly swallowed what he was given.


First time they had might be also be the first time they planned something in their relationship. It had been few month since they got together and occasional s and s didn't satisfy between them any more.
Jimin bottomed and Yoongi was as gentle and passionate as expected. He knew it wasn't Jimins first time with a man, Jimin had told Yoongi everything about his past relationships and experiences, and that's why he made sure it's nothing like Jimin had experienced before. He showered Jimin in kisses and compliments, ing just right against Jimins sweet spot, making his lover feel as much pleasure as possible. Jimin was turned into mess, he had never experienced anything like that - someone caring so much about his well being and pleasure.
That night he came harder than ever and was reduced to a man that cries after , because everything that involved Yoongi was just too good and perfect to handle.


First time Yoongi bottomed came as a surprise to Jimin. They were in a middle of heavy make out session when Yoongi said - "Jimin, me."
Of course Jimin knew what their session will end with, but he didn't quite expect Yoongi to want to bottom.
"You mean as in you?" - Jimin asked.
"Yes Jimin, I mean as in your up my , me" - Yoongi said acting annoyed - "Unless you don't want to."
"Of course I want, I just thought you wouldn't want to bottom to me" - Jimin answered.
"Why wouldn't I?" - Yoongi asked clearly surprised.
"Because I'm so called "woman" in this relationship and well I know you haven't done anything with guys before me, so I don't expect you to suddenly be all over and crave one up your " - Jimin explained.
"What the ? Can you get any more steriotypical?" - Yoongi was clearly shocked by Jimins answer - "First of all, you're not a woman and I'd never treat you like one, I fell in love with a man, and yeah it's true at first it was hard to accept, but I'm okay with it now, I wouldn't change a thing in you. Second, you're kind of right I'm not gonna suddenly be all about , but I'm all over one certain and I do crave to feel it up my , no matter how unbelievable it seems to you... , I really love you, Jimin... and I want to give myself to you."
"Amazing, now I'm gonna cry even before " - Jimin sniffled trying to hold back his tears.
"Shouldn't I be the one crying, after all it's my first time getting something in my " - Yoongi joked making Jimin laugh too.
"I could never hurt you" - Jimin said gently kissing Yoongi.
He took everything slow and gentle. Jimin was aching to get his release, but he restrained himself and made sure to carefully prepare Yoongi stopping whenever he saw the slightest discomfort in his lovers face. He wanted Yoongi to remember his first time with nothing but pleasure.
When Jimin finally took out his fingers and replaced it with his memeber, Yoongi barely felt any  pain, his lover had prepared and stretched him well. The slight burn he felt was soon forgotten when Jimin kept hitting that one spot inside oh him that made Yoongi see white. He came untouched giving Jimin a sight that took him over the edge.
Yoongi bottoming became a regular thing to them, they still sometimes switched, but they both preferred it when Jimin took control. Jimin loved it because he was the only one that saw Yoongi like that - giving all control to Jimin, all his facades falling under Jimins touches and kisses. And Yoongi who always controlled himself around people and hid behind his cold, swag personality, loved that with Jimin he didn't have to pretend, he gave his all to Jimin, let Jimin see corners of his being that no one else had seen and will never see.


First break up? They hadn't actually broken up, but they talked about it. It was Jimin who brought it up randomly asking what would happen if they'd break up? Would they be able to stay in the same band? He wondered if they would somehow go back to being just friends or every connection they had would just vanish?
"Do you want to break up with me?" - Yoongi asked weakly.
Jimin only then noticed tears in Yoongis eyes, other was desperately trying to hold them back, but failed miserably.
"Oh my God, baby I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that" - Jimin hurried to assure his lover - ".. Yoongi I really have no intention to break up with you anytime soon or well ever... I love you and I can't imagine not being together, even if our situation isn't ideal... I was just wondering, what would happen if... I...I..don't think I could handle us being anything but together...I just wanted to know if you feel the same...I'm sorry."
"I couldn't either..." - Yoongi said hugging Jimin closer to him - "I love you too much to even imagine my life without you... I know I shouldn't think like that, but losing you would mean losing reason to live... I might look strong, but I'm not strong enough to let you go... I've been in love before, but what I feel for you can't even be compared to those feelings, this is so much stronger. I never even thought I had it in me to love someone so much... I trust you more than I trust myself..."
No words could describe what Jimin was feeling at that moment, Yoongis confession made him feel so loved it scared him almost as much as his own feelings for the pale boy in his arms. He knew loving someone so much couldn't be healthy, but he couldn't care less.
"I love you" - Jimin said and without waiting for Yoongis answer connected their lips and kissed his boyfriend like there's no tomorrow 'cause nothing else mattered in that moment. It was just them and their undying love for each other.
After a while Yoongi slowly pulled away and looking lovingly in Jimins eyes he whispered - "You will be my last everything."
Jimins eyes teared up in understanding what that promise meant.
"And you will be my" - Jimin said before once again kissing Yoongi, pouring his everything in that kiss and receiving back just as much.


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Chapter 2: Yoonmin is life,bae :)
Chapter 2: OMG I LOVE THIS SO MUCHH <3 <3 <3 This one shot is so adorable and heartwarming as well >.< Though it might considered as Rated one, but it's really good! Looking forward for more Yoonmin OS~ ^-^
onceuponrepmon #3
Chapter 1: whoa..great job author nim!!^^
thatmoment #4
Chapter 1: Amazing!! There should be sequel where the other members find out. Also Suga and Jimin find out that they aren't the only couple. #Namjin #Vhope!