






Summary: Yi Fan is a prince that knows nothing of the outside world, while sleeping an unknown man attack his fathers tribe, killing his whole family, making him an orphan. one day while injured a young blind man found him and took him home, not knowing by helping him, he's putting himself in danger. now with his enemies on his back yi fan now known as kris will have no choice but to protect him, and hold his plans for the mean time. 










 kris a.ka. yi fan




 luhan; college student with unique hair color, his blood is very rare and did i mension his sick



 sehun twin  brother of jin, also a warewolf, he's luhan neighbhor and college mate, and not to mention a player thats very protective of luhan




 jin lost brother of sehun whose on the opposite side, he sometimes watches over luhan make sure nothing happens to him



 taemin brother of luhan,  he's been traveling alot with his mate who happens to be kris friend



 strong warewolf that loves to travel, kris and him were enemies at first, but now their friends and his helping kris get information


 more people will come soon






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Cutedongli #1
Chapter 1: Update soon