The Beauty of Fairytales

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Not all fairytales have a happily ever after.

In fairytales, those who suffer will always have a happy ending.

Evil is overthrown and good always wins, but that’s only in fairytales.

This is reality.


Do you believe in happily ever after’s?


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Chapter 1: Yeah! You update!! I can't wait for the next chapter and how her stories will continue :)
Chapter 3: can't wait for your update~^_^
Chapter 3: I really like the way you are writing this story♡ Fighting!!
Oh are you starting high school? That means you are my dong saeng for ine year >•<
Chapter 3: I'm so happy that you updated
Your description are 100% like my life. I don't have true friends in school. They always treat me like a ghost. I love reading fanfics because we can become any character we want and fairy-tale can happen in fiction every time. I also wish that miracles can happen in my life. Do update, I'll be waiting for your fairy-tale. :)