Delicate & Exuberant


It must have been fate when Donghae met Eunhyuk. Never had he met someone like him, and never in his world, did he imagine to be with him.

It must have been fate.

But why must fate be so cruel?




This is going to be a sad ending, if you are anything like me (and you like happy endings) you should stop reading it now. There will be no alt endings. 

You have been warned. 


A story dedicated to Sweaters and Jeans by D & E 

perhaps you should listen to it while you're reading.... because I wrote it while listening



It was cloudy.

And on cloudy days like these, Donghae would don his baby blue sweater, tattered at the edges and fading at the seams. It was on cloudy days like these that he would put on his jeans, the ones with holes in them, that were ragged and old. 

On gloomy days like these, he would be reminded of his love. And on days like these he would hug himself tight and cry.


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Chapter 1: this is nice and cute :) I'm looking forward to te next update :)