Chapter 2

Not How It Goes

Never before have I felt so awkward with another man. I did not think this would be so hard, always working and sleeping, yet it felt like most of my day was watching Ryeowook and Donghae giggle with each other and occasionally stealing a kiss or two. I did not have anything against gay men, not at all! Though, this feeling in me defiantly was not a good one. Some times, I felt like a jealous teenage girl who wants to claw someone’s eyes out.

This was driving me insane! Wait…no, that is ridiculous! I do not like men! I should slap myself for even thinking of that! Never the less, this was a sickening feeling. Despite this feeling, most of the time, I felt so smug when Ryeowook pushed Donghae away and asked me to play my violin for him.


I’m at the moment, trying my hardest NOT to scowl as Donghae asked Ryeowook for a kiss. It was the fourth time; Ryeowook would glance in my direction and shake his head. After the seventh time, Ryeowook  pushed himself off the couch and sat next to me on the love seat. “Henry~! You should play the violin for me! Please play it!” Ryeowook pouted; I saw his hand twitch as if trying not to move it. I stood up and smirked at the look on Donghae’s face. It was pure jealousy.


Even now, I still smirk or grin, even if I’m walking from work like now. Now that, I think about it... Aiden has not been over since then. As I neared my apartment, I could hear yelling from one of the doors. It was probably our neighbors again. They fought about everything. I wrapped my hand around the knob only to have it swinging open. Donghae stood on the other side of the door, his child-like face matching one of a forced child to give up his candy from Halloween.

He glowered at me before pushing past harshly with his shoulder. I glanced inside the house, to see Ryeowook on the ground sobbing. I soon realized that Ryeowook was the candy Donghae had lost, or by the looks of it, given up. I threw my backpack to the ground and slid myself next to Ryeowook on the floor. Instead of accepting my help, he pushed me away and crawled to lean on the wall.

“You,” he gasped, raising a pointed finger at me, “caused me to lose the love of my life!” his voice started as a whisper, gradually becoming a choked sob/scream. I then understood. Donghae had broken up with Ryeowook because of ME. For the next week, Ryeowook stayed home, frantically cleaning, his sobs erupting every once in a while. I tried my best to cheer him up and mostly get him to speak to me again. Yet he still watched me practice violin.

After a week, he finally started talking to me again. He revealed one night in a drunken state that he had gotten over Donghae because of his childish behavior towards the current situation. He also revealed that Donghae had accused him of cheating…with me. This was just my luck. A hangover later, Ryeowook warmed up to me and the next three months we became closer. Too close, which was so close my heart fell for the man who was my complete opposite. Ryeowook.

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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 5: What the?!?! Waeeeeee author waeee :((( this is so saaad
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 2: O.o so he broke up with hae?!?!
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 1: Aaaawww.. Its very interesting i think¥\¥
memoire- #4
It's sad.
But, it's nice!!!!
Love it!!!
MujaELFClouds #5
Mwo? O.o<br />
Wookie you don't have to pick up the letter you can still write it again T.T
So sad! So beautiful! T.T<br />
My poor Wookie T.T<br />
Poor Henry T.T<br />
Loved it~ It's nice to find a good HenWook :)
:(((( i never expected a sad ending from this story :( why would you even make it when they won't be happy at the end!!! Lol just kidding. It's really nice~ write more henwook stories. Haaha there aren't many here :(
oh my god. Henry is so clueless :( and look what happened :( aish. Update soon!
are you kidding me -____- henry no!! Aish. It's good!! Why don't you like it? Hahaha. Can't wait for the next chapter <3
nur267 #10