Entry # 2


Entry # 2

Ever have that feeling when your mouth dries up and your heart beats quickly when you see the one? Where your palms sweat and your pupils dilate? How you want to scream to the heavens that you're in love and whisper to the earth that you finally found it? Or even when you can practically feel your eyes metaphorically turning into hearts like in those old cartoons? Where you look down to see if there's a red string on your pinky or whatever soulmate story you could think of?

That's how Kris felt when he saw the cake on the table when he got home.

It meant that Sehun picked it up on his way home from work. Sehun knew how much of a sweet tooth the older man is, always making sure to give him a piece of cake from the local bakery at least once a week. And if he didn't, Kris made sure to hit him with the puppy eyes. Always works. On top of the plastic covering of the cake was a small yellow post-it with a smiley face drawn on it. Sehun's little signature when it came to things like this between them. Their little inside joke you could say.

Kris would never say this out loud, but Sehun is his favorite out of all his eleven roommates. They connected mentally and were even able to have conversations without even speaking. They were the first to grow close and become good friends during the first of Kris's awkward weeks of rooming with strangers. If he did say that out loud, Kyungsoo would have his head and refuse to take anymore food from the restaurant he worked at for Kris. Good thing Kyungsoo won't read this journal.

Good thing none of them will read th—


"Whatcha doin?" Baekhyun's lips are on his ear and it makes Kris shriek and roll away, slamming his journal shut.

"Totally not suspicious." Baekhyun smirks and crosses his arms from where he's standing in front of Kris's bed.

"Shut up." Kris grumbles and hides his journal in his pillow case when Baekhyun isn't looking.

"Why are you in here anyway?" Kris remember this being his and Xiumin's room.

"Well," Baekhyun sighs dramatically and clasps his hands in front of him. "can you take me to the carnival this weekend?"

Kris frowns, remembering that the annual carnival is in town for spring. He absolutely hated going there, because he'd leave with empty pockets and no large stuffed animal.

"Ask someone else." Kris grunts as he slides off the bed, standing up and stretching his long arms.

"No one wants to go with me." Baek intensifies his puppy eyes.

Kris gives him an unamused look, not falling for his tricks like the first time. He shakes his head and exhales, walking out of the room. Baekhyun proceeds to continue whining, tugging at Kris's sleeve and poking his back to make convince him to just take him.

"I need a pillow." Kris says flatly as Baekhyun follows behind him into the living room.

"Why?" Xiumin looks up curiously from where he's sitting on the couch watching football with Luhan and Lay.

"So I can smother myself with it."

"You will do no such thing!" Kyungsoo calls from the kitchen where's preparing himself a sandwich for lunch.

"You take everything too literally." Kris pouts to himself and sits next to Xiumin, frowning when he feels how cold he is. No one comments when Kris holds his hand and cuddles up close. But Lu Han does open his mouth but Lay shuts him up before he could say anything stupid or erted.

"Why do you want to smother yourself?" Lay asks, amusement creeping in his tone.

"He won't take me to the carnival!" Baekhyun whines, cutting off Kris before he could explain his sudden desire to put himself in a coma.

"Like on a date?" Chanyeol walks in, drying his wet hair with a towel.

"Kris is going on a date with Baek?" Kyungsoo walks in right after, looking like he ate rotten cheese.

"The carnival and people squeeze money out of you." Kris scowls and pinches his nose.

"How rude." Lu Han grunts.

Xiumin hums softly and runs his hand through Kris's hair, trying to calm him and get rid of the scowl. Kris melts into his touch, even though his hand is cold as hell (talk about oxymoron wow). Lay clicks his tongue and leans back into his seat with a frown on his face.

"What's a date?"

The room immediately goes still, and Kris blinks in confusion. He misses the look shared between Kyungsoo and Chanyeol, and Baekhyun's facepalm. Lu Han represses a sigh, kind of wishing that Lay would have asked this question once Kris was gone. Lay had been the last of them to reach Earth, and had not been able to quickly understand human customs. Lu Han leans over and whispers in his ear, and Lay's mouth forms into an 'o' shape before nodding and snapping his fingers.

"How do you not know what a date is, Lay?" Kris scratches his temple, looking at the male.

Lay just shrugs at him and goes back to watching football. Kris snorts and shakes his head. Lay is the weirdest of the bunch. Definitely. Kris is momentarily distracted when Chanyeol sits next to him, releasing a heat that makes the man want to bury himself closer to Xiumin. Sitting next to Xiumin and Chanyeol was like being Fall. He was stuck in between Summer and Winter.

"You still didn't answer my question." Baekhyun huffs and snaps at him from where he's sitting in the loveseat.

"I am not taking you to the carnival." Kris grumbles and hides his face in Xiumin's shoulder.

"Even if I pay for everything?"

That has Kris sitting up and whipping his head in Baek's direction.


"It's a date!" Baekhyun says in a sing song voice, pumping his fist and wiggling in his seat.

"It's not a date." Lu Han and Kyungsoo say simultaneously.

"Don't you two start." Suho snaps at them from where he's seated at the dining table looking at papers. He had been silent up until now, too focused to worry about Baekhyun's whining. But the minute he could feel an argument arising, he made quick to stop it.

"Thank you Suho." Kris grins and sends him a wink. He laughs when Suho shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

"So it's a date? We're leaving at eight. Bring me flowers!" Baekhyun shouts as he walks towards the door and puts on his coat. Probably heading out to grab a bite to eat despite the refrigerator being filled to the brim with food. Or he could be making a timely escape to avoid bodily harm.

"Baekhyun, I'm going to strangle you."

Try to figure out who said that one.

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Chapter 2: I love where your going with this story.
Error_707 #2
Chapter 2: Loving the story ! Update please!!!
JiYuKuo #3
Chapter 2: update please author nim...Im still waiting for you...
geron_bacurin #4
Chapter 2: Please......pleaseee...... update already. It's been more than 1 yr. This story deserves to be told.... it has a very interesting and amazing plot, judging from the 2 chapters that you've posted. So please..... update now!!!!! I beg you....!!!
Brilovesyou #5
Chapter 2: please please say you will update soon?!?! i love your story it makes me laugh a lot. i kind of wonder if some of the members have read his journal already haha.
LilyClover #6
Chapter 2: I guess.... Kyungsoo?? 'Am not too sure though maybe Jongin etc etc except for Baekhyun.... anyway this story is so interesting!!! Hope for more please!!! *puppy eyes EXO*
Chapter 2: still excited to read more!!
CrazyDemonPanda #8
Chapter 2: Úpdate please
Chapter 2: Hope you update soon! I'm loving this story already!
JiYuKuo #10
Chapter 2: UPDATE~!!!!!! god I'am loving this story :3