

I'm the typical fantasy girl that you read in books. I'm pretty, I can sing, I'm filthy rich, I'm tall, y, and I am a part of the top 1% in the nation. I have everything and I am everything. Still, I have this imperfection. Everybody has one flaw hiding behind their cell, I believe. However, mine's a little bit different.

You see, I say what I want to say. People call me for it but I don't care. If my honesty makes me a so be it. Anyway, that wasn't the flaw I was talking about. When I think of something bad about someone or hope that something bad would happen to someone, it reflects on me. You don't get it, do you? For example, I say that she's ugly because of all those pimples and acne feasting on her forehead. The next morning, I would surely get the same pimples and acne which used to live on her forehead.

And hers?


Nothing happened.

This nightmare started happening to me when I was on kindergarten. I had this classmate who was annoying and incredibly sensitive and did I forget to mention how dumb she was? Yes, she was. So dumb that the only thing she knew was to stick her fingers on her nose. She was disgusting as she'll ever be, obviously.

Then I thought of one of the most stupid things that I had ever thought of - I hope she'll get embarrassed that she could never let her stupid face to be seen at school. Eventually, what I hoped for happend to me!

HOORAY!  P.S Please note my sarcasm.

How did it happen?

She was at the school, the annoying stupid little girl that I was talking about. She went behind me and wiped her booger on my hair to get rid off it. Furious, I screamed one thing that I've heard from movies. Words that I thought would be cool if it would come from me, "you son of a !" Everyone looked at me. The kids, parents, and teachers were there.

And that moment, I didn't know what it meant but now, damn.

That was indeed embarrassing.

The curse stopped ever since I was in high school. I somehow calculated how to manage things. I started diverting my attention away from the negative aura around me.

Then this annoying man stepped into my life.

And everything's ruined.

I started having bad thoughts again.

And damn, they were all directed to me.




As I said earlier, I'm perfect. Being a girl-next-door? Definitely not me. I admit it. I'm beautiful and intelligent but my attitude is AN ABSOLUTE ZERO. I say what I want to say to avoid my curse. Do you get what I'm saying? No? I'll explain a little further next time.





He's incompetent, stupid and all he does is to dance. He doesn't know anything related to books and it annoys me everytime. He reminds me of my stupid classmate when I was younger. Oh, I remembered. He also has this extreme talent of annoying me. And he's the reason of why all of these bad luck are happening to me.





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