Chapter 1

Unexpected Love

“Oh my god, I look so damn hot.” I muttered to myself as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

 It was the day of my wedding, and I could not help but be in awe of my wonderful wedding dress that my dear fiancé and soon-to-be husband picked out himself.

“I agree. You could be a ing model.” My best friend and maid of honor, Tiffany, comments teasingly and my eyes rake over her baby blue bridesmaids dress as well.

“Shutup, we all look hot.” My mother snickers as she twirls in her own dress and we giggle at her.

I spot my dad scratch his head nervously on the sofa on the other side of the room as he stares at my mom secretly and I grin at him. He catches my eye smiles cheekily.

Suddenly, my mom grabs my arm and drags me off, “Come on before Taecyeon changes his mind and realizes he deserves better.” She teases and I laugh heartily.

“I’ll take from here then.” My dad steps in, holding my other hand and my mom glares at him.

“Fine.” She scoffs and I roll my eyes at their bickering.

They’ve never really had an ideal relationship even though they’ve been married for almost 35 years with no plans of divorce just yet. I knew my dad loved my mom more than anything in the world and I also knew that through her tough exterior, my mom loved my dad just as much. That was enough for me.

“Come on daddy.” I squeeze his hand as he ushers me into the flower decorated car and Tiffany follows right behind.

“So…no plans of abandoning him today?” My dad says out of nowhere and Tiffany and I laugh at his attempt of starting a conversation. He was such an awkward guy and it was adorable.

“No, he’s too perfect to be abandoned.” I reply dreamily and I meant what I said.

I met Taecyeon back in my college days when I used to be the biggest party girl and heartbreaker of the campus. Thankfully, Taec got me back on track and made me straighten my life out and that was when I realized that he was the one.

Out of all of the guys I have ever been with, he was the most caring, the most loving and the most kind. It took me a long time to let him into my heart because he confused me. Most guys just wanted me for but he wanted something more, and he got it.

“You ready baby girl?” My dad hollered and my eyes widened when I realized that we had reached the church when I was spacing out.

I exhaled and inhaled heavily and locked eyes with my father, “I’m ready daddy.”

He smiled and his dimple on his right cheek appeared, “Okay.”

He climbed out of the car, leaving only me and Tiffany together. I looked at her nervously because really, who isn’t nervous on their wedding day?

“Wish me luck.” Tiffany huffed and I frowned at her.

“Wish you luck?”

She rolled her eyes as if the answer was obvious, “Yeah, bridesmaids are usually the ones that ruin weddings, duh.”

I chuckled at her and we exited the car together. My dad stuck out his arm for me and I held onto it tightly.

“Let’s do this.” He said and I nodded at him, determined.

The wedding song started playing as the church doors were opened for me and all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way down the aisle until only me and my dad were left. I breathed heavily as I took careful, calculated steps forward.

When I entered the hall, everyone stood up immediately, making me even more nervous. My eyes darted everywhere as I spotted familiar faces all over.

There was one face though, that wasn’t so familiar. I only had one glance at her and it felt like I’ve been kicked in the stomach with butterflies. She had long, curly brown hair with bangs that made her look extremely young, a cute button nose and deep onyx orbs.

Unfortunately, someone stepped in the way, blocking my view from her. I took another glance and she was gone. It was almost like she disappeared and for some reason, I found myself wanting to find her once more.

“Jessica.” My dad whispered, bringing my attention back to him.

“Yeah?” I whispered back and the mysterious girl was now forgotten.

“I love you.”

“I love you back daddy.” I grinned at him and he smiled shyly back.

Before I knew it, I reached Taecyeon who has been smiling fondly at me since I entered the hall. Dad placed my hands in Taecyeon’s and I spotted a tear roll down his cheek.

“Hey baby, time to get married.” Taec whispered excitedly and I smiled at him toothily.


“Jessica!” My mom scolded, taking the cupcake in my hand that I was about to dig into.

I whined at her and she rolled her eyes before giving in and handing the cupcake back to me which I happily took back.

“You have someone you need to meet.”

My eyebrow quirked at her as she waved someone over. Suddenly, the smell of roses filled my senses as a familiar but not-so familiar girl made her way over to the both of us.

My eyes widened and my mouth went agape as the girl grinned at me and I spotted a cute little chin dimple as she smiled.

“This is Kim Taeyeon, she is your florist.” My mom explained and I nodded, never taking my eyes off of her.

“Hi.” Taeyeon greeted, sticking her hand for me to shake and I took it hesitantly.

I gasped quietly as our skin made contact. Her soft hand shot what felt like electricity through me although it seemed like I was the only one affected since she kept a straight face on.

“H-Hi back.” I flushed.

“I did your flowers.” Taeyeon mused and I nodded shyly. I let go of her hand and smiled at her.

“Thank you…They’re beautiful.” I looked around at the several arrangements at each table and truly, they were splendid. All of the flowers were lilies, my favourite.

After a few awkward beats of silence, she spoke up once again shyly, which I found very cute, “ I guess I’ll be leaving no-“

“No!” I intervened before she could finish and my mom and Taeyeon looked at me weirdly.

I cleared my throat, “You should at least stay for the reception, please.”

She blinked twice before smiling a toothy smile, making my stomach turn into knots. I smiled back at her and she averted her eyes away from me sheepishly.

She kicked the ground and clasped her hands together behind her back in a nervous type of way,making me smile. “Okay...” 

“Aish, we have to go; Wooyoung’s making his best man speech.” My mom interrupted tiredly, knowing the type of person Wooyoung was before Taeyeon or I could say anything else and I sighed mentally.

“Alright then. See you soon?” I said instead of ‘Goodbye’ because I had a feeling I would meet her again soon.

She smiled and her chin dimple made another appearance, “See you soon Jessica.” I shivered as my name rolled off of her tongue.

My mom dragged me away to my husband but all I could think about was her throughout everybody’s speeches and whatnot. I kept looking into the crowd for her for some reason but I couldn’t find her.


I smiled happily up at my handsome husband as we danced together on the dancefloor with all of our guests.

“Unnie!” A shrill voice shrieked and I grinned to the little person, clinging onto my legs like her life depended on it.


Taecyeon hoisted her up in between us and I smiled lovingly at the picture we made.

“Unnie, I have a question.”

I gulped, knowing she would probably ask us another one of her unanswerably difficult riddle like questions. For a 9 year old, she was already the smartest in the family.

“Adam’s mom has three children,” She started and I looked to Taec nervously but he just shook his head.

“One is April, the other’s name is May, what’s her third child’s name?”

“June!” Taec yelled out determinedly and Krystal burst out laughing.

“Is it March?” I tried but she just shook her head no, stifling her laughter.

“It’s Adam.” A soft, feminine voice answered and my eyes almost fell out of my sockets when I realized it was Kim Taeyeon, the person I’ve been unconsciously searching for.

She smiled at Krystal sweetly and my sister wiggled out of Taec’s embrace and stuck her hands out in the air, wanting Taeyeon to hold her, which she did.

“I like you.” Krystal poked the older woman’s cheek and my eyes widened.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry, she’s usually not like this.” I explained, trying to get Krystal back but she kicked me away.

“Soojung-ah come here.” I cooed.

“Annio!” She replied childishly before burying herself in Taeyeon’s hair. For some reason, I felt like doing that too.

Taeyeon smiled at me, “It’s fine, I like kids. Oh by the way! Congratulations!”

She shook Taecyeon’s hand and then mine as well. My heart fluttered when she squeezed a little. She looked at me with a sort of glint in her mysterious brown eyes and I felt my knees become wobbly but it was a short lived trance because we eventually had to let go.

“Well hello there.” Wooyoung stepped in randomly out of nowhere and shook Taeyeon’s hand right after we let go.

Wooyoung winked at her and I cringed, knowing he was probably going to embarrass himself again. I always found him in these sorts of predicaments due to his playboy lifestyle.

“What’s your name beautiful?”

She chuckled and I stared at her cute little chin dimple, “Taeyeon, Kim Taeyeon.”

Krystal finally turned around and glared at Wooyoung, who glared back like a child. “Go away oppa! Taeyeon-unnie don’t talk to him, he’s weird.” Soojung warned.

Everyone burst out laughing except for Wooyoung who was glaring even harder at my sister who was returning the favour.

“Okay, enough. Taec come, I need to talk to you.” Wooyoung dragged a smirking Taecyeon away, leaving only Krystal, Taeyeon and I.

“Uh…I think I have to go now…” Taeyeon spoke after a few seconds and I nodded, forcefully taking a whining Krystal away from her.

“Can I see you again??” Krystal whined and I smiled apologetically at Taeyeon who was grinning at Krystal.

“Sure buddy.” She ruffled her hair and I smiled at the two.

Taeyeon turned to look at me and we both stared at each other for what felt like centuries even though I knew in the back of my mind, it had only been a couple of seconds.

“Bye.” She said almost inaudibly and I blinked out of my trance.


Author POV

On the other side of the banquet hall, Wooyoung was trying his best to convince his lifelong best friend, Taecyeon, to hook him up with the gorgeous woman that he had just met and can’t take his mind off of, Kim Taeyeon.

Taec rolled his eyes and put his hands up in surrender, “Fine fine, I’ll hook you up.” He sighed in defeat after Wooyoung had tried persuading him ever since he was dragged away.

Wooyoung jumped in joy, literally.

“Invite her to dinner with us sometime.” He pleaded with a dreamy look in his eye.

“I’ll invite her as soon as we come back from the honeymoon, okay?” Taecyeon promised, amused at his best friend’s lovesick behaviour.

“Perfect! Ah, I’m so excited~~ what should I wear?” Wooyoung mumbled happily to himself as Taecyeon observed him.

“Wow, is the almighty Jang Wooyoung finally going to settle down?” He teased and Wooyoung frowned.

“Well…watching you and Jessica finally getting married makes me feel like a kid. I guess everyone has to grow up right?” He replied sadly and Taecyeon sighed.

He patted his friend’s back roughly, “Just because I’m married now doesn’t mean anything’s going to change between us, okay? We’re still best buds.”

Wooyoung smiled at him before hugging him tight, like they always did when they were kids. 

A/N : what do you think ? Interesting?

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Soumyapunz5 #1
Chapter 3: Update plz 🙏
Chapter 3: Oh my god, this is so great! Wish you could continue this author ㅠㅠ
danyels_Lulu #3
Chapter 3: Omg please update author
Taefanyhwang #4
Chapter 3: Omg just found this ff! It's amazing pls update Author! And btw I guess the movie you're referring to is Imagine me and you :)
Chapter 3: Jessica's POV Please! :D Hopefully you can continue this story. It's really interesting xD Thank you for the ff author :)
Chapter 3: This fic is AMAZING!!! Taengoo is sooooooo sweet!!
Chapter 3: that was amazing <3 I absolutely love your fic !! can't wait for more ^^
mzlyod #9
Chapter 3: U two women areso dangerous............
Bumella #10
Chapter 3: Thx for the awesomeeeee update...haha ahh I'm curious to know bout sica's pov with taengoo's hot dress mhehe