My Special One

Something Special
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Chapter 6 My Special One






Jongin's high school crush on Taemin was mostly about his pretty features and his dance skills. He had even fantasized on that slim body whom danced so good, you know, teenagers and their hormones...Kai was discovering his uality. But it was all platonic, they didn't know each other, they barely greeted, let alone talk. Now it's all different. Now, Jongin gets to know how Taemin really is, he know his funny side, Taemin likes to joke. It's fun to be around him. Taemin is caring, he really care of the few people close to him and Jongin is really happy to be part of them. And there is his love for dance, it's almost the same as Jongin's, yet it's a bit different. Taemin really love dancing and for him came all natural, Jongin has worked so damn hard for become as good as him, but he never envied the other, always estimated him. And now he can even teach him, he is so proud about that. After all it's exactly their love for dance whom bring them so close. The hyung is really serious about his job. After they met, Jongin has searched all Taemin's articles he find them really interesting, on point, and smart. He thinks that Taemin is really smart, smarter than himself. That was one of the causes whom he felt a bit insecure and he took so long for shows his real feelings to the elder. Taemin is really passionate about his job, sometimes when they talk about it Kai listen in silent, amazed; he really admire him. For all these reasones his feelings now, are a lot stronger than then, this isn't just a crush or attraction anymore. It's something more real, more intense and deep. He has never had this feeling for anyone before. Jongin has dated few boys in college, of course, he also had a relationship, Kyungsoo was his boyfriend for one semester. Kai was into him, he liked him, enjoyed spent times with him. But he never felt this way. Now he feels the need to see Taemin, to spend time with him, and when they are together, his heart flutters, he feels an happiness never felt before.




Taemin awakes with the ringing doorbell . "Who in hell wakes up so early on Sunday?" He rubs the sleep from his eyes and goes to open the door.

"Jongin," - he smiles bright at the younger, happy to see him - "why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep, I missed you, why yesterday I haven't see you nor hear you at all?" He pouts.

"Sorry, yesterday I had some work to do at the newspaper and then came out a work dinner." Taemin let him in. "I have missed you too."

Jongin press his lips on Taemin's "Good morning."- He whispers in the kiss.

"Good morning you too."- The elder replies kissing him back and taking his hand "But I'm still to sleepy;"- Taemin guide him to his bedroom "Come and sleep with me!"

Taemin returns in his place in bed, still warm, and Jongin lays beside him. They are facing, looking each other in silence, with their lips curled in an half smile. It's an odd sensation, but at the same time it feels right.

"Can I hug you?"- The younger proposes.

Taemin nods. "I was about to ask it myself!" He slides a bit toward Jongin, who is doing the same and places his arms around Taemin's waist. The elder rest his head on Jongin's chest.

"Much better now." 

"Wow is this because of me?" - Taemin asks with a proud smile, looking up to Jongin's face. His heart is beating really fast.

"I can't help it, it's how I feel about you." - Jongin answer unhesitatingly.

Taemin takes his hand and press it on his own chest "I feel the same Jonginnie."

It's true, Kai can sense the fast pounding under his hand. Taemin press a sweet kiss on Kai's chest, well, exactly on his white t-shirt. Inhaling his scent. Kai's white musk shower gel smell.

"Umm you smell so good!"

"Lucky for you, I just showered" - Jongin jokes.

"It's not just that, I like your real scent, it's more than an odour. It's what I sense being close to you." Taemin is still talking against Jongin's chest. He has one hand on Kai's chest and the other is caressing up Jongin's arm to his shoulder. Jongin's mind flies at that time when he was smelling Taemin's shirt like an idiot. They really have the same feelings.

"I know." Jongin starts to play with the eldest's hair.

"If you keep touching my hair like this I'll fall asleep on you, Nini."

"It's ok, you can rest!"

"Are you sure? Is this position comfortable?"

"I have never felt better, Taem."

"Good, sweet dreams."- Taemin whispers falling just few moments after.

The sound of his sleeping breath lulls Jongin to dreamland too.




Taemin awakes feeling warm, strong arms around him, such a good sensation. He had always loved being alone, but this is better, have someone, not just someone, have Jongin, sleeping with him it's great. Taemin slowly opens his eyes, such a nice view, Jongin's ruffle hair, his slightly parted plump lips, without mentioning his cheek bones. Why he look so hot in his sleep? Taemin feels his morning wood grow against Jongin's leg whom rest between his own. Maybe he isn't the only one; because Jongin has just opened his eyes.

"Good morning."- He whispers smiling.

"Good afternoon, actually."- Taemin try to back off a bit, but Jongin hold him in place.

"God, you look so handsome right now Taeminnie."- He pulls Taemin on top of him for face him and stare in his beautiful eyes.

"Oh you are the one talking? Your sleepy face is even hotter than your smirk! How is that possible?"

"Oh, I can feel how much you are meaning it!"- Kai smirks. 

Taemin blushes but he isn't the only one, in this position he can feel Jongin's against his hip. He his hips, just a bit for , and press his lips on Jongin's who happily kisses him back. "I should go to wash my teeth.."

"You aren't going anywhere !"- Jongin holds Taemin by his waist pressing their bodies together he slide his tongue in Taemin's mouth in a really passionate and hot kiss.

The elder play with his tongue a bit then

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Chapter 11: Continue plz I wanna know what happens next authornim!!
Totyfroty #2
Chapter 11: Pllllllease continue this story, I hope you'll update soon.
Chapter 11: Oh my gosh!!!! Why is this the final?!?!!! There MUST be more!!!!!!!!!! SDGLNCWYBSHNKCSGJFR
woosansweetkins #4
Chapter 11: Finally they had : ) thank's for sharing^^ are you shawol? I'm shawol and taekai hardcore shipper of course^^
taekai69 #5
Chapter 11: Dtgjhkngfhhyttuhjy
Chapter 11: Loved it! It was wonderful, and the jealousy scene was good, so don't worry about it! Anyway, see you next time! Fighting!
Shihaam1 #8
Chapter 11: Wow! That Is Amazingly y & Steamy Between TaeKai I Love It Thanks & I Can't Wait For More:)