Cutie Boy

Cutie Boy
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Minho is a gang leader.


Not the leader of a mafia or something. Just the leader of Princeton High's troublemaker gang. The strongest school gang in town.


They cause trouble, but they cause trouble while doing good stuff (or so they say). They protect their school and the neighbourhood from all the eyes they deem harmful (and they are also known as the Black Eye Gang because even a simple quarrel with them earns you a black eye).


Minho has two boys that keep his right and left in check and get him and the rest of the gang out of many troubles that they eventually land into. Yep, Jinki and Jonghyun are Minho's best buddies and kinda equal to him in the high school social standing (if anything as such exists), but Minho's proportion between his mind and fists in addition to his flaming aura gives him the title of the school leader. He is school leader also because Jinki is too smart and chooses not to fight ("That's right! I am not weak. Not one bit."), and Jonghyun is too stupid and he is the one bringing in the fights, ("They opened their ing mouths first!").


In one of the fights Jonghyun had yet again brought in, Minho was yawning as he faced Drium High's sumo leader.


"Princeton High is not supposed to use the park. Drium High is closer to the park so the park is ours." The Sumo leader said.


"Go find yourself another park, fatty!" Jonghyun yelled at him, and Minho glared at Jonghyun before stepping ahead.


"You need a gym not a park. Bonus! It's even closer to your school. Go lounge there and forget the park." He turned, motioning his gang to leave quietly, but he heard the sumo leader shout at his gang to attack them.

". I hate being called the Black Eye gang leader." Minho said, landing a punch on his attacker without even turning. He turned, expecting his sight to be filled with a knocked out boy with a black eye, but instead a very different sight passed by him, a sight so entrancing, so shiny, a sight that made his heart go all doki-doki. He watched the sight leave the park and a sudden frenzy took over him, leaving him wanting to see more. And Minho wasn't the type to let an idiotic fight replace a glorious encounter with someone he somehow knew he could possibly fall in love with.


He pushed Drium High's fatty leader away and ran out of the park, following the sight that had him captivated.


The boy who Minho had tailed for around a kilometer finally turned, a frown adorning his cute face. "You following me?" He folded his arms, blowing air to his dark bangs.


"Yup." Minho replied straightaway.




Minho scratched the back of his head, feeling all too nervous (which he claimed that he never felt), "Um..because I wanted to ask you out."




"Go out with me."


The boy stared at him with wide eyes, before averting them, his face getting slightly rosy before he said, “Okay.”


Minho grinned at his answer, "So what's your name?"




"And I am Minho."

Taemin smiled, "Then...see you around, Minho." He waved at him bashfully and walked away.


Minho waved back, giggling to himself in quite an unmanly way, before clearing his throat and fixing his mannerism.

And when he got back to school later, he was bombarded with questions and complaints about leaving the fight, which he found very possible to ignore, for his encounter with Taemin was strong enough to numb his senses and take his mind to Tae-dreamland.




Minho and his gang had just got out of a heated argument with a group of eve teasers and were cooling off at the park. It had been almost a week since that encounter and Taemin was all Minho could think of. He remembered his frown, his pout, his blush, his voice, his smile, "So cute."


Jinki grimaced at the silly grin plastered on Minho's face, signalling to Jonghyun who sat oblivious to their leader's strange behavior. Jonghyun looked at Jinki, not understanding his motions one bit and Jinki sighed, before shaking his head, "Idiot."


Minho rolled on the grass, making Jinki raise brows at the careless and carefree way Minho was loitering around while daydreaming.


The small ring of a bicycle bell broke Minho's daydreaming and he sat up, his view filling with a familiar mess of dark hair, this time swaying in the wind faster and a soft chuckle in a voice he had been replaying in his mind for the past week. He shot up right away, fixing his hair and brushing the grass off his clothes.


"How do I look?" He asked Jonghyun.




"Cool." Minho smiled before rushing behind the bicycle.


Jonghyun stared at Minho's leaving figure before staring at Jinki questioningly and Jinki sighed heavily, a small smile taking over his face as he turned to spot Minho trying to catch up to a bicycle.


"Why did he run off like that?" Jonghyun finally formed his question, shifting closer to Jinki.

"Because you are an idiot.” Jinki sighed, leaving Jonghyun to ridiculously fret and ponder, while he watched him restlessly ask everyone.


“What the did I do?!”



After a few metres of making Minho sprint behind him, Taemin finally realised he was being followed yet again, halted his bike and turned, his lips curling up into a smile on finding Minho catch up to him.


"Hey." Minho panted.


"Hi." Taemin replied, getting off his bicycle.


They walked together till the park gates while Minho waited for his breath to calm. Once Taemin had paid the rent of the bike, Minho grabbed onto his wrist. "Date?"




"Let's go on a date."


And Minho found himself at the arcade, enjoying Taemin's lousy skills at gaming and then at the ice cream parlour, enjoying Taemin's messy sundae gobbling.


A little too much, he might add.




Kibum could no longer tolerate the chuckles of his best friend and he stomped on his foot, making him yelp in the middle of the class.


"Anything wrong, Mr Lee?" The teacher raised a brow and Taemin shook his head, before lowering it down to rest on his desk, embarrassed.


"What you did that for?" Taemin snarled at Kibum softly when the teacher had turned back to the board.


"You looked too ew doing such schoolboy-in-love things." Kibum replied, smirking.


Taemin's face shaded but he did not respond...because well, he was acting like some love crazed fellow.


He had just taken off to a stroll in another neighborhood where no one would recognize him and had encountered a confession from a handsome boy. He normally would rule out such guys as stalkers or guys wanting their asses to be kicked, but there was something about Minho which made him agree to date him.


When he had gotten home that day, he thought maybe he won’t ever see Minho again, but next week he found himself renting out a bike in the same park, strangely wanting to see him. He had left it on fate and he was damn happy when Minho had been running behind him again.


He was a gentle and caring soul, quite unlike anyone Taemin had met, and there was something else which he couldn’t place his finger on, which made Minho a magnet for his attention. With every date, every text and every call, Taemin found himself falling harder, and he did not regret having recklessly agreed to date Minho.


After all, it were the most unpredictable instances where you find the most wondrous things!


He straightened up at the bell and decided to call Minho to hear his voice before grabbing lunch, but Kibum snatched his phone away, making Taemin shoot glares at him. "What."


"The boys from Westle High are troubling the girls again. You said we'll sort ‘em out in today's break."


Taemin sighed. The school he went to- Emero High- used to be an all girls school until around four years ago. In spite of the four years time period, girls dominated the student population in Emero High, leaving only a handful of guys in the whole campus. When Kibum and Taemin had enrolled, Kibum had no problem socialising with girls and Taemin did not mind it as well. After all, a school with so many girls will be a more bubbly place, a place where there won't be boys playing horrid pranks, teasing the girls, or getting into fights. His middle school experience had been horrible with him forcibly getting into fights. Plus point was that he was now a skilled fighter, but he absolutely hated being branded a delinquent. His grades and the teachers' impression would be effortlessly ruined; and oh, his chance at romance had forever been slim because of it as well. So Emero HIgh was the school he wanted, to maintain his grades and peace of mind, to be the well-liked, hassle-free student and to find his thrilling romance (which he had already now).


But Kibum being the scaredy cat he was, forced Taemin to take care of a few eve-teasers around school who were troubling their female classmates repeatedly. He was going to just speak sense into them but damn, they were just so irritable and he got so pissed with their attempts of dissing him that he had to throw a few punches to set them straight.


And Kibum, being the cunning scaredy cat he was, announced Taemin as Emero High's school leader and burdened him with the responsibility of protecting the students from all evil that lurked nearby.


So Taemin found himself back to being branded a delinquent, but now he was a leader of delinquents, which Kibum kept reminding him was not bad at all. He was actually protecting the school's pure atmosphere and all that good-y crap; and the teachers were kinda relieved about it- was what Kibum said, and Taemin pondered a while, let the word spread and found that strangely, him being a school gang leader did no harm.


"Did they ask to meet or is it a surprise visit?" Taemin asked and Kibum returned him his phone which the boy soon pocketed.

"Surprise visit would have been fun, but sad luck. The Westle weasels came asking to get their asses kicked."

"Then gather the guys. We'll do what we always do. First-"

"Talk peacefully, then threaten, if problem still unsolved, we fight." Kibum rolled his eyes. "Got it."

They reached the venue a few minutes later and just as Taemin had instructed, they talked, then threatened, but the leader of Westle High was too adamant. Taemin finally got pissed by the way he kept glancing ertly at a few girls and silently checked out Kibum. He walked forward, "Last warning. Do not lurk around our school nor tail the girls."

"In your dreams." He pushed Taemin off before making his way to Kibum who shrieked, backing away.

Taemin caught his balance and landed a quick, hard kick on Westle High's leader's , making him fall to his face, ", do not forget I gave you a warning." He raised his hand to stop the other two guys from jumping into the fight. He turned to find the rest of the Westle gang surrounding him and he clicked his tongue, before pulling up his sleeves, "If you ruin my clothes, I will make sure each of you goes home with two black eyes."


"Hah. Black eye. See? I told you leader, Emero's leader was dating Princeton's leader." One of the Westle boy's snickered. The leader got up, rubbing his bum, "Now I know where the guts are coming from. Listen, you rascal! You cannot take our right to fun by using your boyfriend's name!"


Taemin's brows constricted, "What do you mean?"


"Everyone knows it. You and Princeton's boss being on hanky-panky terms."


Taemin's face swelled up in anger. "I think you deserve more than black eyes for spitting out such !"


"It's not -"


But before any more could have been spat out, Taemin had shut their ty mouths by giving them the black eyes as promised and a kick to the balls if they came attacking him again. He dusted his hands and turned away from the groaning boys, his eyes meeting his relieved male classmates and a satisfied Kibum with his gang of girls. He stripped himself off his coat and threw it at Kibum, "Give me your coat. I ain't going on a date with a dirty one."


"Why?" Kibum raised his brows in interest, as he threw his coat on Taemin. "It's easier you tell your boyfriend you who truly are." He chuckled, “The Prince of Emero whose signature move is a kick to the balls.”

Taemin rolled his eyes, “You dare sum me up in those words again.” He sighed, "I just...wanna be sure enough before telling him. He is so gentle. I don't want him to run away." His cheeks tinged a pink, making a highly contradicting scene with the background he stood against.

"Of course." Kibum smirked, "I understand. Any sane guy would run before thinking of dating someone like you. Just a piece of advice. If your boyfriend ever pisses you off, don’t go around kicking him. You will regret it later!”

Taemin punched his arm, scowling embarrassedly, before putting on Kibum's neat coat and setting his askew hair straight while walking away.


Kibum just watched him go in amusement, “I wonder who this gentle boyfriend of yours is. Aish, leave it, I am not curious. He will be an idiot, after all.”



Taemin entered the cafe and ordered a milkshake, hoping Minho would turn up because today's meet up was more of a one sided decision. He had suggested they meet up and Minho was yet to reply, but Taemin couldn't help but head to the venue first, in high hopes of having Minho already standing, ready to surprise him.


But fat chance, there was no Minho, there was no surprise...just him and his lonely (but delicious looking) milkshake. He glanced around, waiting, before a few words from the other side of the cafe met his ears.


"Hey, news. Princeton and Emero's leaders are dating!"


What? Not that nonsense again. Taemin chugged down his shake in one go, frustrated at the baseless rumours polluting the air; and when he put the glass down, a handsome grin met his eyes.


Minho was sitting opposite him, his eyes twinkling so charmingly that Taemin found himself redden by the second. "You came." He said, wiping the cream off his lips with his sleeve.


Minho groaned in regret inwardly, for he had wanted to wipe the cream off Taemin's lips (with his own lips of course), but he let his feeling go and instead took in more of the charming adorableness in front of him.


"What really? Come again?"


"Emero and Princeton's leaders are dating!"


Both Taemin and Minho's faces paled and they stared at each other in shock before quickly fixing their expressions.


"I wonder who Emero's leader is." Minho said, breaking the nervousness that had suddenly filled the air.


"And I wonder who Princeton's leader is. I don't know him."


"Oh." Minho sighed with relief, "But, wait, you are from Emero High, right?"


"Ah, yeah." Taemin replied, "And..." He glanced at Minho's coat, which the boy did not usually wore, "You are from Princeton!" He exclaimed, his eyes wide, "Do you know who Princeton's leader is?"


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Chapter 1: giggling from the very first line to the end NOOOOOOO THEY'RE SO CUTEEEEEEE 😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 1: Funny n cute 🥰
Chapter 1: Incredibly Adorable 🤭🥰💓
Chapter 1: Here Again....
Chapter 1: I love how they accept each other! Love it
Chapter 1: you know, i was thinking you could've change the school's name to make it more personalized. you could use the entertainment agency name or a random kpop group name for the fic. Other than that, this is a good read
Chapter 1: I'm so entertain and that's what matter. I can't stop laughing
Chapter 1: I really want to drown myself in this fic....
so good... awesome.... perfect and... lovely.......
thank You ^_^
Chapter 1: Love love lalalalaaaaaa yeeees loooove it >//////<
taemilkeuuu #10
Chapter 1: at first I confused with both of them lol taemin at least must thinking that minho is princeton leader? kk~ or that I missed sone sentence so that I don't realized kk~ but it s adorableeeeee... I like ur fics, so detail and just adorable all of it :)) I'm sorry I don't leave comments on each of ur masterpiece but I left some in my favoritess hehe